Thank you! Golang in practice - course 3000 rub. from Stepik, training 30 lessons, Date: October 29, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Go is a unique language. Simple to the point of primitiveness, but with a large and well-thought-out standard library. Statically typed, but great for small utilities. Low-level enough to tinker with bytes, but high-level enough to do asynchronous work without a headache.
This course is for those who have a good knowledge of Python, JS or PHP (or any other language) and want to quickly master Go so they can start using it at work or in personal projects. We won't waste time explaining "what a variable is", "how a loop works" or solving pointless exercises like "what will a function print". Instead, let's learn the language through small, practical problems.
Since the course is designed for experienced programmers, I chose the presentation format that I prefer: short, succinct, with tasks of medium complexity. Perhaps you will like it too.
After completing the course, you will master:
- Language Basics
Arrays and maps, functions and pointers, structures and methods, interfaces, working with errors.
- Clean code
Packages and modules, tests, benchmarks, profiler.
- Multitasking
Goroutines, channels, composition, timers, context, synchronization.
- Standard library
Strings and text, date and time, files, JSON and XML, HTTP requests, SQL.
Lectures are written, no videos. I can explain complex things clearly, so it's a pleasure to read them. Many examples, no dry theory. At the end of each module there is a short summary.
The course is interactive. Most exercises can be done directly in the browser. For each problem there is a standard solution with analysis.
If you score 85% of points, you will receive a certificate, 95% of points will receive a certificate with honors. The first lesson of each module is available for free.
coursesI develop open source software, teach courses, and write about programming and data.
I write software with pleasure and appreciate common sense in development and life. Winner of the Habr author competition in the “simply about complex” category. I run telegram channels about python @ohmypy, Go @thank_go and SQL @sqliter.
1. About the course
2. Basic designs
3. Arrays and maps
4. Functions and pointers
5. Structures and methods
6. Interfaces
7. Errors
8. Summary
Clean code
1. Packages and modules
2. Tests
3. Benchmarks
4. Profiler
5. Summary
1. Goroutines
2. Channels 1
3. Channels 2
4. Composition
5. Time
6. Context
7. Synchronization
8. Summary
Standard Library
1. About the module
2. Text
3. date and time
4. Read and Write
7. SQL
8. Summary
The final
1. Results