Management of a medical facility/commercial clinic. Advanced training - course 65,900 rub. from Moscow Business School, training 48 ac. hours, Date: December 6, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Moscow Business School: comprehensive training for your business
Moscow Business School dates back to 2007 and during this time it has been able to take a leading position in the field of business education. Curricula are developed by domestic and foreign specialists and represent one hundred percent thematic coverage. In addition, the dynamics of the requirements of the business environment and educational programs for 2022-2023 are taken into account. formed on the basis of an analysis of current market development trends. We pay great attention to the implementation and development of online learning in all programs and areas, which will allow you to obtain the necessary business knowledge remotely.
We offer you:
- MBA (Master of Business Administration) training for entrepreneurs, executives and middle and senior managers;
- mini-MBA training that retains the advantages and benefits of modern management education and is strictly focused on practical solutions;
- professional training for specialists in accordance with the requirements of the Professional Standard;
- In-person and online business seminars, trainings and advanced training courses that allow you to obtain relevant and in-demand knowledge in various industries.
- Corporate programs are created individually by our specialists and adapted to the goals and objectives of a specific business.
- Moscow Business School teachers are highly qualified specialists in the relevant market sectors. They have practical experience and have the latest knowledge in their subject area.
Professional experience
2021 - present V. — Network of dental clinics “Doctor Keller”, managing partner (CEO)
2014–2021 — Dentistry “President”, head of a group of network clinics (more than 30 clinics)
2009–2013 — Denti Clinic LLC, General Director
2007–2009 — Art Clinic LLC, General Director
Professional competencies
Creating a patient flow in a medical center
Development of a clinic development strategy
Opening of new clinics
Analysis of current activities and activities to achieve the required indicators
Selection and training of key employees
Development of a KPI system for clinic managers and line staff
Development and implementation of a marketing strategy
Building a sales system for clinic services
Development of a methodology for monitoring key clinical indicators and managing development
Construction of a management system for sales, marketing and quality control of medical services
Strategic management of medical institutions
Anti-crisis management of medical clinics
Teaching activities
Orto Consulting, director, author and presenter of the course on the topic “Marketing system in the clinic”
Speeches and publications
Author of numerous publications on medical marketing and management
Regular guest and invited speaker at specialized conferences, including Synergy Executive Forum, Synergy online forum, Club of effective managers in dentistry and aesthetic medicine and many others
Member of the expert council of Zabota 2.0
2006 - First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology
2004 - First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, Faculty of Medicine, Medicine
Day 1
Market for the provision of medical services
- The medical services market in the light of current forecast and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation
- The origins of the specifics of the medical business. Medical risks and consumer psychology. Features of the client base in commercial medicine
- Marketing in commercial medicine - features. Moral and ethical aspects of medical marketing. The role of marketing in interaction with the “gray market” for the provision of services. Competitors or partners?
