Travel: In which countries need to obtain a visa, and what you can go without it?
Tips / / December 19, 2019
The other day I ran into a very unpleasant phenomenon - I was denied a visa to one respected state and the question of visa-free countries or countries with simplified visa regime has become very urgent for me. Why knock to those who do not want us to visit, if the world is so big?
Visa-free country for citizens of Russia
For residents of Russia on all your favorite Wikipedia has special articleWhere on the world map and in a convenient table painted many countries, which can let you without a visa or to arrange it directly on arrival (arrival).
In general map of the world traveling Russians looks like this (the blue - without a visa, blue - visa on arrival, gray - the queue for a visa!):
Visa-free country for citizens of Ukraine
For me and my mograzhdan open world even smaller than the Russian. Familiarize themselves with the visa regime can be on the same page of the Wikipedia dedicated Ukrainian passport :)
By the way, here's how the free world more than for the same US citizens. Funny was that they were going to Ukraine without visas, but in Russia - zas! In queue! :)