Analytical geometry - free course from Open Education, training 13 weeks, about 5 hours per week, Date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
– formation of a general mathematical culture: the ability to think logically, carry out proofs of basic statements, establish logical connections between concepts;
– formation of skills and abilities to apply acquired knowledge to solve geometric problems, independent analysis of the results obtained.
Only video lectures and training tasks are available for free viewing. Verification tests will open after payment for certification. The cost of certification is 2800 rubles.
Dear students, you can take a proctored exam, which will take place during the course once every 2-3 months. Newsletters about upcoming exams will be sent to you by email in advance.
Upcoming exam dates from May 22 to May 31, 2023.
To obtain free access to test tasks and the exam, MIPT students must write to [email protected] a letter indicating the name of the course, login to openedu, and a screenshot of your personal account, which shows training status.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of MIPT, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of MIPT
Awards and achievements Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2010, Honored Teacher of MIPT.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Position: Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, MIPT
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Teacher of MIPT Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of MIPT
The course consists of 12 training weeks and one examination week
Week 1. Matrices
01.00 Introduction
01.01 Matrix definition
01.02 Operations with matrices
01.02.01 Problem. Calculation of linear combination of matrices
02/01/02 Problem. Finding the Transposed Matrix
01.03 Product of matrices. Part 1
01.04 Product of matrices. Part 2
04/01/01 Problem. Calculating the product of matrices
04/01/02 Problem. Checking the existence of a product and calculating it
04/01/03 Problem. Calculating a matrix to the nth power. Example 1
04/01/04 Problem. Calculating a matrix to the nth power. Example 2
04/01/05 Problem. Calculating a Matrix Polynomial
04/01/06 Problem. Checking the validity of matrix equality
04/01/07 Problem. Computing a Matrix to a Numerical Power
01.05 Matrix determinant
01.05.01 Problem. Calculation of the determinant of a matrix
01.06 Cramer's Rule
06/01/01 Problem. Solving a system of linear equations using Cramer's method
Week 2. Vectors
02.01 Determination of a directed segment, vector
02.02 Repetition from the school geometry course
02.02.01 Problem. Proof of the inequality for a quadrilateral in space
02.02.02 Problem. Proof of equality for an n-gon
02.03 Linear combination of vectors
02.04 Linear dependence and independence of vectors
02.05 Criterion for linear dependence of a system of vectors
02.06 Basis
02.06.01 Problem. Finding vector coordinates
02.06.02 Problem. Finding the coordinates of a parallelepiped using vectors
02.07 Replacement of basis
07/02/01 Problem. Finding the coordinates of a prism point in a new coordinate system
07/02/02 Problem. Finding the coordinates of a parallelogram point in a new coordinate system
02.08 Cartesian coordinate system (DCS)
02.08.01 Problem. Checking that vectors form a basis
02.09 Replacement of ODSC
02.09.01 Problem. Finding the coordinates of the origin and basis vectors in the new and old coordinate systems
02.09.02 Problem. Finding the coordinates of a vector in the new basis through the coordinates in the old one
Week 3. Product of vectors
03.01 Dot product of vectors
03.02 Projection of a vector onto a non-zero vector
03.03 Properties of the scalar product of vectors. Part 1
03.04 Properties of the scalar product of vectors. Part 2
04/03/01 Problem. Finding the lengths of the sides and angles of a parallelogram using basis vectors
04/03/02 Problem. Finding the orthogonal projection of a vector onto a line
03.05 Orientation of bases. Oriented volumes and areas
