In the capable hands of contextual advertising is becoming a very effective means of promotion. Often, people talking about the uselessness of the tool in the result / price ratio, is simply wrong to use it. Today we have prepared for you a list of the most pressing problems faced by newcomers and not very experienced users when working with contextual advertising, as well as solutions to these problems.
Problem: Low conversion
Reason number 1: ignore negative keywords
Negative keywords are used in order to avoid showing the ad when someone searches for similar in meaning, but radically different in nature. The easiest way to explain this with an example.
You sell bicycles in Kazan. Only bicycles only sell and only in Kazan. Obviously, you do not want your ad to show people who want to rent a bike, looking not the bikes and spare parts, as well as interested in buying in another city. Accordingly, in this case, to add to the negative keyword "rental" and "spare parts".
The issue with the location is decided otherwise, and it can be taken as a separate reason for the low conversion.
Reason № 2: ignoring geographical and temporal targeting
Once we sell bicycles only in Kazan, you must specify it in your campaign settings. Thus your ad will be excluded for people from other cities.
Time targeting is important in the case when some or all of your services may not be available during certain hours. For example, your customer support and consultants working from 10 am to 6 pm. Obviously, the time intervals of the ad must be synchronized with the timing of availability of your services.
However, not all problems can be solved solely on the content of the instrument. The third cause poor conversion lies exclusively on the side of the advertiser.
Reason number 3: ignoring the quality of the landing page
The genius of PPC advertising is that instead of the senseless man vpihivaniya some suggestions just like that, for no with this, the context takes a very advantageous position - exactly between fledged human desire to get something, and the purpose of its Search. It is enough to understand this principle, and requirements to be designated a landing page on their own. The page must be relevant to a query containing the search target, to be clear and easy for the user to complete the desired action.
If you go a user turns on a huge catalog home page, where you want to again look for something - it's a bad landing page. If he gets on the product page description, specifications, pictures, and click "Buy" - this is a good page.
Problem: low clickability (CTR)
Cause: The quality of your ads
As described above, the principle of contextual advertising, ad is the second item in the chain "wanted - I saw - he took." If the appearance of the ads do not attract the user, the sequence will be aborted. Obviously, people will want to click if they see the keyword query, which is introduced. In addition, the ad becomes more attractive with the presence in it a quick link to go directly to the object of desire of the buyer.
Problem: The ad is not running
Reason: incorrect calculation of the budget
Sudden zero in the account - a typical situation for the inexperienced user, but in the case of AdWords reason may be more and the rate is too low, coupled with the poor quality of the ad itself. Google will be extremely reluctant to show such ads.
Resolve the issue of ending the worst possible moment means - is quite an important task. Otherwise, the ad will fall out of the show at the wrong time, it will reduce the overall effectiveness of an advertising campaign through the floor. How to learn how to plan a budget for context? It is a matter of practice. In the initial stages you will need to monitor the dynamics of daily impressions and analyze the associated costs. Over time, you will be able to fairly accurately match an acceptable effect on the campaign and the budget required for its implementation.
But here you are, it would seem, to adjust the budget, but in the end the campaign still goes too expensive. What's the matter?
Problem: too expensive
Reason № 1: emphasis on high frequency (HF) requests
High-road needs on their own, since among them is high competition, but the effect is far not always acceptable, because the ad is shown untargeted audience that is on it will not clicking. The result is a low CTR, spent a lot of money to nowhere and no result.
To solve the problem, you must correctly build ad: minimum of common queries and maximum precision requirements. In the future, you can remove the inefficient low-frequency queries and replace them with other relevant words.
Reason number 2: higher rates on bad sites
Each site provides the indicators of advertising effectiveness. The same applies to the search. Accordingly, the user needs to adjust the rate of ads, making it higher or leaving unchanged the effective areas and reducing the rate on less useful. To obtain data on the effectiveness of a particular resource is most conveniently via Google Analytics, and "Yandex. Metric ", and then calculate the cost of conversion for search and each individual site, which displays our context, and adjust your bids.
Problem: low ad position
Reason: wrong price and optimization of ads
The most dainty place to post ads - upper blocks. You might think that it is necessary to raise the rate needed to hit. In "Yandex. Direct "it is true, but Google AdWords operates differently. Here the key criterion is no single parameter rate, and the overall rating of ad. What are ratings? A collection of ad relevance, the value of its current and expected CTR, Quality landing page and, of course, the stakes (money in anyway affect).
In this scenario, Google contextual advertising system seems fairer, and indeed it is. If "Direct" puts at the head of only infused advertiser budgets, in the case of AdWords, you can get an advantageous position at a lower cost, provided that announcement is made correctly.
AdWords vs «Direct»
As you can see, according to some relevant criteria Google AdWords is more optimal tool for doing PPC advertising campaign. It also confirms the general statistics of SeoPult, collected on the basis of the analysis of more than 2000 customers use the parallel AdWords and "Direct":
- for Moscow and the region cost per customer of Google AdWords cheaper "Yandex. Direct "11.2%;
- for large cities (one million) difference in favor of AdWords is already 14.6%;
- for other smaller towns figure grows to very serious 25.3% to Google.
It would seem the obvious choice after such statistics, but there is a big problem: a separate category of users gives a completely reverse data. In certain cases, the client's involvement in "direct" costs two to three times cheaper than that from AdWords. What to do? How do you know which tool is suitable specifically for me? Unfortunately, depending on the precise scope of business and services not. To determine a better tool for themselves, it is necessary to try both.
How to get the job done with contextual advertising easier
In a previous article we talked about, how to save money on contextual advertising and automate routineAccompanying management contextual campaign. At that time it was mainly about "Yandex. Direct ", because he was not able to automate the tool to work to AdWords.
Now contextual advertising module SeoPult It works equally effectively and with "Yandex. Directives ", and Google AdWords. All advice given above is very relevant and do work, but if everyone wants (especially the owner) spend their time and energy on studying rather multifaceted subject content rather than engage directly business?
We believe that the best way to cope with the task of a specialist, and the context - it's not so creative activity that only a man could work with him. Automated module instantly generate the right ad text, and will indicate the rate will be masterly to manage them with the precision characteristic of the robot. There is already preset, the most optimized for the most current business areas.
The special charm SeoPult contextual advertising module that it is absolutely free and available to everyone.