Preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in mathematics for high scores - course 4290 rubles. from 99 points, training 10 webinars, Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
How are our classes going?
- Classes are held online
If you take the Unified State Exam, then you will receive 10 webinars per month lasting from 1.5 to 2 hours.
And if you take the OGE, then 8 webinars per month lasting 1.5 hours.
- Unique two-level homework
All tasks are created personally by our teachers together with USE and OGE experts.
And the hints that are present in each task will tell you how to find the answer to a particular task.
- Educational platform
We have developed our own platform for the highest quality learning process:
Study from both your laptop and your phone;
Use our bank of tasks (solve hundreds of different versions of the Unified State Examination and the General Examination in all subjects);
Get absolutely all the information in one place;
Ask any questions to your supervisor;
- Automatic check of two-level remote sensing
After the lesson, each student receives homework, which is checked automatically. This makes it possible to quickly find out the result and understand your shortcomings. The most important thing is that if you have any questions, a curator will immediately come to your aid to individually analyze your mistake. In this case, the probability of making a mistake again approaches zero.
- Online schedule
Each webinar has its own time codes so that the student can quickly find the necessary fragment of the lesson. Moreover, the educational platform has a convenient online schedule, where you can find all your classes in one place and definitely won’t miss a lesson. And if you do forget, the platform will definitely remind you of upcoming webinars.
- Ability to solve USE/OGE options and automatically check them
In addition to studying theory, the key to success is regular practice. That is why on the platform you can solve the version of the Unified State Exam or the Unified State Exam created by our teachers at any time. The student receives the result immediately, and comments on the assignment will help to sort out all the mistakes. In addition, we pay great attention to the relevance of tasks, which is why the bank of tasks is replenished daily.
- A curator who will always help you
Write to the curator
Each student has a personal tutor - curator
The curator is always in touch! He will answer any question, personally discuss with the student even the most difficult task, and most importantly, he will explain the principle of its solution.
- Personal manager is your friend
The curator is always in touch! He will answer any question, personally discuss with the student even the most difficult task, and most importantly, he will explain the principle of its solution.
Personal manager is a personal assistant who accompanies the student at “99 points” and helps with a variety of issues