For anyone who wants to understand the complexities of simplification - the course is 14,000 rubles. from KonturSchool, training 96 ac. hours, Date: September 24, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
Step 1. Watch lessons Recorded or live, discuss the topic of the lesson in a chat with experts.
Step 2. Take tests Test your knowledge after each lesson an unlimited number of times and prepare for the final test.
Step 3. Receive the document Pass the final test, and the document will be waiting in your personal account. You can download it or track the original by track number.
Various formats Videos, teaching materials, checklists, online tests, sample documents and collections of regulatory documents.
Personal support Support from a curator and an expert for the entire period of training, as well as 24-hour technical support.
Mobile application In the application you can watch lessons and webinars, take tests and ask questions.
14 lessons, 96 academic hours
General provisions and concepts of the simplified tax system
Normative base. Concepts used in taxation
General provisions and rules for applying the simplified tax system
Accounting policy for taxation purposes under the simplified tax system. Tax planning
Taxation under the simplified tax system
Income under the simplified tax system
Expenses under the simplified tax system: rules and procedure for recognition
Expenses for the sale of goods and products. Marketplace
Formation of the tax base. Minimum tax under simplified tax system
Tax payments under the simplified tax system: calculation and payment procedure
Practice of filling out KUDiR and declarations according to the simplified tax system. AUSN
KUDiR: procedure for maintaining and filling out
Declaration under the simplified tax system: filling, submission
Other taxes under the simplified tax system. Combination of simplified taxation system and PSN
Payroll taxes
Regional and local taxes
Final test
To successfully pass the test, you must answer 12 out of 15 questions correctly.