Technology Fusion Drive, Apple presented as a solution to a combination of SSDs and speed roominess classic hard drives on hard magnetic plates, has caused a strong interest in the community users. Naturally, many people wanted a miracle on your current Mac. We have already written about, what it is and is not a Fusion DriveBut briefly repeat: this is a technology that at the operating system converts the SSD and HDD drives into a single that the data which are stored on the faster SSD or HDD capacious, depending on the frequency of recourse to these data.
Developer Patrick Stein also conducted an experiment, during which he managed to gash Fusion Drive on your Mac Pro. He used a 120 GB SSD drive and connected via USB 750 GB HDD, moreover HDD USB connection has been made exclusively for a clearer comparison of the read and write speed.
During the experiment, the data written to the SSD, and then fill it to the HDD. When selective accessing the recorded data on the HDD, Patrick watched as the data is moved to the SSD. The data rewriting system back to the HDD. As soon as an appeal to the data it became more frequent, the system moves it to the SSD. All manipulations were performed on OS X 10.8.2.
For those who wish to learn more about the technical details Fusion Drive operation set-up process on the Mac of old, be sure to check blog Developer.