SOTOCHKA IN RUSSIAN: assistant in preparing for the Unified State Exam 2024 - course 2400 rub. from Stepik, training 289 lessons, Date October 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
This is a copy of the course "Sotochka in Russian" (link), created for placement in the Stepik catalog. You can purchase any of the courses - inside they are exactly the same.
Here is the course "Sotochka in Russian".
In the course, we analyze not individual USE tasks, but the language system as a whole, smoothly approaching tasks in the USE format.
This does not mean that the course contains unnecessary information - no, we will simply go from simple to complex, adhering to strict logic. So, for example, we will start with the grammatical basis.
The Russian language is no longer chaos, but a straight line to the goal.
The course is designed to prepare for the test part of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.
The course contains 22 hours of video and more than 2000 tasks (on average it takes 46 hours to complete them). That is, in total, completing the course takes 68 hours.
Latest updates on the course:
09.09.2022 - update of the block dedicated to the final essay (2022-2023 academic year)
09.15.2022 - update of the lesson dedicated to the 9th task of the Unified State Exam
09/20/2022 - update of the color course outline according to the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2023
09/22/2022 - update b/w course outline according to the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2023
10/2/2022 - adding new words to portions of words with problematic stress
10/3/2022 - the module dedicated to the composition of the Unified State Examination 2023 has been completely updated (including notes)
10.7.2022 - update of the lesson dedicated to the 3rd task of the Unified State Exam
10/7/2022 - adding new words to portions of paronyms
11/9/2022 - adding a lesson on spelling O/Ё after sibilants, I/Y after C in the root
11/24/2022 - adding an additional lesson on types of predicates (bonus lesson in the “Not for the Unified State Exam” block)
12/14/2022 - update of the lesson on the topic "Application"
12/15/2022 - adding an additional module dedicated to repeating paronyms (see. Bonus module 2)
01/29/2023 - adding lesson "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions: consolidation"
02/07/2023 - update of the module dedicated to the 14th task
1. How to work on this course?
2. Notes/cards/additional resources
3. Link to set set on Quizlet
4. Link to the course conversation on VK
5. How to set deadlines
Module with a reminder: the course includes lessons on composing the Unified State Examination!