- Main players. State-municipal, departmental, commercial. Gray market for medical services. Competitive field and competitive environment. Main development trends
- Basic “survival mechanisms” of commercial clinics. Competitive advantages of commercial clinics over state-municipal and departmental ones
- Basic business models. Monopathology clinics. Multidisciplinary outpatient clinics. Hospitals in commercial practice. Features of commercial hospitals. Features of promotion and profitability. Market segmentation by price range. Quality of medical care, qualifications of medical personnel and price range. Ethical considerations
- Medical networks of non-state ownership. Features of a network organization. Centralized and decentralized networks. Mono- and multi-profile. Degree of centralization and management responsibility for revenue. The attractiveness of the network format for insurance companies
Workshop “Preparation of a planned meeting to increase revenue in the summer months”
Features of managing a commercial clinic. Control circuits
- Arrangement of TOP management and division of areas of responsibility. Construction of a multi-channel production controlling system
IT project for a commercial health care facility
- Purpose of building the project
- Tasks
- Possibilities
- Methodology for construction when launching health care facilities. Software selection. Selection and training of personnel. Selection and training of medical personnel. Regulation of work within the IT project
- Start-up method in a working health facility. Features of the mentality of medical personnel. Motivation and demotivation
- Medical database. Legal and technical aspects of security. Regulation of work with the database
- Paper document flow and IT project of healthcare facilities. Internal regulation of document flow
- Economic efficiency of an IT project
- Are there any alternatives
Day 2
Commercial activities of the medical center
Commercial service. Ensuring commercial activities
- The concept of a program as the main type of product. The program as a means of generating revenue and as a marketing tool. Types of programs
Software products for individuals. Types of programs. Formation. Pricing. Marketing
- Annual attachment programs. Formation of an annual attachment program. Pricing. Price and content. Underwriting methods in the practice of health care facilities
- The concept of profitability of a single program and the entire pool. Economic and production feasibility of working on our own annual attachment programs
- Interaction between commercial and medical services in the struggle for profitability of activities under their own attachment programs
- Commercial activities selling your own attachment programs
- Sales department. Functional. Formation of a client base and work with it. The problem of “Unnecessary client”. Filtering disloyal database. Working with a negative segment of the database
- Methods for terminating contracts for annual attachment according to programs
- Price policy
- The role of the image of health care facilities in the formation of the sales structure of their own software products. Selling your own attachment programs. Agent networks. Possibility of using an “agency mechanism” to withdraw funds from the company. Features of building a sales system. Sales channels. Working with the client base
Nosological programs as a special and primarily marketing phenomenon
- Nosological program as a mechanism for forming a cross-selling system
- Features of sales of nosological programs
- The chain “Price - discount - seller’s commission - bonus payments to staff” - what’s left?
- The feasibility of activities in nosological programs
- Marketing aspect of nosological programs - the concept of “functional centers” in the clinic and their promotion
Workshop “Drawing up a service program for the elderly “Our Parents” or drawing up a pediatric program”
Commercial activities within the framework of voluntary health insurance
- The concept of the voluntary health insurance program as such. The concept of an insured event in medicine. Form of payment. Payment upon delivery. Prepayment, financial and legal risks of the prepaid model. “Deposit forms”: convenience and financial risks when working with “deposit” agreements. Peculiarities of working under “deposit” agreements in the VIP segment
- The concept of the voluntary health insurance program for adults
- The concept of the voluntary health insurance program for children. Decreed component. Temporary component. Profitability. Financial risks
- Algorithm for building a business process depending on the form of payment
- Features of the VHI contingent of insurance companies. The origins of conflict when working through a guarantor-intermediary. Production risks
- Planning and implementation of work with the insurance company. Commercial service functionality. Basic principles of pricing policy when working with insurance companies. Methods for resolving conflict situations. Long-term planning. Guarantees of price stabilization. Pros and cons of "futures contracts". Trends in recent years in the voluntary health insurance market. “Receipt fixation” as an option to return to prepaid schemes
- Formation of the audience’s primary request as a competitive advantage in the voluntary health insurance market
Commercial activities involving the provision of one-time services to individuals (“cash desk”)
- What do we sell? — Health and (or) life. Consumer psychology in medicine. Price perception
- Peculiarities of working with the “upgrade” price list. Increasing the price list depending on the specifics of the business (focus on the primary or repeat client)
- Mechanism for making decisions about purchasing a medical service
- Situational game “Making a decision to purchase an expensive medical service”
- Methodology for “accompanying” the patient through the decision-making and purchasing process
- Organization of the payment process. Situational game “Payment for medical services in a paid department of a state health care facility”
- Seasonal fluctuations and advertising budget
- Cash flow management. “Cashier” or your own attachment programs?
