Organization of entrepreneurial activity - course 39,000 rubles. from Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov, training 1 month, Date: December 3, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Training. The program volume is 16 hours. The program of this video course is aimed at studying innovative methods and effective methods of business transformation based on ESG principles, in demand both in large and medium-sized Russian companies, Russian representative offices of international companies, government organizations sector, development institutions, public, business and professional associations, consulting, rating, expert and research agencies.
Professional retraining and mini-MBA. The volume of the program is 554 hours. The program will allow you to form a comprehensive understanding of the role, place, functions and tools of the latest digital information and communication technologies for performing professional activities in the field of business process management, conducting business analytics and implementing Internet projects based on the received system knowledge. The program is held in a full-time format.
Full-time education
Depending on the specifics of the business and the subject of the agreement (contract), economic security has its own characteristics. It is important for the company, and it must be ensured at all stages, from the selection of counterparties to the claim work. The tasks of economic security are solved not only by the security service - these tasks fall on the shoulders of many company officials: risk managers, lawyers, auditors, compliance managers and others executives. The seminar will be of interest to everyone who is entrusted with the tasks of economic security as an integral part of the business protection system. At the seminar you will consider practical solutions to protect contract work from threats and economic risks, both external and internal. Also, the participants of the seminar will be offered ready-made algorithms of actions and forms (samples) of the necessary regulatory documents. The course content may be adjusted taking into account the current economic situation. All issues are considered in the context of emergency circumstances, including those caused by international sanctions.