1. The course has lessons on composing the Unified State Examination =) Here is a link to them.
Basic Concepts
1. Parts of speech
2. Changing words (noun cases and verb form)
3. Members of the sentence
4. Portion of cakes No. 1
Grammar basis
1. Dash between subject and predicate
2. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate
3. Portion of cakes No. 2
Homogeneous members of the sentence
1. Homogeneous members
2. Coordinating Conjunctions
3. Commas for homogeneous terms
4. Commas with homogeneous terms: complex cases
5. Generalizing word for homogeneous terms
6. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members
7. Portion of cakes No. 3
1. Types of participles
2. Participial. Homogeneous participial phrases
3. Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases
4. Portion of cakes No. 4
Participial turnover. Unified State Examination Task 17
1. Participle
2. Participial phrases. Homogeneous participial phrases
3. Unified State Exam assignment 17: analysis and workshop
4. Violation in the construction of sentences with participles
5. Portion of cakes No. 5
Separate definitions. Unified State Examination tasks 17 and 21
1. Separate definitions. A few words about the 21 tasks.
2. Unified State Exam task 17: tasks with an asterisk =)
3. Portion of cakes No. 6. This time beets and plum compote
Introductory structures. Appeals. Unified State Examination Task 18
1. Introductory structures. Groups of introductory structures.
2. Groups of introductory structures. Commas for introductory constructions.
3. Distinguishing between introductory constructions and words similar to them
4. Appeals
5. Commas for references
6. Unified State Exam assignment 18: analysis and workshop
7. A little about the 1st task of the Unified State Exam
8. Portion of cakes No. 7
1. Applications separated by dashes
2. Applications separated by commas
3. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
4. Portion No. 8, into which a mouse crept
Comparative turnover and clarifying members of the sentence
1. Commas for qualifying terms
2. Comparative turnover
3. Consolidation of what has been covered
4. Portion of cakes No. 9 (continuation of the mouse story)
Complex sentences. SSP. Unified State Examination Task 16
1. Types of complex sentences
2. Punctuation marks in BSC (+ complex cases)
3. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions: consolidation
4. Unified State Exam assignment 16: analysis and workshop
5. Portion of cakes No. 10 (gerunds)
Commas in IPS. Unified State Examination tasks 19 and 20
1. Types of subordinate clauses in IPP (part 1)
2. Types of subordinate clauses in IPP (part 2)
3. Homogeneous subordinate clauses
4. Unified State Exam assignment 19: analysis and workshop
5. Confluence of two unions.
6. Task 20: difficult cases
7. Unified State Exam assignment 20: analysis and workshop
8. Repetition
9. Portion of cakes No. 11
BSP. Direct and indirect speech.
1. Punctuation marks in BSP
2. Errors in the construction of complex sentences
3. Direct and indirect speech. Errors in indirect speech. Citation.
4. Portion of cakes No. 12
Latest punctuation rules. Unified State Examination Task 21
1. A dash in an incomplete sentence. Intonation dash.
2. Unified State Exam assignment 21: analysis and workshop (dash)
3. Unified State Exam assignment 21: workshop (colon)
4. Unified State Examination Task 21: workshop (commas)
5. Portion of cakes No. 13
Latest grammatical errors. Unified State Examination Task 8
1. The last two grammatical errors
2. Unified State Exam assignment 8: analysis and workshop
3. Portion of cakes No. 14
Workshop No. 1: punctuation (USE tasks 16-21)
