Self-education - free course from 4brain, training 30 days, Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Education - it will not be an exaggeration to say that in this word people of different eras and times saw not only the knowledge that one receives people in schools, institutes, universities and other educational institutions, but found joy, spiritual joy and even meaning in him life.
Naturally, obtaining an education is necessary, because this is why educational institutions have been created and educational programs are provided. But can we answer the question of whether we have enough of the foundation contained in secondary and even higher education in the affirmative?
Of course, for many people this may be quite enough - if they have enough of a diploma, some kind of work (and not necessarily work in the specialty), a small income, an average positions; if they are content with a standard work week, social package and apparent stability. However, there is another category of people - people striving for constant personal and professional development, self-improvement and improving the quality of life, tireless career advancement, increasing income levels, achieving fantastic goals; people who “upgrade” themselves and their lives, who know no boundaries and limits, who reject restrictions, frameworks and stereotypes.
And can the usual educational system give such people what they need? The answer is obvious - of course not. For this reason, they choose for themselves a more difficult, but more interesting path in life - self-education.
Self-education is a trend of our time and the future. But even today, finding decent material that would fully reveal all the subtleties and “pitfalls” of this process costs a lot of work, which is why more often people spend hundreds of hours and billions of neuron impulses to develop at least some kind of system for independent acquisition of knowledge that would be effective and provide tangible result. This gave us the idea of creating self-education training. The result is a great resource that covers the basics of self-study that you can use right now.
This course will tell you, first of all, what self-education is, what its foundations are, what features it is characterized by and what it includes. Each self-education lesson covers a separate topic, thanks to which you can clearly understand for yourself what methods and means of self-education exist, what its goals and objectives are. You will learn how an individual self-education plan is developed, what skills can be used for this useful, how to achieve increased personal effectiveness, development of creative, personal and professional qualities.
We will also talk about what ways of self-education exist. And given the fact that self-study and self-education of an individual in general always require involvement in activities third-party materials, we will also look at some self-education materials that will provide you with significant support at work.
We can assure you that after completing this training, personal, professional, creative and intellectual self-improvement through your own efforts you will guaranteed. This is also facilitated by the fact that the training provides a huge number of practical exercises, methods, tips and recommendations. The training itself will be useful to any person for whom personal growth is important, from a student to a manager, teacher and businessman.
And if you want to understand the topic in as much detail as possible, sign up for our “Best Self-Education Techniques” program.
And now let's talk about the main thing.
What is self-education?
One of the signs of a truly thinking and developing person who strives to understand himself and his surroundings of the world and its phenomena is the desire to gain new knowledge, skills, experience, and expand one’s borders and horizons. And if we take as an example traditional education, where there is a teacher, and compare it with independent education, where there is none, then the second will be much more effective than the first. But here the question naturally arises: “Why is this so?”
The fact is that the knowledge that a person has acquired independently, the skills that he has mastered himself, the experience that he has gained through his actions, successes and mistakes - all this is priceless and integrated into his personality - becomes part of him nature. Absolutely everything that a person was able to achieve on his own is much better imprinted in his memory, and also transforms his personality and transfers theoretical knowledge to a practical plane.
Self-education - this is a form of individual human activity that is motivated by his own professional and personal interests and needs and is aimed at acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities and their improvement, as well as at developing and improving the qualities of their personality. Self-education is an integral part of the life and activities of a developing person.
Even if you go to advanced training courses or sign up for some kind of training, this is not yet (or no longer) self-education, because by studying on your own, you exclusively choose the area you want to master, and then you also independently create a training plan and follow it the way you want as you please.
The main and main motivating force in the process of self-education is not some external factor, reason or influence, but only the internal need of a person - it is thanks to this that self-education is so effective.
The uniqueness of the knowledge obtained through this method lies, first of all, in the fact that a person completely passes it through himself and makes it a part of his life. The subject here can be anything, for example, human psychology, foreign languages, improving memory, speed reading, public speaking, logical thinking and much more, including making crossword puzzles and playing the violin.
From a psychological point of view, the effectiveness of self-education is very, very simple to explain: what a person gets on his own is not important, knowledge, money, fame, success or material objects, he values much more than what he received without any effort. For the same reason, you want to implement and apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired on your own as soon as possible, and our training, in fact, is designed for this.
Self-education in practice
As we understand, if you are already reading the introductory lesson to the self-education training, it means that you have a need to gain knowledge through independent research. Accordingly, the question “Where to start?” you probably have one.
By and large, practical recommendations on the topic of independent learning are recommendations in the full sense, because program of classes, their form, sequence, etc. - this is your personal business. However, before you start, you must certainly set a goal for yourself - why are you doing all this? Otherwise, your efforts may be in vain.
