Desktops: Ezhkina Faith, producer of book projects in the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"
Tips Makradar / / December 19, 2019
Dear readers MacRadar! Today, I am pleased to present you our new section of the desktop. In this section we will talk about interesting lyudyah- professionals who use Apple equipment to work, work and life. We will learn what products they use apple company how to apply it in practice, what applications, services and accessories to help them be more productive.
The first hero of our new column - Ezhkina Faith, producer of book projects in the well-known Russian publishing business literature "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber". Let's learn how Apple products are helping her in this unusual field.
Hello, Vera. Tell me, what do you do?
I love my work more and for the fact that virtually every day I communicate with many wonderful people. For example, once we personally handed the book «Pixar Magic" Andrew Stanton, one of the key employees of Pixar (thanks to our partners in the Digital October). And these stories more and more.
What is your desktop?
What technology Apple and for which tasks do you use?
I have a MacBook Pro (2011, 2.7 GHz i7, 8Gb) - a tool for job tasks, and for non-working too. He was heavy, but I am not every day in the office. Plus he has a huge hard drive, which climb all the photos from travels, imuzyka (collection of tracks for dj-sets). Due to the keyboard, only with English keys I once instantly and without any courses to learn touch typing.
On iPads read layout (the publisher often read books before they go out of print), and great articles. On iPads books to read faster, I do not know why.
Due to the large amount of correspondence sometimes answering emails at the same time with the MacBook and aypada, it is faster.
iPhone 4S 32GB. Awful is not enough memory. Ashamed to admit it, because it is still sitting on the old axis. Well, I hope it will soon be updated.
Houses also are AirPort Extreme and Apple TV.
It is high time to update their apple-devices. But when I reflect on the replacement, in the head stand stills of technological dump in some African paper. One shudders to think where all the old gadgets fall, so many of them. While standing at the Apple Store before the brand new iPhones, think about other things at all)
What applications do you use most often?
Things - I almost gave up writing tasks in notebooks, on stickers, and other pieces of paper. All the problem is written here, is formed in the projects. The program will remind you when you need to do. Conveniently.
Application not found
Pages and OmmWriter for texts
Price: Free
Price: 529 rubles
Safari - and for sots.setochek Chrome for work tasks (forgive me fans of Yandex. browser)
Evernote - to record all sorts of things, lists.
Price: Free
Skype - where without it. iTunes - for music.
GoodReader read pdf-file, user-friendly application for word processing (select, draw, send it all to the post office)
Kindle read English books
Price: Free
Books MYTH - a new application with the books "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber". We released it recently (and there are few things you need to finish). But it has a cool feature - the first 15% of any book can be read free of charge. Do not like it - do not buy. There are a few free books. New books appear there before anyone else.
apps read and Listen from liters - you can find a lot of interesting things that happened in other publishing houses
Kiosk - magazines buy only iPads.
Price: Free
Price: Free
DropboxIn which we store the files with the books (yes, the myth of employees have direct access to all the books of the publishing house!)
Price: Free
Built-in e-mail
Google Disk - save when you need something urgently to view Google documents and poppy at hand is not
Price: Free
traktor DJ
Price: 749 rubles
mail and Gmail - everything is clear, the mail - our all
Price: Free
Yandex. Navigator - I bow to all the commando of this application, an incredibly cool thing
Price: Free
Twitter, VC, Facebook messenger— foursquare - look at reviews and pictures of interesting places in Moscow and in other cities where we visited. She write reviews of new coffee shops.
Price: Free
Price: Free
Price: Free
Price: Free
Bookmate - I read a few pages before going to bed. I think it's incredibly cool on the idea of service. That would be another layout of all the books there was good.
Price: Free
Audible - I listen to books on the way to work or before going to bed (only application with audio books, where there is a timer)
AudioMark - lectures with Coursera can download and watch on the plane or manicure :)
LinguaLeo - to write new English words and memorize them
Price: Free
Busuu for learning foreign languages (usually before the trip)
Price: Free
Musical: Soundcloud, 8tracks, RBMAR, Hype Machine and Shazam
Price: Free
Price: Free
For photo processing before use Diptic and SnapseedBut with the advent of Twitter and editor in VC, almost I do not use them.
Price: Free
ABBYY BCR - for the processing and storage of contacts with business cards
Price: 4490 rubles
Buy a loaf - a great app for trips to the supermarket
Price: Free
Poster and Poster of the best in Moscow - Overview of interesting places and events
Price: Free
Headspace - application for meditation. Now several podzabrosila, but after reading the book Zen Entrepreneurship begins anew.
Price: Free
The iPhone, oddly enough, I write down all my thoughts in built-in notebook.
Vera, tell us about the accessories that you use in conjunction with Apple technology?
I'm a big fan of gadgets that can be synchronized with the iPhone. In my house I have a perfect opportunity for all will synchronize to it. Let you still will not tell me about the consequences of such synchronization.
Right now I have:
- nike FuelBand - the first six months, I was delighted with the bracelet. Then he began to be synchronized through time, and generally fed up. Bracelet wide enough, and it is not always comfortable to wear. A recently issued a message that needs to be replaced :( On this basis, thinking about buying a Jawbone Up and Fitbit.
- Withings - steep scales and applications for them. Builds weight charts, I like to watch the statistics.
- Philipps Hue - when I saw the first movie about these bulbs, I immediately decided to buy them. An ingenious solution to our long dark nights Hue help to wake up.
- Mostly the speakers JBL
- Case for aypada Jison Smart CoverA year strongly Easterly corners aypad began to fall
- Backpack, I can not remember the name, usually take a trip. Pleases me every time his soft fur lining in the pocket for a laptop)
How do you deal with Apple technology? That she gave you as a whole, it simplifies your workflow and life?
Once I drowned iPhone remained without day 4. And then he realized that the iPhone - my true companion that can hoo how many. That live and work and have fun with it comfortably, and without it there is no life.
Apple Appliances wonderful details that make it easier to work. For example, setting up an office printer Sony Vaio was torture. Printers have changed, the network changed, and each time the setting took a monstrous amount of time. Now print the document takes 3 seconds: Mac himself finds the printer on the network, no nerves and loss of time.
Now print the document takes 3 seconds: Mac himself finds the printer on the network, no nerves and loss of time.
Those screenshots of the screen on the Cmd + Shift + 4 - a handy thing, always use. The default poppy is that in Windows you need to configure or download separately.
It was such an ode to Apple, but should I ever had to thank them. Thanks!
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