SpaceEngine - reliable and photorealistic simulation of the universe
News Games / / December 19, 2019
The early access Steam came SpaceEngine project, which is an interactive planetarium simulating all universe in 1: 1 scale. In it, you can go to any of septilliona planets fly around the black hole and go, even in those regions of the cosmos that have not yet been studied.
In the simulator there are all types of celestial objects: galaxies, nebulas, stars and star clusters, planets and moons, comets and asteroids. Data on them are taken from actual astronomical catalogs. And in the unknown parts of the object space is generated randomly.
You can quickly go to any part of the universe, only a couple of keystrokes. All this - without any downloads. you can fly on a spacecraft with realistic controls if desired. You can even to travel in time.
The graphics in SpaceEngine also very believable. Realistic light is scattered in the atmosphere of the comet leave beautiful tails, the solar eclipse cast a shadow. Even the light near the black hole bends the laws of physics.
The project supports the modification: If desired, it is possible to recreate the world "Star Trek" or "Star Wars." It is possible to download from the Steam Workshop models of planets, galaxies, space ships and many other objects. In addition, you can download the texture super-resolution of the Earth, Mars, Moon and other Solar System bodies.
Price: 465 rubles