“Translator in the field of professional communication” - course 260,000 rubles. from MSU, training 72 weeks. (18 months), Date: October 1, 2022.
Miscellaneous / / November 30, 2023
Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University (1976).
Candidate of Philological Sciences (1979). Doctor of Philology (1991). Professor (1993)
Professor, Head of the Department of English for the faculties of biology, soil science and fundamental medicine/English for the faculties of science (1992–present), deputy. Dean for Further Education (2003–2005), Deputy. Dean for Research (2005–2017) Faculty of Foreign Languages/Foreign Languages and Regional Studies. Works at Moscow State University since 1979.
Honored Professor of Moscow University (2005). Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2008).
Area of scientific interests: theory of philological invariance.
The topic of the candidate's thesis is “On the justification and development of the concept of “vertical philological context”: on the material of English poetry.” The topic of the doctoral dissertation is “Philological topology: theory and practice.”
Gives courses on “Comparative stylistics of the Russian and English languages”, “Topological and semiotic aspects of literary translation”, “Classics” literary translation", "Current problems of literary translation", "Grammatical aspects of translation", "Theory of the English language", "Fundamentals of literary translation."
Main works: “Philological topology: theory and practice” (2017), textbooks “Philological topology in English classical poetry. Special course" (1988), "Fundamentals of the general theory of translation: a short course of lectures" (co-author, 2003), "Grammatical aspects of translation" (2016).
1. Practical foreign language course
2. Presentation technology and oral speech practice
3. Fundamentals of the theory of the target language with seminars on grammatical aspects of translation
4. The world of the language being learned
5. Stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture
1. Translation theory
2. Practical course of professionally oriented translation
3. Abstract technologies in translation
4. Basic interpreting course
5. Computer technology in translation
6. Translation workshop
7. Elective courses
119234, Russia, Moscow, Leninskie Gory 1, bldg. 13
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