“University lecture course on applied ethics (for applicants to master’s programs)” - course 12,000 rubles. from MSU, training 3 weeks. (1 month), Date: November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / December 01, 2023
The series of lectures in the educational program is dedicated to improving the philosophical knowledge of individuals entering the master's programs at Moscow State University and other universities, bringing them to the level of university requirements, educational requirements standards.
Additional education for adults, including those entering non-integrated master's programs at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.
The program of the lecture course examines the main issues of philosophy, problems of theoretical philosophical disciplines, problems of practical philosophy: nature and specificity philosophical knowledge, the place of philosophy in culture and the features of its self-expression as a rational-theoretical consciousness and worldview, the specifics of philosophy in space culture. Ancient philosophy: stages of development, main schools, problems. Philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: main features, stages of development, representatives. Characteristic features of the philosophy of the New Time. Socio-political concepts in Western European philosophy of the 17th-18th centuries. Philosophy of education: main features, issues, representatives. Positivism in philosophy in the XIX-XX centuries. Characteristic features of Russian philosophical thought. The main schools and directions of Russian philosophy of the 19th and early 20th centuries. etc.
Problems of theoretical philosophical disciplines: main problems of ontology and theory of knowledge, philosophy of science and philosophical methodology, social philosophy. The main problems of practical philosophy: ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of politics. At the final stage of the program, students undergo a workshop - writing an essay.
The program will be held online on weekday evenings.
The target audience
3rd year undergraduate students and older, university graduates.
Classes will take place in June 2023. in the evening online on the Zoom platform. The final lesson involves a workshop in the form of writing a test essay
Program results
formation of general ideas about the problems of philosophy and the space of philosophical knowledge in general, systematization of knowledge and training of meta-competencies necessary to pass the entrance exam to a master's degree in philosophy, adaptation to the format exam
Topics of lectures of the program
“University Philosophical Lecture Hall” (for applicants to master’s programs)
1. Introductory lecture “The nature and specificity of philosophical knowledge.”
2. Presentation of master's programs at the Faculty of Philosophy.
Lecture block “History of Philosophy”
3. “Ancient philosophy: the origin of philosophy in Ancient Greece, the formulation of the main
philosophical questions, knowledge of the world and the search for the beginning."
4. “Ancient philosophy: self-knowledge in the philosophy of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle,
knowledge of God in Plato and in Neoplatonism.”
5. “Philosophy of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Modern Times: the problem
universals in medieval philosophy, proof of the existence of God, search for the true
6. "Philosophy of the New Age: rationalism and empiricism, philosophy of the Enlightenment."
7. "German classical philosophy: Kant's theoretical philosophy, Kant's doctrine of
8. "German classical philosophy and philosophy of the 19th century: Hegel's philosophy, philosophy
9. “History of Russian philosophy: the philosophy of Slavophiles and Westerners, political
philosophy in the 19th century, philosophy of unity, Russian religious and philosophical
Lecture block “Theoretical philosophy”
10. “The main problems of the philosophy of science: the nature of scientific knowledge, verifiability and
falsifiability, models of development of scientific knowledge.”
11. “The main problems of the philosophy of science: the concept of method, the specifics of social and
humanities, the question of the scientific nature of philosophy, scientism and anti-scientism.”
12. “The main problems of ontology: being and non-being, substance, essence and
existence, the problem of causality and determinism, space and time.”
13. “The main problems of the theory of knowledge: the knowability of the world, the boundaries of knowledge, conditions
truth of knowledge, concepts and criteria of truth, sources and types of knowledge, problem
definitions and justification of knowledge.”
14. “The main problems of social philosophy: forms of self-development of society, the role
personality in history, demarcation of social and natural, free will, problem
Lecture block “Practical philosophy”
15. “The main problems of the philosophy of politics and law: the categories of “politics” and “power”,
“law” and “law”, philosophical aspects of the analysis of politics and law as phenomena
public life."
16. “The main problems of aesthetics: the subject of aesthetics, the main aesthetic categories and
methodology of aesthetic research, basic concepts of aesthetics of different eras.”
17. “The main problems of the philosophy of religion: the origin of religion, principles
classifications of religions, specifics of religious consciousness, religion as a sphere of spiritual
18. “The main problems of ethics: the history of ethical thought, the justification of morality as
problem of ethics."
19. “The main problems of ethics: virtue ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, applied
Practical block
Writing a test essay.