“Full-time preparatory courses “School of Chemist” (chemistry, physics, mathematics)” - course 110,000 rubles. from MSU, training 36 weeks. (8 months), Date: November 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 03, 2023
Full-time classes in the subjects: Chemistry 8th grade, Chemistry 9th grade, Chemistry - preparation for Olympiads and DVI 10th grade, Chemistry - preparation for Olympiads and DVI grade 11, Chemistry - preparation for the Unified State Exam grade 11, Physics grade 10, Physics grade 11, Mathematics grade 10, Mathematics grade 11, Biology 11 Class
Classes at the Chemist School begin on September 19.
The class schedule is presented in the “Calendar” section.
To enter the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, a student must tell the security officer his name and class.
At the first lesson, you will be met by a teacher in the hall of the 1st floor (at the entrance).
Dear students of grades 7–11 and their parents!
Additional enrollment in groups continues for the preparatory courses “School of Chemist”
Olympiad preparation courses
To register for courses You must fill out a form on the website and send it by email to [email protected]. In return you will receive a contract and a receipt.
In the summer months, when paying for an annual course, there is a 10% discount, and for those who have already studied last year - 20%.
Educational courses "School of Chemist"
7-9 grades
The course program includes practical exercises, problem solving, entertaining experiments, quizzes, and theoretical classes. The classes are aimed at giving schoolchildren the skills to work with chemicals in the laboratory, as well as prepare for various tests, Olympiads and exams (GIA).
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 4 ac. hours per semester).
I semester: September - January; II semester: February-May.
Classes are held on weekdays in the evening.
Grade 10
Classes are offered in the following subjects: chemistry, mathematics, physics.
Consists of 2 parts: theoretical (2 ac. hours per week) and practical (2 ac. hours per week). The theoretical part includes lectures, solving exam options, preparation for Olympiads and a written exam at Moscow State University. At the end of the course, a rehearsal exam in chemistry is given. The practical part consists of working with chemicals and conducting thematic experiments.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 4 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Classes are aimed at preparing for the Unified State Exam and Olympiads.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February-May.
Classes are aimed at preparing for the Unified State Exam and Olympiads.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Biology (USE)
The course program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology, solving standard exam options and entering a university.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February-May.
Grade 11
Classes are conducted in the following disciplines: chemistry (preparation for Olympiads and the written exam at Moscow State University), chemistry (Unified State Exam), physics (Unified State Exam), mathematics (Unified State Exam). An accelerated training group (no more than 3 people) has been created, aimed at intensive study (over the course of a year) of the 9-11 grade chemistry program. At the end of the course, trial exams are held in the subjects studied.
Chemistry (preparation for Olympiads and exams at Moscow State University)
It is a continuation of the 10th grade course. Includes lectures, solving exam problems, preparation for Olympiads and the written exam at Moscow State University.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 4 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Chemistry (preparation for the Unified State Exam)
The course program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, solving standard exam options and entering a university.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Mathematics (USE)
The course program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics, solving standard exam options and entering a university.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February-May.
Physics (USE)
The course program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in Physics, solving standard exam options and entering a university.
Lesson plan
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Biology (USE)
The course program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology, solving standard exam options and entering a university.
Lesson plan
2 semesters (16 lessons of 2 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February-May.
Accelerated training group
Individual lessons aimed at intensive study and repetition of the chemistry course for grades 9-11 in order to prepare for the entrance exam, Unified State Exam and Olympiads. The group consists of no more than 3 people.
Lesson plan:
2 semesters (16 lessons of 4 ac. hours per semester). I semester: September - January; II semester: February - May.
Demonstration and practical exercises
Classes are offered for organized groups of schoolchildren (preferably for grades 7–11 in schools in Moscow and the Moscow region). The program and schedule of classes is agreed with the teacher. Possible as workshop classes (performing practical and laboratory work, including preparation for Olympiads), and demonstration classes - lectures with demonstrations of experiments in inorganic and organic chemistry.
Practical classes are conducted with groups of schoolchildren of no more than 15 people, demonstration classes with a group of no more than 50 people.
Lecture classes
A visiting lecture hall is offered - a series of popular science lectures and classes on chemistry and nanotechnology for schoolchildren in grades 8-11.
Lecture topics:
"Glass from antiquity to nanotechnology"
"Traditional and modern ceramics",
"Nanoscience - what is it?"
"Amphotericity in Chemistry",
“Chemistry of transition elements” and many others.
Our scientists and teachers can travel to schools and educational centers. The topic of the lesson is agreed upon by the teacher and school administration.
Project (research) activities of schoolchildren
For the first time, services are offered for organizing research activities for schoolchildren in grades 7–11 in chemistry and nanotechnology. Let us recall that the research project is structured according to the following scheme. It is based on five stages, each of which begins with the letter P: (1) Problem, (2) Design (planning), (3) Information search, (4) Product, (5) Presentation. In “paper form” the project is presented in the form of a portfolio - a folder in which all the working materials of the project are collected, including drafts, plans, reports.
The project is aimed at solving a particular problem. With the help of our specialists, we will help you formulate it. The first stage of the project is design, that is, planning actions to resolve the problem. Here it is important to draw up a plan that indicates specific actions, indicating deadlines and the names of the persons responsible for implementation. The next stage is collecting information. To do this, you will have the opportunity, in addition to textbooks and Internet resources, to use the electronic resources of Moscow State University and scientific literature. After this, you begin your research work. In many cases it involves setting up experiments. The results of the experiment must be processed, comprehended, analyzed, and then presented in the form of a report. We will assist you not only in choosing a research topic, selecting a tutor from among graduate students, graduate students or Moscow State University employees, but also in selecting literature, organizing an experiment in the scientific laboratory of Moscow State University, we will give consultations and advice on writing a scientific work and presenting it at a scientific conference of works schoolchildren.