Personal brand of a psychologist and helping practitioner - course RUB 24,012. from Psychodemia, training 20 weeks (136 ac. hours), from 4.5 hours per week, Date: January 28, 2024.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
- In 2022, social networks, sales, and content have changed. To promote your services in new realities, you need a new plan and up-to-date tools.
- Psychologists and coaches need to promote and sell services without violating professional ethics. This is why ethical promotion exists - it is not manipulation, but a way to help customers see you.
- Even word-of-mouth radio must first be launched. When working in private practice, you need to be able to tell clients about yourself.
You will understand how and to whom to position yourself, find your niche, learn to talk about your skills and competencies. Start attracting clients and avoid mistakes at the start.
Practicing psychologists and coaches who do not know how to promote services in the new realities
Find out how sales and content have changed and what to do about it. By adjusting your services and promotion channels in different social networks, you will be able to make promotion more systematic, effective and ethical.
You will understand how to promote yourself without betraying your values. You will fully think through your positioning - from the main meanings and niche to content and visuals.
1. Formed goals - personal, professional, financial
3. Understanding the target audience
4. Formulated unique selling proposition
5. Plan to grow your practice and achieve your financial goal
6. Plan your basic product line
7. A plan for positioning yourself as a specialist in suitable social networks
11. Effective ideas about sales and money
Personality and goals of the therapist in private practice
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
You will form the mood for the course and analyze the role of the individual in your advancement. You will do the preparatory work to wisely choose tools and promotion channels: evaluate resources and determine your own goals - personal, professional, financial.
Niche, specialization, target audience and its needs
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Choose a niche that suits you - in which it is comfortable to work and promote services, communicate with clients and not worry about “competitors”. Define your audience, understand where to find it and how to work with it. Learn to gather information about your audience to create engaging content and in-demand products for them.
Offer or selling proposition
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Formulate your unique selling proposition and learn to talk about your services in such a way as to get a response from your audience.
Financial plan
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Learn to look at private practice as a profitable commercial project. Calculate a plan to achieve your financial goal and determine the cost of your services. Track what exactly is stopping you from promoting your services, and change your beliefs about money and sales to more effective ones.
Product line and customer journey
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Decide on your own products and create your own basic line that will be of interest to your target audience.
Positioning, values and image of the therapist. Translation of meanings
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Formulate your positioning and identify common values with your audience so that you can work sincerely and promote ethically. Determine the main meanings that you will convey in your content so that it is sincere, engaging, and interesting.
Visual packaging
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Find a visual style for social media that conveys you and your values. Decide on colors, fonts, metaphors and associations that suit you and your audience.
Selling, expert and personal content
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Select content formats that are right for you, learn how to competently combine expert and personal. Create your own content matrix for different social networks, taking into account their features.
Sales channels, customer search, audience traffic
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Create your own individual set of sales channels and you will know how to attract customers there - paid and free. You will learn how to sell on social networks, taking into account modern realities, and what you need to consider when creating your website.
Features of sales and monetization in the niche of psychology and coaching. How to sell in the current situation
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
Learn to convey to your audience the value of your services and yourself as a specialist, despite the complexity of the field of psychology and coaching - a “soft” niche where the result of the service is difficult to objectively evaluate. Learn how to post regularly and not burn out. Explore what's changed in sales and content in 2022, and what's hot and what's best left out.
Sales funnels
1.5 hours of theory, 1.5 hours of practical classes + homework.
You will understand what funnels are, why they are needed, what they are like and how they differ in different social networks, and write your own funnel for one promotion channel.
20 weeks (136 ac. hours), from 4.5 hours per week,