Problems with the new line of 27-inch iMac computers continue to plague users. Now to the flashing screen was added also its yellowness, it is not known what caused. It is interesting that Apple is aware of the problem, but solve it in favor of consumers has not yet been collected. Even more than that: the company's management encourages employees to convince people that the color variations for LCD-displays - is the norm.
The problem applies only to 27-inch models, and comes down to the fact that the band look more yellow in the bottom of the screen. The problem is quite common - in the appropriate topic on the MacRumors forum already 50 pages of discussion (1200+ responses).
At the disposal of the blog Gizmodo It was released by Apple instruction, which require employees to explain the variation in color LCD-display features. In this case, it is prohibited to directly try to repair or replace computers. C customers who persevere and leave contact details, Apple is going to reach 3 weeks. The remaining customers will be able or later again turn to Apple for the solution to the problem, or get the money spent.
But one of iMac users in testing the color temperature to rectify with a yellow screen problem, and, quite by accident. According to him, the screen color of yellow - the result of improper installation (or displacement during transport) panel which is used to dissipate the LED-backlit LCD panel. This shield must be positioned completely smoothly, and it should not be defects. Otherwise it will lead to the appearance of yellow lines and angles on the display. And that after the removal of the back and correct installation of the monitor panel iMac this user began working absolutely fine.