“Inventory of agricultural and soil data and vectorization of large-scale soil maps” - course 15,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 04, 2023
Program volume (academic hours): 72 hours (24 classroom hours)
Form of study: full-time, distance learning
Dates of classes: as groups are recruited (small groups, from 5 people)
Admission requirements: higher professional education or secondary specialized education
Program Manager: Oleg Modestovich Golozubov, Email: [email protected], tel.8(495)939-55-87
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8(495)939-22-33
If necessary, the program can be adapted to the customer’s requirements - expanded, removed, or the necessary topics added to the curriculum of the additional education program
Who will benefit from this course?
This course will be useful to anyone who wants to master modern methods of inventory of agricultural and soil data and vectorization of large-scale soil maps. For those who are interested in applying methods for digitizing archival soil maps and thematic cartograms based on current materials of remote sensing of the Earth using modern software in its work.
What will you learn?
This course will teach you about the major proprietary and free geographic information systems used in soil mapping and land management. You will learn the important characteristics and principles of using Earth remote sensing data from various sources for solving problems of georeference and subsequent correction of archival soil kart. You will gain skills in working with common geographic information systems for the tasks of digitizing soil and cartographic materials.
In what format are classes held?
The lecture part precedes practical classes, in which, having gained experience working with archival soil-cartographic materials, Earth remote sensing data and modern software, you will create your own unique GIS project.