Agreements in the electric power industry. Legislation and practice. Advanced training - course RUB 36,900. from Moscow Business School, training 16 ac. hours, Date: December 22, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 02, 2023
Moscow Business School: comprehensive training for your business
Moscow Business School dates back to 2007 and during this time it has been able to take a leading position in the field of business education. Curricula are developed by domestic and foreign specialists and represent one hundred percent thematic coverage. In addition, the dynamics of the requirements of the business environment and educational programs for 2022-2023 are taken into account. formed on the basis of an analysis of current market development trends. We pay great attention to the implementation and development of online learning in all programs and areas, which will allow you to obtain the necessary business knowledge remotely.
We offer you:
- MBA (Master of Business Administration) training for entrepreneurs, executives and middle and senior managers;
- mini-MBA training that retains the advantages and benefits of modern management education and is strictly focused on practical solutions;
- professional training for specialists in accordance with the requirements of the Professional Standard;
- In-person and online business seminars, trainings and advanced training courses that allow you to obtain relevant and in-demand knowledge in various industries.
- Corporate programs are created individually by our specialists and adapted to the goals and objectives of a specific business.
- Moscow Business School teachers are highly qualified specialists in the relevant market sectors. They have practical experience and have the latest knowledge in their subject area.
Lawyer in the field of public procurement, member of the Guild of domestic specialists in state and municipal procurement
Practicing lawyer, expert practitioner in the field of electric power industry. Business coach, consultant.
Professional experience
2021 - present V. - Independent expert
2014 - present V. — Private teaching activity
2016–2020 — Association “NP Market Council”, senior lawyer of the department of regulatory support of legal management
2010–2016 — Association “NP Market Council”, lawyer of the department of regulatory support of legal management
2008–2010 — Mobile Energy OJSC, legal consultant
2007–2008 — Mobile Energy OJSC, assistant legal adviser
Professional competencies
Development and support for the adoption of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of electric power industry (federal laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of federal bodies executive power)
Legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts affecting the interests of electric power industry entities and consumers of electric energy
Support for the use of renewable energy sources
Comprehensive support for the activities of subjects of the wholesale electricity market
Expertise in the public electricity sector
Contractual support for the electric power industry
Preparation of legal opinions on the application of legislation regulating the activities of electric power industry entities and consumers of electric energy
Development of internal documents, preparation of legal opinions, responses to requests from regulatory authorities, introduction amendments to the constituent documents, participation in industry working groups, speaking as a speaker at public events
European market regulation, including electricity markets
European antitrust regulation
Private teaching activities in the field of electrical energy, consulting
Rules for limiting the mode of electrical energy consumption have been developed
Guidelines have been developed for the use of a mechanism for limiting the mode of electrical energy consumption
A number of industry regulations and standard forms of contracts and agreements have been developed, including an exchange agreement documents in electronic form using roaming technology between electronic operators document flow
A new edition of the rules for qualifying a generating facility operating on the basis of the use of renewable energy sources has been developed
Procedures for certification of electrical energy volumes have been developed
A mechanism for trading electrical energy produced at renewable energy generating facilities has been developed
Participation in working groups formed by federal executive authorities and infrastructure organizations in order to develop changes to regulatory legal acts
2020–2021 – University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, preparation course for passing the qualifying examination for the professional training of lawyers (CRFPA)
2020–2021 – University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, Paris, Master 2 (European market and regulatory law)
2018–2020 — French University College (MSU named after. Lomonosov), Moscow, Master 1 (French and European law)
2015 - NOU DO "School of Law "STATUT", reform of the civil code of the Russian Federation, Moscow, certificate
2012 — Moscow Energy Institute, technological foundations of electric power industry, Moscow, certificate of advanced training
2010 — Training center “NP Market Council”, functioning of the electricity markets of the Russian Federation, Moscow, certificate
2003–2010 — Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, specialty (lawyer, international law)
Lawyer, expert practitioner in the field of electric power and heat power.
Professional experience
Practical experience and work experience in the legal profession - since 2000
Law firm VEGAS LEX, head of the group for projects in the fuel and energy sector
CJSC Law Firm Yurenergoservis, First Deputy General Director
Professional competencies
Complex and systemic issues (legal support) related to the emergence and fulfillment of obligations in the energy sector (electric power, heat and power, water supply)
Antimonopoly and tariff regulation
Legal advice on specific industry issues
Protecting the interests of companies in arbitration courts of various regions of Russia
JSC Mosenergo, JSC Rosenergoatom Concern, JSC RusHydro, JSC Quadra, JSC TNS-Energo, JSC "Mosenergosbyt", OJSC "Oboronenergo", OJSC "Gazpromenergo", OJSC "MOEK", PSF "KROST", CJSC "Transmashholding" and a lot others
Achievements and publications
Member of the Expert Council on Electric Power Industry under the Federal Antimonopoly Service
Russian New University, Faculty of Law
Agreements mediating relations on the wholesale electricity (capacity) market, agreements with the infrastructure of the wholesale market
Workshop: Cases based on judicial and administrative (including antimonopoly) practice related to contracts on the wholesale electricity market
Trends in the development of the electric power industry and electricity legislation in retail markets
System of contracts in the electric power industry in retail markets and rules for technical connection
Workshop: Cases based on judicial and administrative (including antimonopoly) practice related to contracts in the retail electricity market
Workshop: Cases based on materials from judicial and administrative (including antimonopoly) practice on service agreements
Training. The program volume is 16 hours. Basic methodology for assessing land plots and OKS, features of assessment of certain types of assessment objects, controversial and complex methodological issues, methods for identifying typical tools for distorting value in reports, the ethics of checking appraisal reports - these and many other issues are discussed here course.
Full-time education