Emotional intelligence - free course from 4brain, training 30 days, date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
We experience emotions 24 hours a day, even when we sleep, but only a very small part of people know how to truly manage them. These people are experts in emotions, they are good at understanding and managing their own feelings, as well as deciphering the feelings of other people. What benefits does this skill bring?
By increasing your emotional intelligence, you will be able to achieve success in many areas of your life (from personal to social) and learn to solve problems without involving unnecessary emotions. Additionally, there is a good chance that you will be satisfied with your life because you will be able to understand what your psychology needs at any given time. You will learn to motivate yourself literally out of the blue - with the help of ordinary thoughts. You will not need external factors to be happy, because you know how to direct your emotions in the direction you want and achieve the desired mood.
Every person dreams of learning to think clearly. But what does it mean?
In addition, you probably know what catastrophic consequences negative emotions bring. They can deprive you of everything - health, life, money, reputation and happiness. While a person who controls his emotions is healthy and cheerful, he enjoys life and looks at all problems as new opportunities.
Our course was written with the goal of increasing your level of emotional intelligence, which will certainly entail all the positive consequences that we mentioned above.
What is emotional intelligence?
Traditional intelligence testing, IQ, has been unable to predict a person's success in their personal, social, and career lives. People with high intelligence did not necessarily achieve their goals and vice versa - not very smart people somehow magically achieved incredible heights. Therefore, the question arose in society: “So what affects the quality of life, the achievement of happiness and success?” And many psychologists believe that they have found the answer - we are talking about increasing the level of emotional intelligence.
There is also a less scientific definition given by Howard Book and Steven Stein: this is the ability to correctly interpret the situation and influence it. influence, intuitively grasp what other people want and need, know their strengths and weaknesses, not give in to stress and be charming.
Simply put, your emotional intelligence is at a high level when you are balanced in any situation and can positively influence other people's emotions. In this regard, emotional intelligence can be divided into two elements: understanding one’s own and others’ emotions.
Application of emotional intelligence in life
Whether you like it or not, you experience emotions in any situation: when communicating with a person, in an art gallery, in a supermarket. Therefore, you apply emotional intelligence every day, the only difference is how high its level is.
You, and only you, decide what emotions and feelings to experience at any moment. If you want to feel resentment and irritation, please. If you want to enjoy life and look into the future with optimism, you can achieve this too. You will be calm and balanced if you understand your emotions and begin to control them.
But why then understand the emotions of other people? Isn’t it enough to understand your own people and learn to manage them? We interact with people every day in one form or another, so understanding what a person is feeling and why is key to building good, harmonious relationships. You may not be a particularly talented person or have a great intellect, but if you know how to communicate with people and they respect and appreciate you, you will achieve great success.
Before you move on to the lessons on developing emotional intelligence, we suggest you take a short test that will help assess your current level of EI development.
How to develop emotional intelligence?
Emotional intelligence in itself is a skill that can and should be developed. You will need discipline and patience, because serious success will not come immediately. You must look at life with optimism because at times you will suffer defeats, roll back and experience negative emotions that you want to get rid of. You also need to learn how to motivate yourself, because without this skill you will not be able to improve your emotional intelligence every day. Our course will give you everything you need to do this.
In order to recognize negative, destructive emotions in time, you need to be aware. The first step in the fight against any enemy (destructive emotions) is to recognize it, Therefore, it is so important to be in a state of awareness and notice when your emotions are out of control. control.
In our course you will find several good and useful exercises for developing emotional intelligence. Remember that serious results come only with practice, so implement knowledge into life and study yourself.
You will need to understand how your psychology works. Each person has unique traits that influence how they think, feel, and make decisions. However, even if you think that you have studied your psychology completely and know yourself, continue to observe yourself, because everything changes. You today and you tomorrow are different people, so notice the changes in yourself and draw appropriate conclusions. Set yourself up for the long haul and make it as attractive as possible. Remember that no one but yourself can help you.
The first good results will come to you after completing the course if you follow all the tips and recommendations that you will find in our lessons. Read biographies of outstanding people and evaluate their lives from the perspective of emotional intelligence. Would Steve Jobs or Richard Branson have been able to achieve such outstanding success if they had not been able to manage their emotions and influence the emotions of other people? You yourself know the answer to this question.
