Frontend developer - course 47,600 rub. from Loft School, training 3 months, Date November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Knowledge and skills
All the necessary knowledge for a frontend developer.
2 impressive modern and technological projects in your portfolio.
With a score that reflects your level of knowledge and degree of impact.
Carier start
We guarantee employment to all good and excellent students.
They give knowledge, not answers. They love to explain and are able to convey complex information in understandable language. Demanding about the quality of your code: you will not pass the assignment until your code is perfect. They understand other people well and know how to find an approach to any students. Always ready to help.
Vue.js Advanced Web Development
Week 1 - Workflow
— We meet the mentor and the group.
— Using webpack assembly, we create the selected layout for the final project.
— We post the result on Github and submit it to the mentor for verification.
Course opening
1. How the training goes (01:09:37)
Vue. Key Features
1. Theory (04:49)
2. Hello World (06:20)
3. Event Handling (02:38)
4. Handling multiple events (01:19)
5. Dynamic values (01:30)
6. Introduction to Directives (05:40)
7. Abbreviated directives (00:37)
8. Methods with parameters (01:36)
9. Event modifiers (08:52)
10. Computed Properties (10:50)
11. Watchers (06:02)
12. Working with classes (03:37)
13. Working with CSS Properties (02:49)
14. Accessing DOM elements (03:50)
15. Conditional rendering (04:46)
16. Rendering lists (05:12)
17. Creating a Component (04:16)
18. Local components (02:44)
19. Data reactivity (04:35)
20. Component properties (03:52)
21. Slots (04:37)
22. Slots with scope (04:52)
23. Custom Events (04:27)
24. Teleports (02:53)
Vue. Single-file components
1. Installing the project. VUE-CLI (09:22)
2. Single file component (03:18)
3. Working with styles (07:02)
4. Passing attributes and handlers (02:53)
5. Individual files (01:26)
6. Validation of component properties (07:35)
7. Validation of user events (02:01)
8. Two-way data communication (04:11)
9. Custom v-model (05:51)
10. Lifecycle Hooks (07:08)
11. Impurities (04:40)
1. What is npm? (05:50)
2. Installing and updating npm (02:33)
3. Help with npm (01:28)
4. Finding and installing packages (04:24)
5. Package dependencies (02:09)
6. Manifest file package.json (03:02)
7. Removing and updating packages (03:02)
8. dependencies and devDependencies (01:51)
9. Webpack and npx (04:04)
10. npm scripts (04:02)
11. npm, git and github (02:40)
1. Yarn (07:07)
Webpack. Basics
1. Theory (01:09)
2. Minimal config and launch (04:41)
3. File naming (02:34)
4. Loaders (04:28)
5. Dev-server (02:43)
6. Plugins (02:34)
7. Search for modules (03:18)
8. Sorsmaps (03:17)
9. Dev et al (02:42)
10. Types of modules (03:00)
11. Minimal assembly (05:30)
ESLint. Configuration overview
1. Introduction (01:26)
2. Installation and launch (03:10)
3. Bug fixes (02:04)
4. Configuration (05:21)
5. Output Format (00:52)
Figma for layout designer
1. Figma. Interface (04:37)
2. Figma. Project organization (01:32)
1. Introduction (00:45)
2. Flex container (01:43)
3. Major Axis Alignment (01:37)
4. Cross axis alignment (01:50)
5. Aligning a Single Element (01:09)
6. Flex element - container (00:53)
7. Axes direction (03:18)
8. Multiline container (02:54)
9. Aligning multiline content (01:25)
10. Proportions (02:46)
11. Compression proportions (01:24)
12. Basic size (04:02)
13. Order of elements (02:40)
1. Introduction (07:03)
2. Getting started with Git (03:01)
3. Creating a new repository (01:09)
4. Adding files to the Git index (watch area) (06:49)
5. Creating a commit (07:17)
6. Commit navigation. Cancel changes (12:10)
7. Typical Git cycle (03:34)
8. Branching in Git (11:27)
9. Conflicts when merging branches (06:06)
10. Temporary (without commit) saving data (05:25)
11. Working with remote repositories (20:04)
12. Using GitHub Pages to Host Projects (04:31)
Vue. Workshop #1
1. Start of the project (05:24)
2. Header Component (04:13)
3. Icon Component (05:06)
4. Displaying a list of components (02:56)
5. Toggle component (03:19)
Week 2 - Vue.js
— We make the layout adaptive.
— We will implement the “Skills” block in Vue.js.
— We will implement the “My Projects” block in Vue.js.
— We implement the “Slider for reviews” block using the Vue.js plugin.