03.06 Mixed product of vectors. Part 1
03.07 Mixed product of vectors. Part 2
03.08 Vector product of vectors. Part 1
03.09 Vector product of vectors. Part 2
03.09.01 Problem. Proof of coplanarity of vectors
03.09.02 Problem. Finding the area of a triangle using vector coordinates
09/03/03 Problem. Proof of equality for non-collinear vectors
09/03/04 Problem. Finding the volume of a tetrahedron and its height
03.10 Double cross product
03.10.1 Problem. Proof of identity
03.11 Mutual basis
Week 4 Part 1. Plane in space
04.01 Definition of a plane in space
04.02 Various forms of writing the equation of a plane
04.03 General plane equation
04.03.01 Problem. Plane equation
Week 4 Part 2. Straight on a plane. Straight line and plane in space
04.04 Straight line on a plane
04.04.01 Problem. Finding the radius vector of a point
04.04.02 Problem. Conditions for intersection, parallelism and perpendicularity of lines in a plane
04.05 General equation of a straight line on a plane. Straight line in space
04.05.01 Problem. Finding the radius vector of the point of intersection of lines
04.05.02 Problem. Equation of a line intersecting two skew lines
04.05.03 Problem. Equation of a line passing through a point and parallel to another line
04.05.04 Problem. Condition for the intersection of a line and a plane
04.06 Mutual arrangement of lines and planes
06/04/01 Problem. Equation of a plane passing through a point and parallel to two lines
06/04/02 Problem. Equation of a plane passing through one line and parallel to another line
04.07 Straight line and plane in PDSC
04.07.01 Problem. Equation of lines passing through one point and equidistant from two other points
04.07.02 Problem. Equation of the bisector of the angle between lines
04.08 Some metric problems in PDSC. Part 1
04.08.01 Problem. Equation of lines parallel to another line and separated from a point at some distance
04.08.02 Problem. General equation of a plane passing through some point and a line. Distance from this plane to a given point
04.09 Some metric problems in PDSC. Part 2
04.09.01 Problem. Distance between lines
Week 5. Algebraic lines of second order on the plane
05.01 Definition of algebraic lines and surfaces
05.02 Second order lines on a plane. Ellipse equation
05.03 Equation of an imaginary ellipse, a pair of imaginary intersecting lines, a hyperbola, a pair of intersecting lines
05.04 Equation of a parabola, pairs of parallel lines, pairs of imaginary parallel lines, pairs of coincident lines
05.05 Center of the line. Elliptic and hyperbolic lines
05.05.01 Problem. A type of second-order curve defined by some equation. The canonical equation of a curve and the canonical coordinate system. Example 1
05.05.02 Problem. A type of second-order curve defined by some equation. The canonical equation of a curve and the canonical coordinate system. Example 2
05.05.03 Problem. A type of second-order curve defined by some equation. The canonical equation of a curve and the canonical coordinate system. Example 3
Week 6 Studying the properties of ellipse, hyperbola and parabola
06.01 Ellipse
01/06/01 Problem. Canonical ellipse equation
06.02 Properties of the ellipse
06.03 Equation of a tangent to an ellipse
03/06/01 Problem. Equation of tangents to an ellipse
03/06/02 Problem. Angle between the tangent and the Ox axis
06.04 Hyperbole
04/06/01 Problem. Hyperbola eccentricity
06.05 Geometric properties of a hyperbola
05/06/01 Problem. Proof of the constancy of the product of the distance from any point of a hyperbola to its asymptotes
06.06 Parabola
06.06.01 Problem. Parabola equation
06.06.02 Problem. Equations of tangents to a parabola
06.07 Ellipse, hyperbola and parabola in the polar coordinate system
Week 7 Second order surface
07.01 Surface of rotation
07.02 Ellipsoid
07.03 Second order cone
07.04 Single-sheet hyperboloid
07.05 Rectilinear generators of a one-sheet hyperboloid
07.06 Two-sheet hyperboloid, elliptic and hyperbolic paraboloid
06/07/01 Problem. Determining surface type
