Reading courses for preschoolers - course RUB 38,336. from SkySmart, training 9 months, date November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
1. Warm-up
- Do simple exercises
2. Repetition
- We remember what material we have already learned before
3. New letters and words
- We analyze the tasks and read together with the cat Katya
4. Fizminutka
- Take a break from studying and do exercises
5. Homework
- The teacher tells you what you need to repeat yourself
Let's learn the alphabet from A to Z together
We will show the student how to distinguish letters and write them correctly
Let's take our first steps in English
Let's get acquainted with simple English words and find out what they mean
1. I stage
In the course for preschoolers, the tutor will prepare the child to read letters. During individual online classes, a preschooler will learn:
- how to distinguish letters of the alphabet and pronounce individual sounds;
- what are letter combinations and how to find them in a word;
- how to find vowels, consonants, hard and soft sounds in a word;
- how to look for the necessary letters and letter combinations at the beginning, end or middle of a word;
- how to choose words with the right syllables;
- how to correctly read words syllable by syllable;
- how to solve problems where you need to correlate words and pictures;
- how to guess a word using a diagram;
- how to count syllables in a word;
- fill in the missing letters of the word.
To make it easier for your child to remember all the letters, we have supplemented the reading training course for preschoolers with interesting tasks. For example, those in which you need to choose the correctly written letter or guess it from the elements.
2. II stage
In classes at the second level, the child will learn what syllables are and learn how to work with them. With the support of the teacher, he will understand:
- how to choose words with the right syllables;
- how to correctly read words syllable by syllable;
- how to solve problems where you need to correlate words and pictures;
- how to guess a word using a diagram;
- how to count syllables in a word;
- fill in the missing letters of the word.
3. III stage
The third stage of the block will teach the child to understand different types of letters and sounds. In a reading course, a preschooler and teacher will learn together:
- how to form words from letters, letter combinations and syllables;
- how to correctly count the number of vowels, consonants, hard and soft sounds in a word;
- make first notes of letters;
- how to read words of four or more syllables;
- how to find out which word is written correctly;
- how do voiced and voiceless consonants differ from each other?
- what are pairs of sounds based on deafness and voicedness;
- how words are combined into phrases;
- How to learn to read with expression.
At the end of the reading course, the preschooler will learn to read sentences and short texts syllable by syllable, understand their meaning and highlight stress in words.