How to take classes?
The estimated time frame for completing our course is two weeks. You can go through it in a few days, but remember that the course offers you to learn several skills, and they, in turn, require a lot of work on yourself. We tried to simplify the presentation of the material as much as possible and not overload you with scientific terms and concepts, therefore, you do not need to particularly prepare yourself and study additional materials before taking the course. One small condition - keep a notepad and pen near you. Interesting thoughts will probably come to your mind, so write them down right away. In addition, some of our exercises require recording.
The first and second lessons are related to theory, but do not rush to immediately move on to the third. You must clarify for yourself the importance of increasing your level of emotional intelligence, and also study its patterns in order to move not by touch, but clearly understand where you are going. Allow one or two days for each of the theory lessons.
The third, fourth and fifth lessons are practice. In this regard, give yourself the maximum amount of time possible and go through them slowly. Do all the exercises and listen to all recommendations and advice. Remember that any knowledge must be instantly transformed into action, otherwise it will be meaningless.
Lessons on developing emotional intelligence
After studying a large number of books and textbooks, we came to the conclusion that emotional intelligence can be increased by studying the theory and applying it in practice. We have developed five lessons for you that will help you learn to understand your own emotions and the emotions of other people.
Purpose of the course: introduce our reader to emotional intelligence, its models and the necessary skills for its development and improvement.
The goal of the course is to teach the reader to manage his emotions and develop his skills of empathy, assertiveness and listening skills.
We present to your attention a short overview of each of the lessons:
Lesson 1. Concept and importance
In order to become enthusiastic about improving your emotional intelligence, the reader must understand the importance of this skill. Throughout the existence of mankind, people have needed certain skills and abilities to survive. They changed from century to century. In the era of the Internet and developed communications, both the person himself and the demands that society places on him have changed. In the first lesson, you will understand why in the 21st century, emotionally intelligent people are more successful than those who focus on technical skills. We'll also compare emotional intelligence to IQ and explore the advantages and disadvantages of focusing on one mental model.
Lesson 2. Models of emotional intelligence
Despite the fact that psychologists and scientists began studying emotional intelligence several centuries ago, the theory flourished in the twentieth century. Each researcher proposed his own concept and there is no clear understanding of what specific skills and abilities need to be developed to improve it. The truth, as we know, is in the middle, and one learned skill invariably improves all the others. In this lesson we will look at the most popular models of emotional intelligence and present several tests that show your current level.
Lesson 3. Managing Emotions
A theory will remain a theory unless we make conscious attempts to raise our emotional level. The higher it is, the happier and more satisfied with life you become. In the third lesson we focus less on theory and more on the practical part. We will offer some really useful exercises and give useful tips. Implement them in life, for this you do not need to do anything special, since we experience emotions every second and can work on them now. You will also understand the importance of mindfulness and the ability to control reactionary thoughts.
Lesson 4. Three main skills
You probably realize how important the ability to communicate with other people is for success and peace of mind. Our peace of mind is in balance if everything is in order in our personal and social life. We do not enter into harsh conflicts, do not criticize others, and behave tactfully with other people - and they (even if not immediately) answer us in kind. In this lesson we will pay special attention to the development of communication skills. Having dealt with our inner world in the third lesson, we will turn our attention to the outer world, filled with people and dialogues. We will find out why the “three pillars of communication” are so important: empathy, assertiveness, and listening skills. Man has changed throughout the existence of mankind, but the key needs remain unchanged - we all love those who treat us with respect, listen to us and understand that we we feel.
Lesson 5. Optimism, self-motivation and happiness
In fact, you don’t need much to be happy. You need to find a business that you want to do all your life, feel that your work is needed by society and achieve your goals. The challenge is learning to look at life with hope and faith and motivating yourself to wake up every morning with a smile and determination to make the most of your day. In this lesson we will teach you to look at life with optimism. This means not only seeing the good side of any problem, but also taking action to solve it. We will touch on positive psychology and the power that positive thinking brings. You will be surprised how easy and at the same time difficult it is to change negative thoughts to positive ones. And when you achieve success, you will learn to control your emotions and use them to achieve success.