Logistics manager (purchasing management) - course RUB 34,990. from Specialist, training 40 academic hours, date: May 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
This course meets the requirements of the professional standard “Procurement Specialist”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2015. No. 625n! This standard regulates the implementation, control and management of procurement to meet state, municipal and corporate needs.
This course is designed to prepare qualified procurement specialists. Practice shows that the most sought-after competencies in this area include the ability to form an assortment portfolio, the ability to build relationships with suppliers and knowledge of legal and administrative aspects when building Foreign trade activities. It is on these blocks that this course is based.
The course is comprehensive and applied and is designed for purchasing managers, foreign trade managers, executives relevant departments, as well as other business specialists interested in mastering the procurement activities.
The course will be useful for both beginners and experienced logistics professionals.
- Basics of contract work
- Rules for assortment analysis
- Fundamentals of customs management
- Procedure for organizing document flow
- Methods and forms of procurement
- Search and evaluate suppliers
- Build relationships with suppliers, prepare agreements with them, including foreign trade agreements
- Organize document flow of supplies
- Calculate customs payments
- Assess the efficiency of the procurement service
Expert practitioner in the field of logistics and foreign trade activities. Certified 1C: Professional in “Trade Management 11”. More than 23 years of experience. In recent years, he has led the logistics department in leading holding structures - industry leaders:...
Expert practitioner in the field of logistics and foreign trade activities. Certified 1C: Professional in “Trade Management 11”. More than 23 years of experience. In recent years, he has led the logistics department in leading holding structures - industry leaders: the ABSOLUTE group of companies and ELKO GROUP. Managed a department with more than 500 employees. The area of responsibility included transport and warehouse infrastructure in Germany, Finland and Russia, and the organization of the full cycle of trade flows.
Successfully conducted a business analysis of logistics processes. Modern approaches to organizing logistics have allowed companies to become leaders in their areas, increase turnover by 25% and warehouse occupancy by 40%, build competitive international and domestic chains supplies.
In addition to comprehensive training in the field of managing material, information, and financial flows, he has a fundamental education in physics and mathematics. Many years of experience allows us to comprehensively use mathematical methods to analyze data and build business processes for companies of various types.
Currently engaged in consulting logistics projects in public and private structures. Among his main competencies: supply chain management, planning and management of domestic and international transportation, organization of warehouse logistics, implementation of WMS, TMS and ERP systems, supply and inventory management, 3PL and 4PL services.
Module 1. Fundamentals and latest trends in organizing procurement activities (6 ac. h.)
- Fundamentals of logistics theory. Historical roots of innovative approaches in logistics. Modern logistics concepts. Procurement as a basic element of integrated logistics of a successful enterprise.
- Labor market and complex competencies in an unstable economy.
- Business logic of procurement activities. Procurement management. Business communications.
- Application of the Balanced Score Card approach to evaluating procurement service processes. KPI.
- Positioning in a changing market and a corridor of acceptable quality. SWOT analysis.
- Current strategies and trends in information technology. The influence of modern micrologistics concepts on business processes in procurement.
Module 2. Current approaches to assortment policy, assortment analysis and enterprise inventory management (6 ac. h.)
- Assortment policy and assortment analysis.
- Fundamentals of modern marketing and category management.
- Determining the optimal need for a product. Cross-categorical ABC-XYZ analysis.
- Basics of analytics. QRS analysis. VEN analysis.
- BCG analysis and product life cycle. Specifics of procurement management at various stages of the life cycle.
- Up-to-date systems for effective inventory management.
- Types of inventories by functional purpose and time of their creation in the distribution chain. Inventory structure. Overstock and illiquid. Methods of working with them. Stock Protection and Price Protection.
- Effective approaches to optimal rationing of safety stocks.
- What, when, how much and under what conditions should I buy? Efficient decision-making algorithms.
Practical work: Conducting cross-categorical ABC-XYZ analysis.
Module 3. Effective work with suppliers in the modern market (5 ac. h.)
- Supplier search. Criteria and basic algorithms for evaluating a supplier in the modern market.
- Strategic sourcing is the future of procurement.
- Features of interaction within different types of markets.
- The main forms of modern business organization and features of interaction with them. Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Society, Corporation.
- Optimal ways to minimize risks in procurement activities. Verification of counterparties - main criteria and information resources.
- Multi-criteria approach to supplier selection. ELECTRE method.
- Effective methods of negotiations.
- Organization of the negotiation process. Negotiation strategies. Manipulation and countermeasures.
- Rollback and countermeasures. Fight against corruption. Legal aspects.
Practical work: Conducting preliminary selection of suppliers.
Module 4. Costs in purchasing activities (5 ac. h.)
- Pricing. Discounts.
- Costs and risks associated with procurement activities.
- Total Cost Concept and Activity Based Costing methodology.
- Methods for determining the managerial cost of goods and their impact on the efficiency of commercial activities. Cost Allocation.
- Basic costs in purchasing activities.
- Classic model for calculating order parameters - Economic Order Quantity. Wilson's formula and its modifications.
- Optimal order size with reduced prices. The optimal size of a speculative order.
Practical work: Calculating the optimal order size and total costs.
Module 5. Modern forms and options for purchasing activities (4 ac. h.)
- “Make or Buy” task.
- Current options for commercial transactions and their legal framework. Order, Commission, Agency agreement, Leasing, Franchising, Futures transactions, Counterpurchases, Tolling
- Tender.
- Auction.
- Offer.
- Current options for trade and financial interaction in modern conditions: offset, factoring, letter of credit, collection, bank guarantee, insurance coverage.
-Features of supplying modern production.
Module 6. Fundamentals of merchandising and current document flow (4 ac. h.)
- Document flow and organization of business processes of a modern enterprise.
- Electronic document management. Features of application.
- Unified forms. Forwarding documents. Transport documents.
- Fundamentals of merchandising. Packaging and labeling of cargo. Barcoding.
- Certification.
Module 7. Contract of sale. Foreign Economic Activity and Foreign Economic Activity Contract (5 ac. h.)
- Sales and Purchase Agreement, Supply Agreement, Foreign Economic Activity Contract. Current legislative framework. Main sections and design features.
- Related contracts. Cross-check information.
- International trade rules "Incoterms 2020". Document structure. Fundamental differences between the delivery conditions of groups E, F, C, D. Responsibilities of the seller and buyer.
- What should be included in the supply contract before its conclusion?
- Fundamentals of foreign trade activities, features of the modern economic and political situation. International organizations. International private law. Offshores.
Module 8. Fundamentals of customs management (5 ac. h.)
- Fundamentals of current customs legislation. Customs Code of the EAEU.
- Customs clearance scheme. Main stages.
- Electronic declaration. Automatic registration and automatic issue of goods declaration.
- Document flow during customs clearance. DT, DTS, KTS.
- Customs value. Determination methods. Confirmation procedure.
- Classification of goods. FEACN. Country of origin of goods and preference schemes.
- Calculation of customs duties.
- Registration of DT. Informational resources.
- Commercial activities in the field of customs: customs representatives, temporary storage warehouses, customs warehouses, customs carriers.
- Currency control.
- Customs control.
- Customs offenses.
Practical work: Calculation of customs duties.