The plan for the new year: your first 10 words
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
We want to offer you a very interesting test before you will sit for the compilation of their lists. Perhaps it will help to rethink everything that has already happened and some to take another look at what you really would like to get on with life.
Christmas and New Year holidays just around the corner, and many probably already preparing for the construction of new to-do lists, wants and desires coming year. Someone reads your old plan for the year, and reflects on what has been achieved and what to write in the new. And someone prefers not to look back, and every New Year for it is really new.
And we want to offer you a very interesting test before you will sit for the compilation of their lists. Perhaps it will help to rethink everything that has already happened and some to take another look at what you really would like to get on with life. Something you already and so it is, but something is an acute shortage - compiled a list of 10 words will help you understand.
A Japanese professor, Takeshi Sato, decided to conduct an experiment - he and his team interviewed Japanese population and made up of the top 10 words that Japanese people often pointed out in their life lists priorities.
Obtained in the survey list looked like this:
- 1. Success
- 2. Sincerity
- 3. Liberty
- 4. World
- 5. Love
- 6. Thoughtfulness
- 7. The trust
- 8. Thanks
- 9. Health
- 10. dreams
Here is a list of values of the Japanese nation at the moment. During the survey the views of senior and younger generation left. Young in the first place was the Liberty, the older generation priority - Success (achievement) and Health. This difference indicates that gradually changes the mood of the nation and that the corporate future Culture will not be absorbed with their mother's milk, and the young people will be free in their endeavors.
the essence of the experiment
And now we invite you to do the same - to look inside yourself and dig deeper. Perhaps what you find there, you may not like it, but it will show your true state, not ostentatious, concocted especially for others. But you can all rethink and understand where you really should go and a lot of work.
Find yourself at least a little bit of free time and a quiet nook. Sit back, relax, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Look inside yourself and try as honestly understand what exactly is a priority for you at this stage of life? Your values, lifestyle, beliefs? Think about everything that's good and make a list of 10 words that could describe your life priorities at the moment. In the first place - most importantly, in the last what you thought at the last moment.
You can spend another interesting experiment and learn finally how do you actually look in the eyes of friends and relatives. You can give them to read this list, saying that one of your friend is conducting an experiment and he needs data. And then ask them to describe a person who could in their opinion make a list of priorities. Sometimes you can learn a lot of new (and not so pleasant).
And then based on the resulting list to sit and think about what kind of gift you want to get on New Year's Eve from Santa Claus.