The purpose of self-education may be:
- Ensuring the continuity and consistency of your activities to acquire new knowledge and skills
- Maximum consideration of one’s individual characteristics and cognitive needs in the learning process
- Solving assigned tasks at a convenient time, without compromising other activities
In the practice of everyday life, the idea of professional and personal growth without self-education simply cannot be realized. According to sociologists, along with the development of personality, activity develops into amateur performance, development becomes self-development, and education becomes self-education. And self-education in this context should be interpreted as a person’s own activity aimed at revealing and enriching one’s own needs of a personal, professional, creative and spiritual nature, as well as for the maximum and comprehensive disclosure of one’s potential.
The main characteristics of self-education are independence, continuity, discipline, dedication, and focus on results. In addition, self-education is a process that does not last for a specific period of time, but the whole life of a person, if he shows a keen interest in everything that is outside of him and what is happening inside him. Otherwise, personal growth and development become much more difficult or stop altogether.
If you master self-learning skills and apply them systematically and regularly to reinforce them, you can become not only more educated, an erudite and informed person, but also a stronger personality in general, thanks to which you can give a head start to both intellectuals and people who have two or even three higher education. But the main thing is that you will be able to self-actualize, achieve your goals and implement the most daring plans and ideas.
It will also not be superfluous to note that any of your actions aimed at obtaining new knowledge, mastering new skills, or obtaining information of interest is already self-education. Note: after hearing a conversation on an interesting topic between strangers, you come home and look for what interests you on the Internet; If you can’t cope with some functions at work, you turn to the Charter or job description responsibilities, etc. But such self-education is “small-town”, unsystematized and ineffective. If you are deeply interested in how to make it high-quality and productive, you have a great opportunity to do it today. And don’t doubt it – you can do it, because here, as elsewhere in life, everything is in your hands.
How to learn this?
There is no doubt that someone has a thirst for knowledge from an early age - they look at encyclopedias and atlases, solve crosswords, read a lot and watch educational programs. It is somewhat easier for such people to systematize the process of self-education than for those whose self-discipline is “lame” and who have to do things to themselves. an effort to take up a book or a note, in which the predominant desire is for a pleasant pastime, rather than for working on oneself and moving along the path development. But this does not mean that the former are better than the latter, and that the latter’s path to success is “forbidden”, because a person is capable of enormous achievements, especially if he really wants something. You are quite capable of mastering the secrets of self-education, no matter what your character traits are or how strong your will is. etc., and without anyone’s active help and support - on their own and through their own efforts, which, by the way, is what this training is designed for.
In the process of mastering the material, you will encounter two components - theoretical and practical:
The theoretical component will be represented by a knowledge base that requires comprehension and assimilation at the mental level.
The practical component will be represented by exercises, methods, techniques and recommendations that require application at the practice level - in ordinary everyday life.
Based on this, we want to protect you from making the mistake that people often make when studying any valuable materials. This mistake lies in the fact that absolutely all information remains just information and does not find application, although it should be used for its intended purpose. This is partly the fault of the compilers and authors, because... they present knowledge in such a way that it is difficult to translate it into practical flatness, and partly those who absorb this knowledge, because they either don’t understand how or simply don’t want to start actions.
Our “Self-Education” training was created with this in mind. Its goal is not a continuous flow of theoretical information or difficult-to-understand and apply techniques, but a clear explanation of how to build the process of independent education, and clearly presented methods for applications. In addition, all this is presented in such a way that the reader does not lose motivation, but, on the contrary, retains the desire to study the material and use it as soon as possible.
How to take classes?
The knowledge that is available to you from our training is maximally adapted for practical use and can be used by anyone. But we always emphasize that in any training, as in any business, the transition from receiving information and thinking about it to practice is fundamental. Yes, you yourself understand perfectly well that you can re-read a thousand textbooks, articles and smart books, you can go through dozens trainings, but remain in the same place if everything newly learned and gleaned is not used in practice - in life.
So how do you go about the training?
You can distribute each lesson over several periods. For example, you can create the following schedule for yourself: study one lesson over three days: day 1 – reading the material, day 2 – understanding what you read, day 3 – practicing what you have learned. Then one day of rest and then learning a new lesson. It turns out that you can study two lessons in a week and the entire course in about three weeks, because... days of rest and activities will shift forward.
Always remember that lessons need not just be studied, but carefully studied in order to understand the meaning of what is written. And it is important to make the exercises and techniques that become available to you part of your everyday life so that they become established. A single success is not yet an indicator. The indicator is systematic success.
Over time, your life will no longer be possible without self-education - the desire to learn something new will constantly transform into actions, and given that you will already be taught by experience, studying any subject that interests you will be easy and exciting.