1. Option 1
2. Option 2
3. Option 3
4. Option 4
5. Portion of cakes No. 15 (penultimate)
Parts of a word: root, ending, prefix. Unified State Examination task 4
1. How to find the root/ending of a word
2. Word formation. Suffix and prefix.
3. Portion of cakes No. 16 (last)
4. Unified State Exam assignment 4: analysis and workshop
Verifiable and unverifiable vowels in the root. Unified State Examination Task 9
1. Checked vowels
2. Workshop: checking vowels. Invalid check.
3. Untestable vowels (grades 5 - 6)
4. Untestable vowels (grades 7 - 9)
5. Roots with alternation: group 1 (BER-BIR and similar)
6. Roots with alternation: a complex case and KOS-KAS
7. Roots with alternation: groups 2 and 3
8. Roots with alternation: group 4
9. Practice =)
10. O/Y after the hissing words at the root. I/Y after C
11. Task 9: analysis and workshop
12. Portion of paronyms No. 1: LIV
Consoles. Unified State Examination 10
1. Immutable prefixes
2. Set-top boxes for Z/S
3. "Increasing" with prefixes of the letter O
5. PRE/PRE: difficult cases
6. PRE/PRI: difficult cases (part 2)
7. I/Y after prefixes
8. Separating b and b
9. Unified State Exam assignment 10: analysis and workshop
10. Repetition
11. Portion of paronyms No. 2: IST
Verb endings and participle suffixes. Unified State Examination 12
1. Present and future tense. Conjugations.
2. Exceptions and difficult cases
3. Past tense
4. Participle suffixes
5. Suffixes of present participles.
6. Suffixes of past participles. Difficult cases.
7. Suffixes of gerunds
8. Unified State Exam assignment 12: analysis and workshop
9. Repetition
10. Portion of paronyms No. 3: TELN
N and NN. Unified State Examination Task 15
1. N and NN in words: basics
2. Denominate adjectives
3. Verbal adjectives and participles
4. Short forms. Difficult cases.
5. Exceptions
6. Words starting with OVANNY / YOVANNY
7. Short adjectives and short participles: difficult cases
8. Derived words (nouns and adverbs)
9. Unified State Examination task 15: analysis and workshop
10. Repetition
11. Portion of paronyms No. 4: participles
Suffixes. Unified State Exam assignment 11
1. AN / YAN / IN in adjectives
2. CHIV / LIV / EV / IV
3. OVA / EVA / IVA / YVA
4. CHAT/AT. O/A in adverbs
5. K / SK, O / E after hissing
6. IN / EN in nouns, ENK / IN+K
7. EC / IC, ECHK / ICH + K
8. Other suffixes
9. Unified State Exam assignment 11: analysis and workshop
10. Repetition
11. Portion of paronyms No. 5: those same DRESS-WEAR
Workshop No. 2: “complex” spelling (USE tasks 9-12, 15)
1. Option 1
2. Option 2
3. Option 3
4. Option 4
5. Portion of paronyms No. 6: adjectives (light!)
Pronoun categories. Adverbs.
1. Pronoun grades
2. Adverbs and Pronominal Adverbs
3. Repetition
4. Portion of paronyms No. 7: adjectives (easy again!)
Integrated and separate writing NOT with words. Unified State Examination Task 13
1. NOT with verbs, gerunds. NOT with numerals.
2. NOT with participles
3. NOT with nouns
4. NOT with adjectives and adverbs ending in -O
5. NOT with pronouns and pronoun adverbs
6. Unified State Exam assignment 13: analysis and workshop
7. Repetition
8. Portion of paronyms No. 8: adjectives with SK (part 1)
Integrated and separate spelling of words. Unified State Examination Task 14
1. Words to remember =)
2. Particles
5. Prepositions
6. Despite: WHAT ARE YOU?
7. Pronominal adverbs THEN, THEREFORE, BECAUSE, etc.
8. Adverbs that are written with a hyphen
9. Adverbs formed from the words SIDE / TOP / BOTTOM / BEGINNING, etc.
10. Adverbs formed from adjectives, adverbs, numerals
11. Adverbs formed from nouns3. Option 3
4. Option 4
5. Portion of paronyms No. 6: adjectives (light!)
Pronoun categories. Adverbs.
1. Pronoun grades
2. Adverbs and Pronominal Adverbs
3. Repetition
4. Portion of paronyms No. 7: adjectives (easy again!)
Integrated and separate writing NOT with words. Unified State Examination Task 13
