Once a non-profit, and unpopular, Apple after returning to her founder Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) has not only taken a very strong position in the market for computer and mobile devices. According to statistics, today Apple has bypassed its competitors Microsoft and Intel.
writes MacDailyNews, The securities market closing on Friday, the total market value of Apple to $ 317.6 billion. The market value of Intel and Microsoft (or Wintel, from Windows and Intel) taken together was at the same time lower - $ 316.8 billion. Although the difference in these numbers are small, we should not forget that the $ 316.8 billion - is the total cost of the two IT-giants, and it is almost a billion less than the cost of Apple.
Rise and Apple's success is well deserved and expected. Especially fun to look back and remember how 13 years ago he, Bill Gates (Bill Gates) rashly remarked: "I can not understand why he [Steve Jobs] is so eager to lead Apple. He knows that he would never overtake us. " However, companies do not relax and rest on our laurels, because competitors still virtually no lag, just breathe in the back. The main thing that is not so spectacular rise has led to an equally rapid decline.