- Discount as a marketing tool in medicine. Peculiarities of discount perception in the medical business. Information support for discounts. Discount cost. Discount programs in medicine. Their perception and effectiveness. Areas of use
Day 3
Basic business processes in a commercial health care facility. Regulation of activities and control points
- The business process of providing assistance to the main contingents: individuals, clients of insurance companies with payment upon delivery, clients of insurance companies with prepaid, advance forms. Level of expectations. Conflict. Features of attraction depending on the reputation of the health care facility. Profitability level. Dependence on marketing activity. Cost of revenue. Fluctuations in turnover
- Treatment and diagnostic process. Regulation of activities. Performance criteria. Quality control of medical care as a medical process itself. Quality control as a source of criteria for rating medical personnel. Relationship between the RCMP and the wage system. Features of quality control and examination in a commercial healthcare facility
- Schedule of doctors' appointments. Basic requirements for scheduling from a commercial point of view
- Methods of working with scheduling with a large flow of patients. “Floating modules” as a tool for ensuring maximum utilization of healthcare facilities and maximum financial return on space and personnel
- Methodology for working with a catastrophically increasing flow (epidemic rise in morbidity)
The concept of the service component of medical care. Technologies. Controlling
- Service component of medical care. Service management tools. Hall management technologies
- Service management in a separate health care facility. Mechanisms for ensuring the proper level of service in health care facilities
- Building a service department. Service standards. Service management on the network. Network standards. Regulations on the service as the basis for constructing service work in a single health care facility and in the network
- Fullness of standards. Internal control. External control
- Service in the work of non-medical personnel
- Service in the work of medical personnel. Medical staff's perception of the concept of service. What is a service in a doctor’s work and what is a professional activity?
- The volume of the service component depending on the price segment. The principle of the necessary minimum
- VIP service. Technologies. Organization. VIP assistance as a business model
- The use of VIP technologies in the daily work of business-range healthcare facilities
- VIP technologies as a marketing tool
Workshop “Formation of Regulations on the service department of a commercial clinic”
Basic business processes of the hospital
- Client and hospital. Sales techniques in hospitals. Internal advertising. Carriers. The role of the doctor
- Distribution of roles of medical personnel in the organization of sales in a hospital. The concept of a leading specialist and his role in sales organization
Claims management as one of the foundations for creating the attractiveness of healthcare facilities on the market
- Claims management as part of risk management. Claims management and quality control of the medical component. Claims management and quality control of the service component
- Types of claims. Classification. Business processes for recording claims, responding, resolving, accounting
- Analysis of claims regarding the quality of medical supplies. Claims fatal and non-fatal. Objectification of the claim. Validity. Practices of internal investigation. The Institute of Medical Commission as a tool of objectification. Legal aspects of supporting a claim for the quality of a medical component
- Claims about the quality of the service component. Objectification technique. Methodology for handling a service complaint
- Risk component in claims activities. Compliance of the organization of the institution’s work with regulatory documents as the basis for resistance to inspections. Resistance to audits as a key factor in claims work
Workshop “Responding to a complaint about the quality of medical care”
Anti-conflict management
- Fundamentals of clinical conflictology. Medical aspects of the formation of conflict
- Types of conflicts. The main causes of conflicts. Service as the main way to prevent conflict
- Image management of healthcare facilities. Visual perception. Tactile perception. Sound accompaniment. The role of staff in forming an impression of an institution. Image management as a component of anti-conflict management
- Conflict resolution techniques
- The dependence of the success of conflict resolution on the preparedness of personnel
