Logistics manager (warehousing) - course RUB 32,990. from Specialist, training 40 academic hours, date: May 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Warehouse Logistics – one of the most popular areas of logistics. During the classes you will acquire basic skills in the field of material flow management in a modern warehouse. Get an idea of modern views on warehouse logistics, learn about the requirements of existing legislation for organizing warehouse activities. You will learn methods used to optimize production processes occurring in a warehouse. You will be able to consolidate your acquired knowledge with practical examples.
The course examines in detail all the processes occurring in the warehouse and methods for optimizing them.
The organization of warehouse accounting, document flow of the warehouse, and the procedure for conducting inventory are also considered.
The course is intended for logistics managers, accounting specialists, transport and warehousing workers.
You will learn:
- calculate the main indicators of warehouse production activity;
- calculate the parameters of the main warehouse premises;
- organize storage of various types of material assets;
- conduct ABC analysis to develop solutions to optimize warehouse stocks and placement of materials in various storage areas;
- select technological equipment for organizing production processes in the warehouse;
- build effective material flow diagrams in the enterprise warehouse;
- solve problems related to organizing the work of warehouse personnel;
- organize and conduct an inventory of material assets.
Expert practitioner in the field of logistics and foreign trade activities. Certified 1C: Professional in “Trade Management 11”. More than 23 years of experience. In recent years, he has led the logistics department in leading holding structures - industry leaders:...
Expert practitioner in the field of logistics and foreign trade activities. Certified 1C: Professional in “Trade Management 11”. More than 23 years of experience. In recent years, he has led the logistics department in leading holding structures - industry leaders: the ABSOLUTE group of companies and ELKO GROUP. Managed a department with more than 500 employees. The area of responsibility included transport and warehouse infrastructure in Germany, Finland and Russia, and the organization of the full cycle of trade flows.
Successfully conducted a business analysis of logistics processes. Modern approaches to organizing logistics have allowed companies to become leaders in their areas, increase turnover by 25% and warehouse occupancy by 40%, build competitive international and domestic chains supplies.
In addition to comprehensive training in the field of managing material, information, and financial flows, he has a fundamental education in physics and mathematics. Many years of experience allows us to comprehensively use mathematical methods to analyze data and build business processes for companies of various types.
Currently engaged in consulting logistics projects in public and private structures. Among his main competencies: supply chain management, planning and management of domestic and international transportation, organization of warehouse logistics, implementation of WMS, TMS and ERP systems, supply and inventory management, 3PL and 4PL services.
Module 1. Fundamentals and modern trends in the formation of warehouse logistics (6 ac. h.)
- Modern logistics concepts and the history of their formation.
- Efficient warehouse. Criteria, trends, challenges and optimal solutions.
- Characteristics of a modern warehouse. Types of warehouses and their classification.
- Current models of warehouse processes and their impact on the positioning of companies in a highly competitive market. TQM and acceptable quality corridor.
- The role of warehouse processing logistics in the enterprise supply chain.
- Long-term planning of warehouse needs. Effective solutions.
- Application of linear programming methods to optimize warehouse operations. Transport problem.
Workshop. Solving the problem of determining the optimal location of a warehouse using various methods.
Module 2. Basic requirements imposed by current legislation for warehouse activities. Features of application (2 ac. h.)
- Current legislative and regulatory framework regulating the activities of warehouses.
- Features of the application of SNiP, SanPiN, standards and regulations.
- Safe warehouse. Sanitary and fire safety requirements.
Workshop. Solving the problem of calculating fire extinguishing means in a room.
Module 3. Efficient warehouse staff. Staffing and management (5 ac. h.)
- Functional areas of the warehouse and staffing structure. Staffing schedule. Options for organizing an effective management structure.
- Basic staffing units of a modern warehouse and their functional responsibilities.
- Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and effective motivation, rewards and penalties system. Advantages and risks of using motivational packages.
- Labor protection and employment contract, rights and obligations of the parties.
- Rules for drawing up job descriptions.
- Types of financial liability, advantages, disadvantages and features of its application.
Workshop. Job description analysis.
Module 4. Design features and technologies of a modern warehouse (8 ac. h.)
- SKU is the optimal unit of warehouse storage and processing. Primary packaging of goods, the concept of a cargo unit. Means of packaging and restricting access to goods. Marking and manipulation signs.
- Modern barcoding formats and their use in commercial practice. "Honest Sign" system.
- RFID technology. Technical features and application prospects.
- Structural elements of the warehouse and their impact on the technologies used. Flooring. Types of rack structures. Use of ramp and docking equipment.
- Effective use of small-scale mechanization equipment.
- Modern loading and unloading equipment and features of its use for various warehouse technologies.
- Storage and processing automation tools. Conveyor systems for placement and selection. Narrow-aisle, large-capacity equipment. Thermal equipment.
Workshop. Solving the problem of assessing the feasibility of using warehouse equipment. Calculation of the cost of warehouse operations.
Module 5. Logistics of warehouse operations. Construction and optimization (12 ac. h.)
- Indicators of efficiency of warehouse processes.
- Analytical methods for assessing the effectiveness of warehouse technologies. Cross-categorical ABC-XYZ analysis of storage and processing parameters.
- Determination of optimal weight and dimensional parameters of storage units for the adopted technology.
- Effective warehouse zoning. Modern technologies used in various functional areas of the warehouse.
- Basic warehouse operations, their effective construction and optimization: acceptance, placement for storage, packaging, issue.
- Modern picking systems: Pick-by-Voice, Pick-to-Light, Pick-by-Vision, Pick-by-Line, etc.
- Storage systems: dynamic, static, combined. Choosing the best solution for your company.
- Effective routing of warehouse operations.
- Inventory. Regulations, basic requirements for conducting. Procedure and main stages. Processing the results and evaluating the results of the inventory.
- Organization of an address storage system, principles of its construction.
- Features of storage of dangerous goods.
- Organization of the warehouse process at a manufacturing enterprise.
- Modern WMS systems. Structure, functionality, basic requirements.
Workshop. Solution to the problem of calculating the warehouse area of the main storage area. Case – optimal placement of cargo.
Workshop. Conducting cross-categorical ABC-XYZ analysis.
Module 6. Current document flow system and organization of material accounting in the enterprise warehouse (4 ac. h.)
- Accounting for inventory items in the warehouse.
- Characteristics of document flow in a modern warehouse and the requirements for it.
- Application of IT technologies and features of electronic document management.
- Organization of inventory control in the warehouse and its control.
- Cost calculation. Natural loss and technological losses.
- Basic warehouse documents and document flow diagrams.
- Review of commercial, freight forwarding documents, their connection with warehouse processing processes.
- Methods for determining the quality of goods and certification system. Main types of certificates.
Module 7. Effective management of a modern warehouse (3 ac. h.)
- Logistics management and modern methods of managing and planning warehouse operations.
- Indicators of the efficiency of storage and cargo handling processes.
- Key performance indicators.
- Methods of effective control. Using Gantt charts.
- Rules for dispatching and scheduling.
- Problematic control points.
- Application of LEAN principles in a modern warehouse.
- Combating theft. Logic of action and main activities.
Case analysis: formation of a business model for a distribution system of a wholesale enterprise.