1. Installation (01:56)
2. First story (04:35)
3. Connecting a component (01:24)
4. Config expansion (04:26)
5. General styles (02:08)
6. Story for the component (05:23)
7. CDD (04:16)
8. Creating a component (02:28)
9. Applying a component (02:29)
10. Event logging (03:29)
11. Backgrounds addon (01:41)
12. Addon Knobs (02:28)
13. Addon Source (02:17)
14. Conclusion (01:11)
JavaScript - ES6
1. String interpolation (07:39)
2. Simplifying method descriptions (13:35)
3. Defaults (30:08)
4. Destructuring Assignment: Objects (07:30)
5. New features and old browsers (13:07)
Asynchrony in JavaScript
1. Timers (23:44)
2. Loading pictures (22:21)
3. Promises (36:29)
4. AJAX (32:28)
Axios. Query Library
1. Introduction (02:23)
2. Sending a request (02:12)
3. Configuration overview (04:30)
4. Request body (01:43)
5. Default Settings (01:38)
6. Interceptors (02:11)
7. Services (02:33)
8. async-await (01:18)
Vue. Workshop #2
1. Preparation (02:39)
2. Connecting a component (02:16)
3. Control output (02:38)
4. Progress Component (05:09)
5. Request to the server (06:38)
6. Data output (05:55)
Week 3 - Native JavaScript
— We are creating the admin panel.
— We study Storybook and apply it in our project.
— We carry out the necessary processing (validation) of project forms.
VueRouter. Routing in the browser
1. Introduction (04:31)
2. Link building (02:41)
3. Software navigation (02:35)
4. Path parameters (04:42)
5. Parameters as properties (00:49)
6. Advanced options and 404 (03:29)
7. Nested routes (03:23)
8. Activity classes (02:37)
9. Various Router-Views (01:08)
10. Dynamic imports (02:00)
11. Beautiful URL (02:16)
Vuex. State Manager
1. Introduction (01:13)
2. Connection (02:30)
3. Action (02:27)
4. Mutations (02:16)
5. Getters (02:02)
6. Application in practice (08:07)
7. Assistant functions (02:59)
8. Modules (05:18)
9. Dynamic modules (01:38)
Question answer
Vue. Workshop #3
1. Layout (04:33)
2. Data output (02:42)
3. Preparing for Animation (02:14)
4. Button display (03:45)
5. Additional content loading (11:38)
6. Show slide after transition (02:17)
Week 4 - Vue.js, SPA
— We implement SPA in the admin panel.
— We study working with data through the application storage
— We use ajax to communicate with the api, set up client-server interactions.
Authorization. Tokens
1. Authorization types (04:20)
2. GitHub OAuth (01:42)
3. Creating a GitHub application (02:28)
4. Receiving a token (08:38)
5. Storing data in code (01:46)
6. Route protection (04:13)
Vue. Workshop #4
1. Preparation (01:33)
2. Creating an action (02:30)
3. Download Status (04:01)
4. Request (02:27)
5. Removing duplicates (03:29)
6. Route protection (03:23)
7. Logout (00:51)
Week 5 - Practice
— We display the saved data from the admin panel to the landing page.
— We test the components.
— Group work on a project with a mentor.
Vue.js. Composition API
1. Introduction (01:29)
2. General example (03:57)
3. Song function (01:51)
4. Reactive function (00:55)
5. toRef function (01:35)
6. toRefs function (00:58)
7. Computed properties (00:56)
8. watch function (01:41)
9. watchEffect function (03:14)
10. readonly function (00:40)
11. Test functions (02:30)
12. unref function (01:27)
13. Lifecycle Hooks (00:58)
14. Example. Project overview (00:53)
15. Example. Loading functionality (01:20)
16. Example. Categories (02:20)
17. Example. Initial filtering (02:46)
18. Example. Filter switching (02:11)
19. Example. Other filtering functions (02:03)
20. Example. Sorting method (03:05)
JS code testing
1. Introduction (16:05)
2. Jest (15:47)
3. The benefits of tests (09:01)
4. Coverage (10:02)
Vue.js. Component testing
1. Setting up packages (04:39)
2. Component wrapper (04:13)
3. What to test (02:48)
4. First test (05:25)
5. Checking the emission event (03:44)
6. Transferring properties (02:58)
7. Working with form elements (05:42)
8. General settings (01:15)
9. Moki (05:04)
10. Connecting libraries (02:32)
11. Action testing (03:26)
12. Testing the store (02:53)
13. Testing with pictures (03:08)
Testing. Moki
1. Creating a mockup (02:39)
2. Working with arguments (01:39)
3. Return value (02:57)
4. Modules (04:24)
5. Timers (02:05)
Vue. Workshop #5
1. Simple Component (03:03)
2. Component with store (05:21)
3. Testing. Preparation (03:20)
4. Testing. Toggler (02:38)
5. Testing. Issues (05:08)
Week 6 - Completing the project
— We are finalizing the project.
— We submit the project for review by mentors.
— Grading diplomas.
How to get a job in IT: tips and tricks
1. How to get a job in IT? Search, interview and probationary period (42:21)
2. How to find remote work and freelance orders? (20:12)
3. First job in IT - how to behave? Internships, official employment and work “for food” (14:11)
4. How to pass the probationary period? (27:10)
5. How to prepare for an interview at a FAANG company (08:52)
6. The process of loading a web page (25:19)
7. Programmer interview - everything you need to know (01:24:07)
8. Solving a problem from a programmer interview (19:36)
9. Frontend developer interview (01:37:17)
React.js Web Application Development
Week 1 - Introduction to React.js
— We get to know the course team and classmates.
