Personnel optimization: reducing payroll costs, working with SMZ, safe dismissal - rate 19,890 rubles. from Clerk, training 72 ac. hours, Date: March 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Become not just a personnel officer or accountant, but a specialist who will help your business stay afloat. Increase your value in the eyes of your manager. We will teach methods and methods of personnel savings - everything is within the law.
Labor relations are a very sensitive topic. The rights of the employee are protected by the Labor Code. It sets many requirements and conditions. If the employer unknowingly makes a mistake somewhere, this may threaten him up to and including criminal liability. We will teach you to avoid mistakes.
All methods that we describe in the course have a legal basis. Along the way, you will come across references to regulatory documents.
Our course is recommended for HR employees, chief accountants, accountants performing the functions of HR specialists, directors, business owners, and all those who want to continue their business.
Even if you have not yet encountered economic difficulties, it is necessary to provide for safe escape routes in regulatory documents and contracts in advance.
You'll get detailed instructions, how to save your business in a crisis with the help of bonuses, social benefits and compensation, reduction of working hours, changes in working conditions. Let’s look at working with the self-employed, remote work, and the peculiarities of dismissal.
How the training works
- Watch the lessons and study the topic. You read notes, understand examples, and complete practical tasks.
- Download materials. The authors of the course are preparing a “handout” that you can download for yourself and use in your work.
- Get tested. You can test your knowledge after each lesson an unlimited number of times.
- You receive a certificate. At the end of the course we issue a certificate of advanced training.
What you'll learn:
save on payroll costs within the law
carry out reduction and dismissal procedures
organize remote work
enter into correct contracts with self-employed people
navigate the explanations required for work by Rostrud and the norms of the Labor Code
be able to answer questions from inspectors correctly
1. How to reduce staffing costs quickly
Introduction to the course
How to reduce bonuses and social benefits
How to organize downtime for the benefit of the enterprise
2. We change working conditions or wages due to economic difficulties
How can you save money by changing technological or organizational working conditions?
Saving on salary: what to choose - a salary reduction or vacation at your own expense
Extreme savings through non-payment of wages, its registration and consequences
How much can you save by working part-time?
Test No. 1 HR optimization
3. Reduction of employees, we analyze it inside and out
Justification and preparation of reduction
Proper execution of abbreviations
How much will you have to pay for the reduction?
Test No. 2 HR optimization
4. Proper dismissal of employees
How to carry out the procedure so that there are no lawsuits with former employees later
5. Remote work: when is it beneficial to the company?
Popular work pattern requires special attention
Test No. 3 HR optimization
6. Working with the self-employed
Self-employed: pros and cons. Features of work
Self-employed pension
7. Preparation for the final certification work
Online meeting with an expert