“Biotesting technologies in environmental control of natural environments and man-made objects” - course 60,000 rubles. from MSU, training 4 weeks. (1 month), Date: November 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
Program volume (academic hours): 72 hours (16 classroom hours)
Form of study: full-time, distance learning
Dates of classes: as groups are recruited (small groups, from 5 people)
Admission requirements: higher professional education or secondary specialized education
Program Manager: Vera Aleksandrovna Terekhova, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (495) 930-03-95.
Responsible for additional education: Timofeeva Elena Aleksandrovna, Email: [email protected], tel. 8 (903) 22-33-99-2, 8 (495) 939-22-33
If necessary, the program can be adapted to the customer’s requirements - expanded, removed, or the necessary topics added to the curriculum of the additional education program
Who is this course for?
The program is intended primarily for managers and specialists of environmental analytical laboratories of manufacturing enterprises and Centers for laboratory analysis and technical measurements (TsLATI) using or planning to use biotesting methods for environmental monitoring, assessing the hazard class of waste, identifying the degree of harmful effects on natural environments. The program is also of interest to teachers of environmental specialties at universities and other educational institutions. institutions, for individuals and organizations carrying out environmental research projects, dissertations and environmental examination.
What benefits will you get for your work?
Together with the Certificate of Advanced Training at Moscow State University, you will receive valuable knowledge about the relevance and requirements for the use of biotests, practical experience in solving problems environmental control and determination of the hazard class of waste using the experimental method, skills in setting up experiments and processing the results, knowledge of the features organizing biotesting laboratories, creating conditions for maintaining test cultures ensuring their reliability, information about the necessary equipment and its modern manufacturers. You will be given a choice of standardized test cultures of two types of organisms, texts of methods biotesting developed at LETAP and registered with the Federal Fund for Ensuring Unity RF measurements. You will make new friends and colleagues with whom you will exchange experiences in the future. And, of course, you can count on our support and assistance as graduates of our program.
Main topics of the course:
- Bioindication and biotesting as forms of biological environmental control
- Regulatory requirements for the use of biotesting in environmental toxicity monitoring.
- Requirements for an accredited biotesting laboratory, equipment, conditions for conducting and issuing biotesting protocols.
- Features of sampling and preparation of samples for biotesting.
- Practical algotesting (ecotoxicological assessment of the development of microalgae: Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Phaedactylum, Nephrochloris.)
- The use of lower crustaceans as test species in biotesting (Daphnia magna. Ceriodaphnia affinis. Artemia salina).
- Protozoa as test organisms in environmental control (Paramecium caudatum and Tetrahymena pyriformis)
- Fundamentals of phytotesting for environmental control tasks.
- Multisubstrate testing.
- Possibilities of environmental biotests based on mammalian cells in vitro.
How are classes going?
Training is carried out using distance resources and an important cycle of 5-day practical face-to-face classes in an accredited laboratory of Moscow State University.
1 Biological methods in the system of environmental monitoring of the quality of environmental objects
1.2 Biotic concept of environmental control. Bioindication and biotesting as different forms of biological environmental control
1.3 Biotesting methods in Russia and abroad. Characteristics of test systems at various levels. Parameters for evaluating test systems. Classic and new biotest systems based on biotesting methods (using hydro- and pedobionts, bacterial phytotests).
1.4 Regulatory documents on biotesting of soils, waters and wastes. Requirements for an accredited biotesting laboratory, accreditation conditions in accordance with current standards (ISO 12025 and ISO 9001).
2. Methods for biotesting of environmental toxicity of natural and man-made objects
2.1 Methods of sampling and preparation of samples for biotesting, recommended for ecotoxicological analysis of soil, water and waste. Features of the preparation of cultivation water and media for test organisms. Basic requirements for the tested object and control of the main parameters of the tested environments (acidity, salinity, temperature, oxygen content).
2.2. Ecotoxicological assessment of natural environments and objects for the development of microalgae. Various ways of recording the response: direct counting of the increase in algae cell population, optical methods based on absorption spectra, fluorescence, etc. Operational biotests based on the growth of chlorella. Practical acquaintance with freshwater and marine test cultures (Chlorella species, Scenedesmus Nephrochloris, etc.) Probit analysis. Experimental testing of fresh and salt water samples with model toxicants.
2.2.1. Determination of toxicity of contaminated soils.
2.2.2. Experimental determination of the hazard class of chemical waste.
2.3. Lower crustaceans as test organisms in biotesting of the toxicity of water, soil and waste. The main features of the operational biotest of water toxicity on the effect on the survival of the daphnia crustacean - Daphnia magna. Features of biotesting of highly mineralized media (based on the method developed at LETAP using the brackish-water crustacean Artemia - Artemia salina).
2.3.1. Determination of the toxicity of water and water extracts from soils and wastes by mortality and changes in fertility of daphnia Daphnia magna and ceriodaphnia Ceriodaphnia affinis.
2.3.2. Conducting a toxicological experiment on crustaceans using a model toxicant.
2.4. Protozoa as test organisms in environmental control.
2.4.1. Determination of the toxicity of natural environments and objects using the biotesting method for the survival of ciliates Paramecium caudatum (based on the method developed at LETAP).
2.4.2. Method of automated biotesting on ciliates Paramecium caudatum and Tetrahymena pyriformis using the BioLaT device
2.5. Phytotesting methods in environmental control. Determination of the ecological quality of soils in agrocenoses. Determination of the toxicity of aqueous extracts from waste.
2.6. Microbial cultures in biotesting of soils, waters and wastes
2.6.1. Multi-substrate testing of soil microbial communities for environmental control purposes.
2.6.2. Express determination of the toxicity of water, soil and chemical compounds using the luminescent bacterial test "Ecolum"
2.7. Excursion to an accredited laboratory (LETAP)
Final certification exam