— Learning JSX and Virtual DOM in React.
— We are considering the component approach and methods of data transfer.
1. Course opening (05:41)
I React.js
1. What is React (07:05)
2. Virtual DOM (02:46)
3. JSX (06:10)
4. Rendering with conditions (05:11)
5. Working with lists (02:45)
6. Components (02:41)
7. Props (01:45)
8. State (06:45)
9. Events (02:26)
10. React Devtools (03:58)
II React.js
1. Lifecycle methods (05:19)
2. Components - functions (01:29)
3. Pure Component (02:54)
4. Synthetic Events (01:42)
5. Working with forms (02:51)
6. Error handling (01:39)
Analysis of tasks #1
1. Workshop #1 (30:36)
Week 2 - React.js patterns, testing
— We study components, elements and instances of the component class.
— We consider the Recompose library, high order components and Render Props patterns.
— We understand the advantages of tests, study Jest, Enzyme, Snapshots.
III React
1. Intro (01:43)
2. PropTypes (10:18)
3. Context (05:19)
4. Refs (05:18)
5. Portals (05:02)
6. Hooks (10:42)
IV React.js
1. High Order Components (HOCs) - Higher Order Components (10:33)
2. Ref-forwarding (HOCs) (04:31)
3. Render props pattern (05:25)
4. HOK Library Recompose (10:32)
5. Profiling (04:02)
1. Intro (05:06)
2. Test Runner (02:51)
3. Test DSL (08:41)
4. Enzyme (06:57)
5. Snapshots (03:09)
6. Testing sagas (05:01)
7. React Testing Library (06:32)
Analysis of tasks #2
1. Workshop #2 (27:54)
Week 3 - Redux, routing
— We study routing: Simple routing, routing with Switch, as well as nested routing.
— Getting acquainted with the Redux library: basic concepts and concepts of Store, Actions, Reducers, React-redux.
— Middleware is considered as a way to work with Sideeffect.
Routing in the browser
1. History API (02:48)
2. Simple routing (05:39)
3. Routing from Switch (04:16)
4. Nested routing (05:32)
5. Private route (04:39)
I Redux
1. Intro (04:07)
2. Store (05:03)
3. Actions (02:17)
4. Reducers (07:56)
5. React-redux (03:26)
II Redux
1. Intro (03:11)
2. CreateActions (redux-actions) (09:13)
3. Middleware (07:54)
4. Handle actions (05:52)
5. Selectors (06:17)
6. Reselect (04:49)
7. Ducks (06:56)
Analysis of tasks #3
1. Workshop #3 (39:13)
Week 4 - Redux-saga
— We are studying the Redux-saga library. Repeat generator* functions. Let's learn how to run them in parallel.
— Let's look at the Take method. Let's study select as a way to get data from the Store.
— We are looking at ways to style a React application. We study the libraries ClassNames, StyledComponents, BrowserList, MaterialUI.
I Redux-saga
1. Intro (00:57)
2. Overview (02:08)
3. Generators (04:11)
4. Adding sagas (02:07)
5. React on actions (03:53)
6. Feature launches (02:06)
II Redux-saga
1. Intro (00:27)
2. Performing effects in parallel (03:41)
3. Take effect (02:45)
4. Select effect (02:04)
5. Cancel effects (04:05)
Working with styles
1. Intro (01:34)
2. CRA Styles (05:21)
3. ClassNames (06:32)
4. StyledComponents (07:11)
5. BrowserList (01:37)
6. Material UI (08:13)
Analysis of tasks #4
1. Workshop #4 (09:55)
Week 5 – Forms, CI & DI & Client error handling
— We consider working with forms using the Formik, Redux Forms, React Final Form libraries.
— We are considering methods for ensuring the quality of production code. We analyze such tools as: Husky, TravisCI, HerokuNow.
— We are studying a set of useful libraries for development (Storybook, RamdaJS, Axios).
— We are considering TypeScript.
Working with Forms
1. Intro (05:07)
2. Formik (08:51)
3. Redux form (06:22)
4. React final form (06:36)
CI & DI & Client error handling
1. Intro (05:07)
2. Husky (02:32)
3. CI using TravisCI (03:32)
4. Deploy to heroku (04:57)
5. Rollbar (02:00)
A set of useful libraries for development
1. Storybook (05:32)
2. RamdaJS (04:47)
3. Axios (05:52)
4. Typescript (09:31)
Analysis of tasks #5
1. Workshop #5 (13:17)
Week 6 - Project work
— We complete the application and send it for review.
How to get a job in IT: tips and tricks
1. How to get a job in IT? Search, interview and probationary period (42:21)
2. How to find remote work and freelance orders? (20:12)
3. First job in IT - how to behave? Internships, official employment and work “for food” (14:11)
4. How to pass the probationary period? (27:10)
5. How to prepare for an interview at a FAANG company (08:52)
6. The process of loading a web page (25:19)
7. Programmer interview - everything you need to know (01:24:07)
8. Solving a problem from a programmer interview (19:36)
9. Frontend developer interview (01:37:17)