06/07/02 Problem. Common points of a line and second-order surfaces
06/07/03 Problem. Parametric equations of rectilinear generators of a given surface
06/07/04 Problem. Type of surface formed by rotating a straight line
Week 8 Mappings and Transformations
08.01 Definition of mapping and transformation
08.02 One-to-one mapping. Product of mappings
08.03 Properties of the product of plane transformations. Coordinate recording of mappings
08.04 Orthogonal plane transformations
08.05 Linear and affine transformations
08.06 Image of a vector during linear transformation. Part 1
08.07 Image of a vector during linear transformation. Part 2
08.08 Geometric properties of affine transformations
08.08.01 Problem. Symmetry about a straight line
08.08.02 Problem. An affine transformation of a plane that takes given lines into itself and a given point into some other point
08.09 Changing areas during affine transformation
08.10 Images of second-order lines under affine transformation
08.10.01 Problem. Second order curve type
08.10.02 Problem. Proof of equality of sums of areas of triangles
08.11 Decomposition of an affine transformation
08.11.01 Problem. Representation of a given affine transformation as products of three transformations
Week 9 Determinants of nth order matrices
09.01 Determinants
01/09/01 Problem. Determinant of order n. Example 1
01/09/02 Problem. Determinant of order n. Example 2
09.02 Properties of determinant. Part 1
09.03 Properties of determinant. Part 2
09.04 Properties of determinant. Part 3
04/09/01 Problem. Vandermonde determinant
04/09/02 Problem. Determinant of order 2n
09.05 Formula for complete development of determinant
05/09/01 Problem. Complete decomposition formula for a fifth-order matrix
09.06 SLAU in a special case
09.07 Cramer's rule in the general case
Week 10 Matrix rank
10.01 Minors of arbitrary order
10.02 Matrix rank
02/10/01 Problem. Rank and basis system of matrix columns
02/10/02 Problem. Estimating the rank of a matrix of order n
02/10/03 Problem. Proof of rank inequality for any matrices of the same size
02/10/04 Problem. Non-zero minor of order r of a matrix of rank r
02/10/05 Problem. Matrix rank estimation
10.03 Reducing the matrix to a simplified form
10.04 Gaussian method
10.05 Basis minor theorem
05/10/01 Problem. Representation of a matrix through the product of matrices
10.06 Matrix rank theorem
06/10/01 Problem. Upper bound for the rank of the product of two matrices
06/10/02 Problem. Proof of equality of the rank of a matrix to the highest order of its minors
Week 11 inverse matrix
11.01 Definition of inverse matrix
11.02 Expressing elements of an inverse matrix through elements of the original matrix
02/11/01 Problem. Calculation of the inverse matrix. Example 1
02/11/02 Problem. Finding the inverse matrix. Example 2
11.03 Properties of an inverse matrix
03/11/01 Problem. Checking the validity of the identity for matrices
11.04 Another proof of the existence of an inverse matrix for a non-singular square matrix
11.05 Characteristic polynomial of a matrix
05/11/01 Problem. inverse matrix
11.06 Hamilton-Cayley theorem
11.07 Elementary transformations like matrix multiplication
07/11/01 Problem. Calculation of the inverse matrix through elementary transformations. Example 1
07/11/02 Problem. Finding the inverse matrix. Example 2
Week 12 General theory of linear systems
12.01 Kronecker-Capelli theorem
12.02 Fredholm's theorem
12.03 General solution of inhomogeneous SLAE
12.04 Fundamental matrix of a homogeneous SLAE. Part 1
12.05 Fundamental matrix of a homogeneous SLAE. Part 2
05.12.01 Problem. Fundamental matrix of SLAE
05.12.02 Problem. Checking the fundamental matrix of SLAE
05.12.03 Problem. SLAE solution
05.12.04 Problem. General view of an arbitrary fundamental matrix of SLAEs
05/12/05 Problem. Equivalence condition for SLAEs
12.06 General solution of inhomogeneous SLAE
06/12/01 Problem. SLAE solution
06.12.02 Problem. Compatibility of heterogeneous SLAEs
Week 13 final examination