- Administrative resource and its role in conflict resolution
- Levels of conflict resolution: receptionist - hall manager - doctor - head of department - administration
- Features of working with an affective patient
Day 4
Marketing and medical and economic efficiency of health care facilities
- Assessment of medical and economic effectiveness. Services and revenue. Concept of production chain
- Staff. Groups depending on the impact on revenue. Dependent personnel. Dependent divisions
- Financial efficiency of a doctor’s activities
- The concept of working out the primary flow
- The concept of repeated appeal depending on the type of assistance provided
- Financial and marketing efficiency of working with repeated flow, depending on the nature of the activities of health care facilities or departments
- Conditions for financial efficiency
- Conditions for effectively working out increased customer flow in the context of marketing activity
- Control parameters and organizational implications
Sources of image losses and marketing failures: working “for one’s pocket” and “withdrawing the contingent”
- Withdrawal of the contingent. Conditions for the withdrawal of the contingent. Including objective ones and those created by the administration. Prevention. Diagnostics. "Treatment"
- Organized troop withdrawal schemes
- Recruitment of the contingent by specialty: massage, manual therapy, psychotherapy, manipulative doctors
- Administrative, financial and organizational methods of combating the withdrawal of troops
- Work for your pocket. Ethical moment. Image losses. Working for one's pocket is like stealing. Manipulating the schedule to clear appointment times. Techniques for bringing the patient “into your pocket.” Medical and economic controlling as a source of information about financial fraud
Features of marketing in medicine. Marketing and image of healthcare facilities
- Ethical aspects in medical marketing
- The role of service in creating the image of health care facilities
- The role of anti-conflict management in creating the image of health care facilities
Marketing analysis
- Medical concept of healthcare facilities. Range of services provided, capacity (throughput), accessibility (recording depth), equipment, number of doctors and their qualifications
- Localization. Characteristics of the location area. Transport accessibility, age composition of the population, solvency of the population as individuals, availability of services in terms of waiting time. Competitive environment of health care facilities. Institutions providing similar services
- Determination of competitive advantages and “weak points” of competitiveness
- Target designation
- Marketing (grocery) tools - third party specialist
- Marketing concept. Tasks. Tools suitable for the task
- Determining the duration of marketing impact
- Creating a Marketing Plan
- Creating a Marketing Budget
- Definition of performance criteria
- Introduction to Marketing Material “Control Points”
- Determining the timing of exit from the project
- Determining the overall financial efficiency of the project
- The place of production units in the effectiveness of a marketing project
- Types of Marketing Tools. Event marketing and its synchronization with the production cycle
- The role of indirect marketing and PR activity of the institution in attracting clients and creating the image of health care facilities
- Interaction with the media as a method of indirect advertising and PR activity
- Building work with the media. Rules of the game. Conditions
Workshop “Marketing analysis of a startup project for a children’s clinic in an enclave area”
Gray market for medical services. Basic concepts. Methods of interaction. Marketing activity in a gray market environment
- Historical aspect of formation
- Market features: volumes. Price-list. Sales techniques. Methods of mutual settlements between market participants
- Gray market in hospital. Centralized and “corvee- quit-rent” schemes
- Gray market in outpatient healthcare facilities. Centralized and “corvee- quit-rent” schemes
- Gray market in outpatient home practice
- Working with the gray market to attract clients. Rules of the game on the gray market
- Prevention of the formation of gray market elements in subordinate health care facilities
Day 5
Budgeting and financial analysis
- Financial and economic services of commercial health care facilities, their functions and relationships
- Financial director and chief accountant, features of task distribution and functionality
- Audit is external and internal, mandatory and proactive. Which auditors cannot conduct an audit?