1. NOT with verbs, gerunds. NOT with numerals.
2. NOT with participles
3. NOT with nouns
4. NOT with adjectives and adverbs ending in -O
5. NOT with pronouns and pronoun adverbs
6. Unified State Exam assignment 13: analysis and workshop
7. Repetition
8. Portion of paronyms No. 8: adjectives with SK (part 1)
Integrated and separate spelling of words. Unified State Examination Task 14
1. Words to remember =)
2. Particles
5. Prepositions
6. Despite: WHAT ARE YOU?
7. Pronominal adverbs THEN, THEREFORE, BECAUSE, etc.
8. Adverbs that are written with a hyphen
9. Adverbs formed from the words SIDE / TOP / BOTTOM / BEGINNING, etc.
10. Adverbs formed from adjectives, adverbs, numerals
11. Adverbs formed from nouns
12. Other words (adjectives and words with GENDER)
13. Unified State Exam assignment 14: analysis and workshop
14. Repetition
15. Portion of paronyms No. 9: adjectives with SK (part 2)
Particles and prepositions
1. Prepositions
2. Particles
3. Portion of paronyms No. 10: couples
4. Repetition
Unified State Examination task 1
1. Coordinating Conjunctions: Repetition
2. Subordinating conjunctions: repetition
3. Introductory words: repetition
4. Task 1: analysis and workshop
5. Repetition
6. Portion of paronyms No. 11: ICESK
Connection of proposals with each other. Unified State Examination Task 25
1. Means of connecting sentences in the text
2. Unified State Exam assignment 25: analysis and workshop
3. Repetition
4. Portion of paronyms No. 12: ICESK (2)
Vocabulary. Unified State Exam assignment 24
1. Vocabulary. Synonyms and antonyms
2. Figurative meanings of words. Phraseologisms.
3. Words of different styles
4. Unified State Exam assignment 24: analysis and workshop
5. Repetition
6. Portion of paronyms No. 13: STVEN
Multiple meaning words. Unified State Exam assignment 2
1. Ambiguous words
2. Workshop 1
3. Workshop 2
4. Unified State Exam assignment 2: analysis and workshop
5. Repetition
6. Portion of paronyms No. 14: nouns (easy, but a lot!)
Lexical (speech) errors. Unified State Examination task 6
1. Speech errors
2. Unified State Exam assignment 6: analysis and workshop
3. Unified State Exam task 6: more practice!
4. Repetition
5. Portion of paronyms No. 15: different prefixes
Means of artistic expression. Unified State Examination Task 26
1. Means of expression. Lexical means of expression.
2. Syntactic means of expression
3. Trails: part 1
4. Trails: part 2
5. Trails: part 3
6. Stylistic devices: part 1
7. Stylistic devices: part 2
8. Forms of speech
9. Unified State Exam assignment 26: analysis and workshop
10. Repetition
11. Portion of paronyms No. 16: verbs that cluster
Text analysis. Tasks 22, 23 and 3
1. Types of speech
2. Unified State Examination tasks 22 and 23: analysis and workshop
3. Unified State Examination task 3: remember everything
4. Speech styles. Part 1
5. Speech styles. Part 2
6. Speech styles: practice
7. Speech styles: practice (2)
8. Unified State Exam assignment 3: analysis and workshop
9. Repetition
10. Portion of paronyms No. 17
Errors in word formation. Unified State Examination tasks 7, 5
1. Plural of nouns. Gender of nouns.
2. Genitive case of nouns
3. Adjective forms
4. Numeral forms (1)
5. Numeral forms (2)
6. Verb forms
7. Pronoun forms
8. Unified State Exam assignment 7: analysis and workshop
9. Portion of paronyms No. 18: last portion =)
10. Unified State Exam assignment 5: analysis and workshop
11. Repetition
Unified State Exam option No. 1
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
Unified State Exam option No. 2
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
Unified State Exam option No. 3
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
Unified State Exam option No. 4
1. Part 1
2. Part 2
Essay on the Unified State Exam (task 27)
1. General idea of the essay format for the Unified State Exam 2022
2. Exercise 1
3. How to find the problem? How to formulate the problem. The first clichés.
4. How to find the problem? Practice
5. Task 2
6. A comment. Examples from the text and explanations for them.
7. Task 3
8. Analyzing the connection between examples: addition and contrast
9. Task 4
10. Other types of connections between examples
11. Paragraph division
12. Attitude to the author's position and conclusion
13. Real work to the maximum (USE 2021 and 2022)
14. Evaluation criteria
15. Self-test algorithms. Common mistakes in content.
16. Literacy exercises (spelling and punctuation)
17. Literacy exercises (grammar and speech)
Final essay
1. Abstract. Essay bank. Topic bank. Bibliography.
2. General information about the final essay. Essay example.
3. Analysis of universal works
4. More essay examples. How to write an introduction and conclusion?
5. Section 1. Spiritual and moral guidelines in human life
6. Section 2. Family, society, Fatherland in human life
7. Section 3. Nature and culture in human life
8. Evaluation criteria. Literacy exercises.
1. Conclusion
Bonus module 1: Unified State Exam format tasks for training
1. 1, 2, 3 tasks of the Unified State Exam
2. Unified State Exam task 5
3. Unified State Exam task 6
4. USE task 10
5. USE task 11
6. USE task 12
7. USE task 14
8. USE task 15
9. USE task 16
10. USE task 17
11. USE task 18
12. USE task 19
13. USE task 20
14. 21 tasks of the Unified State Exam
Bonus module 2. Paronyms: repetition
1. Serving 1: LIV
2. Serving 2: IST
3. Serving 3: TELN
4. Serve 4: participles
5. Serving 5: dress-up and more
6. Serving 6: simple adjectives
7. Serving 7: simple adjectives
Bonus module 3. Not for the Unified State Exam: additional lessons for nerds
1. Ways of expressing the subject. Types of predicate.