5 important rules of how to give your child pocket money
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Most children receive the first pocket money in 7-8 years, falling into relative independence requiring junior school. But handing the younger child of his first "personal" rubles, parents often allow a number of mistakes, almost completely negates the benefits that might carry a pocket money.
Layfhaker figured out exactly how it is necessary to give "a penny" to the child, to the son or daughter learned to value received and correctly dispose of them.
1. Give the money to deliberately
Giving a small amount with a strict proviso such as "on a bun in the dining room!" Just as bad as handing money without account. In both cases, the child almost no chance to remain self-estimate their own needs. And it definitely does not arise the motivation to rank these needs in terms of priorities. After all, the purpose of the funds or too rigidly defined (no other option other than "bun", the money is not enough) or too vague (relatively speaking, enough for all).
Meanwhile, a key point of pocket money is precisely to teach a child to manage finances -
plan expenditure, Choosing priorities and secondary, make savings. Therefore, each tranche - at least at first, until the child learns to carry out similar calculations self - must be accompanied by the words: "Let's calculate how much money you will need tomorrow and what".During the discussion you and your child find out what pocket money include the following items of expenditure:
- Necessary - is, for example, spending on travel, meals at school, pay other school needs, which will not give up.
- Extra - spending at the junction of the need and pleasure. This cake can be in addition to the school and second soup. Beautiful fountain pen instead of cheaper standard. Buying a new canister instead of the old worn out.
- Savings - it is also an extremely important point. Every child dreams of one or another expensive toy: a new doll, a skateboard, a football. On the example of the savings can be attributed to the baby, how to achieve the dreams and how to accelerate the achievement of this, if you start saving. "If you set aside 10 rubles every day, in 50 days you can buy a doll. But if you set aside for 20 rubles, for example saving on the cake, then buy it within 25 days. "
When a child is aware of what items of expenditure entered in the $ 100 that you are willing to give him to them, the money will be applied to him a tool, not obscure candy wrappers.
2. Give out pocket money every week or month
One of the best ways to learn how to budget - to give pocket money daily, and weekly or even (in the case of teenagers) on a monthly basis. Of course, to this point it is necessary to move long after you are apprised of the cost structure, learning to share expenses for the required and optional.
After receiving a certain amount for the week ahead, the student will have their own priorities, allocating money so that they are enough for basic needs: and, say, the purchase of travel, and to pay for school lunches, and small joy.
Do not be nervous, if it turns out that the child spent the budget too early.
So what happens to many: children only learn money management, so do not make mistakes. The main thing - not to add finance over and above what has already been allocated. For a couple of cash-strapped days nothing bad will happen, but it will be a good lesson.
If the child still remained necessary expenses, money for which there are no more, you can do this: add the amount to the purchase of emergency as if "in debt." Do not forget to warn that subtract that amount from the next tranche.
Rebecca Chicot, a British expert on child development and author of "Calm and happy kid"Always give out pocket money clearly the agreed time, not earlier or later. If you give money to a chaotic and different amounts, it can confuse the child.
3. Demonstrate the value of money
At first, the children receive pocket money "just so". But the older the child becomes, the more important to instill in him the idea: funding - this is not an absolute right, but rather the possibility that in many respects depends on the child.
For example, your student may start each week with a zero balance and earn pocket money by the weekend. "Earnings" may be a fee for home help - but only one that goes beyond the standard duties of children. in his room cleaning fee is not paid, but if the child bring order in the kitchen or in the bathroom, he earns extra 20-30 rubles. Another option is obtaining a "salary" - surcharge for scores above the agreed points. Or Read and retell the book. Or verse composed by a minimum length of 10 lines. Or help with the younger children.
You can choose any suit you with a son or daughter for the additional earnings, setting its dimensions, and reviewing depending on the performance of diligence or other factors. All this will teach the child that the money earned by labor and ingenuity and you can negotiate the level of payment.
4. Show your personal example
Old British proverbDo not bring children, all the same, they will like you. Nurture yourself.
A personal example - one of the best ways to teach your child to manage money. Let the son or daughter can see how you allocate the salary of expenditure: paying a communal, allocate a certain amount of food and clothing. You can attach the child to plan a family vacation: "If we want to go to sea in the summer, we need to delay that's the same amount every month." It also explains the mechanism of buying expensive items and technology - through loans or savings.
5. Encourage charity
Part of the money the child can donate, where it sees fit. From parents is only important to pay attention to this feature, because often children think that too small to be someone to help or participate in some city-wide or nation-wide projects.
Charity helps raise the social responsibility, and she, in turn, increases the level of responsibility of the child as a whole. In the future, it will positively affect the relationship matured and a son or daughter with money and his life in general.