- Fundamentals of management accounting. Types of costs in management accounting
Workshop “Calculation of break-even points”
- Cost of services and advance medical care programs. 6 calculation steps
- Assessing the performance of departments. Financial structure, financial responsibility centers
- Institute of Budgeting. Types of budgets, their role in the economic activities of health care facilities
Workshop “Calculating the budget of income and expenses”
- Budget execution control. Features of control over income and expenditure
- Fundamentals of factor analysis. Flexible budget
Workshop “Calculating a flexible budget”
- Sources of financing for medical institutions
- Investment projects. Assessing the economic efficiency of investment projects
Workshop “Evaluation of investment projects using the net present value method”
Day 6
Working with personnel in the medical business
- The place of medical personnel in production processes. Payroll / revenue is the main argument
- Features of professional mentality and management difficulties
- Recruitment and selection of medical personnel. The ratio of personnel according to experience in health care facilities of various forms of ownership. Personnel policy in the regions. Features of personnel policy in Moscow. Forming a team from scratch. Methodology. The concept of “starting group”. The concept of a “value system”. Transparency of the production process and totality of control as prevention of violations
- Initial preparation and training of medical personnel (medical, nursing, interface service personnel)
- Adaptation of medical staff
- Planned training according to the needs of health care facilities
- Assessing the effectiveness of health workers. Medical component and service component. Commercial efficiency. “Commercial” and “non-profit” doctors and the problem of proper placement and loading of medical personnel
Economic efficiency of a doctor, department, health care facility as a whole
- Cost of services provided and profitability of health care facilities
- Methods for calculating costs based on “imputed stable costs” as a way of orientation in the financial and economic aspects of the activities of health care facilities
- Cost of revenue and formation of the wage fund. Payroll profitability
- Doctor's profitability
- Office profitability
- Profitability of independent and dependent divisions
- Profitability of the clinic office
- Hospital profitability. Cost of a bed - calculation options. Bed as a point of revenue generation in a hospital
- Operating unit. Permanent staff of the operating unit. Work organization. Factors determining the capacity of the operating unit. Interaction between the operating unit and the hospital in postoperative patient care
Remuneration system and motivation system in medicine. Sales motivation. Doctors and sales
- The essence of motivational management. Conditions for the effectiveness of the motivation system (five postulates)
- The KPI system as a basis for understanding the construction of a motivation system
- TOP management motivation system. Key indicators. Quantitative, qualitative. Digitization of quality. Control points. The number of indicators and the weight of each. Calculation of gradations of payments. Payment terms. Liquidation indicators. Drawing up an additional agreement to an employment contract
- Motivation and stimulation of personnel of commercial health care facilities. Top management. Line management. "Average AUP". Support staff. Methods of stimulating medical personnel depending on the “portfolio” and focus of the health care facility’s activities
- Motivating medical staff to help. The main mistakes in building a system of motivation for medical staff. Motivation for revenue or “payroll relief”?
- Criteria base in building a motivation system. Production and financial approaches. Ethical aspects in the financial motivation of a doctor to help. The phenomenon of “promotion” and the formation of a negative client base. Quality control of medical care and motivation system for medical personnel
- Anti-conflict management in a team. Controlling and the “transparency” model. The problem of goodwill. Is it possible to buy it for money? Formation of recruiting programs. Moral climate in health care facilities: an end in itself or an impact on revenue
Workshop “Drafting an additional agreement to an employment contract for the head physician of a clinic using a system of key performance indicators (KPI)”
Crisis management in a commercial health care facility. Crisis analysis. Anti-crisis program
- Characteristics of the crisis in a medical organization
- Prevailing development mechanisms - personnel, economic, administrative
- Structural features (specificity) of the crisis in a medical organization
- Analysis of risks (medical (industrial), personnel, legal, administrative) and its indicators in assessing a crisis situation
- Gradations of the crisis according to the main mechanisms of development
- Personnel crisis - origins, formation mechanisms, analysis and anti-crisis measures
- Administrative crisis (management crisis) - analysis of management effectiveness, personal analysis of the effectiveness of management employees, internal conflicts in the TOP management group, rational placement of personnel, team formation and features of the motivation system in management link
- Economic component of the crisis: reasons for inefficiency. Marketing analysis and characteristics of the incoming flow. Primary flow, economic indicators of working with primary flow. Repeated appeal. Repeatability analysis. The economic attractiveness of repeated flow depending on the profile of the healthcare facility or its structural and functional unit. Performance indicators for medical personnel
- Methods and schemes of anti-crisis management in health care facilities. Formation of a program of anti-crisis measures. Program and controlling in anti-crisis. Deferred controlling and indicators of success of anti-crisis measures
Professional retraining (714 hours). Human Resource Management program is accredited. The program provides a systematic understanding of the function of an HR specialist as a strategic business partner, whose task is to provide the company with engaged employees. The training is suitable for students who plan to develop in the HR field to achieve business goals.
Full-time education
This course is for those who have long wanted to learn the nuances of working with personnel, but do not know where to start. During the course you will gain all the skills necessary for successful work as an HR specialist.