Backend developer - course 38,000 rub. from Loft School, training 3 months, Date November 28, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 29, 2023
Knowledge and skills
All the necessary knowledge for a backend developer.
4 modern and technological projects in your portfolio.
With a score that reflects your level of knowledge and degree of impact.
Carier start
We guarantee employment to all good and excellent students.
They give knowledge, not answers. They love to explain and are able to convey complex information in understandable language. Demanding about the quality of your code: you will not pass the assignment until your code is perfect. They understand other people well and know how to find an approach to any students. Always ready to help.
Node.js Server-Side JavaScript
Week 1 - Introduction to Node.js, async, modules
— Meeting the course team.
— We study modules, file system and threads in Node.js.
— We analyze asynchrony in Node.js.
Introduction to Node.js and setting up your workbench
1. Intro (09:10)
2. Basic information about Node.js (29:13)
Modules, filesystem and threads
1. Introduction (05:22)
2. Homemade module loader (03:21)
3. Circular dependencies (03:04)
4. ES6 modules (02:41)
5. Process object (04:56)
6. Path module (03:54)
7. Working with files (06:18)
8. Streams. stream module (03:22)
9. Reading threads (08:37)
10. Recording Streams (11:54)
11. Transform stream (05:15)
12. Transform parallel (05:35)
Working with asynchrony in Node.js
1. Event Loop (03:57)
2. Event Emitter (02:12)
3. Callbacks (04:07)
4. Promises (06:03)
5. Generators (04:15)
6. Async-await (06:06)
Analysis of tasks #1
1. DZ No. 1 (14:27)
2. DZ No. 2 (12:01)
Week 2 - Working with Templates, Express.js, Koa.js
— We study the principles of working with templates (template engines Ejs, Handlebars, Pug).
— Let's get acquainted with framework Express.js.
— We are studying the Koa.js framework.
Working with Templates
1. Introduction (05:35)
2. Review of the Ejs template engine (05:39)
3. Splitting into files. Ejs template engine. (02:07)
4. Review of the Handlebars template engine (06:43)
5. Using partials in the Handlebars template engine (05:15)
6. Review of the Pug template engine (04:47)
7. Connecting the Ejs template engine in the Express framework (02:05)
8. Connecting the Handlebars template engine in the Express framework (01:59)
9. Connecting the Pug template engine in the Express framework (01:37)
1. Introduction (05:23)
2. Routing (07:29)
3. Uploading files to the server (11:38)
4. Middleware (07:08)
5. Sending an email (09:38)
6. Sessions (05:47)
7. Basic authorization and authentication using sessions (03:52)
8. Cookies and logging (07:14)
1. Intro (03:08)
2. Routing (02:00)
3. Named Parameters (01:59)
4. Static files (01:48)
5. Error handling (03:02)
6. Middleware (01:12)
7. Working with JSON (01:32)
8. Uploading files (01:36)
9. Cookie (01:32)
10. Choosing a template engine (01:57)
11. Example application (05:11)
Analysis of tasks #2
1. DZ No. 3-1 (27:50)
2. DZ No. 3-2 (28:02)
Week 3 - REST API, working with databases
— Let’s understand the concept of an API and study examples of building a simple API.
— We consider working with relational and non-relational databases using the example of PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
1. Project installation (03:24)
2. Connecting swagger and describing the get request in swagger (09:10)
3. Adding, getting by id, updating and deleting in swagger (06:49)
4. Controller. Retrieving all Users (07:25)
5. Controller. Creating a new User (06:15)
6. Receive, Update, and Delete Controllers (06:14)
Working with relational databases (using the example of PostgreSQL)
1. Setting up the environment (05:02)
2. Connecting to the database using sequelize (11:36)
3. Sequelize CLI (02:15)
4. Create and apply the first migration (06:00)
5. Creating a model (09:09)
6. Connecting models to the project (02:57)
7. CRUD using a model (10:48)
Working with non-relational databases (using the example of MongoDB)
1. Intro (02:07)
2. Installation (03:19)
3. Connecting to the base (07:27)
4. Connecting NodeJS (07:50)
5. Mongoose (10:18)
Week 4 - Sockets, Authorization, Testing
— Working with Websocket. Let's look at the Socket library. IO.
— We consider the differences between authorization and authentication.
— We study the types of tests (using the example of Mocha and Chai tests).
Sockets and working with them
1. Introduction to Websockets (03:40)
2. WS module (06:20)
3. SocketIO (07:08)
4. SocketIO - namespaces (02:40)
5. SocketIO rooms (04:28)
Authorization and authentication
1. Introduction (00:52)
2. Passport (02:28)
3. Passport and local strategy (02:32)
4. Serialization and Deserialization (01:24)
5. Using a local strategy (04:28)
6. Implementing an exit (01:16)
1. When to test (01:18)
2. Basic terms (06:10)
3. Writing tests correctly (04:03)
4. Choosing a framework (02:46)
5. Jest - adding to the project (03:16)
6. Jest - configuration (01:24)
7. Jest - watch mode + vscode extension (01:58)
Week 5 - Deployment
— We are considering virtual hosting. Deployment on Heroku using Travis.
— We are writing a Telegram bot, learning to work with node-telegram-bot-api.
— Choosing a framework for the implementation of the graduation project.
Deployment and everything connected with it
1. Introduction (01:48)
2. Heroku (02:30)
3. Travis + Heroku (06:06)
4. DigitalOcean (06:16)
5. Docker (04:32)
Bot writing process
1. Intro (02:06)
2. First Telegram bot (03:46)
3. Media files (02:52)
4. Keyboards for bots (01:13)
5. Inline keyboard (01:24)
6. Marking (03:09)
Analysis of tasks #3
1. Docker (09:58)
Week 6 - Server Rendering
— We consider the principles of server rendering.
— We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of SPA.
— We are finishing work on our final project.
Server rendering
1. CSR (01:48)
2. SSR (02:06)
3. React SSR (02:46)
4. GatsbyJS (05:57)
Comprehensive PHP Course
Week 1 – Language basics, working with functions
– Meeting the course team and group.
– We study the basics and built-in capabilities of the PHP language.
– Learning to work with functions.
Acquaintance. Workflow
1. Course opening (22:48)
1. Introduction (07:03)
2. Getting started with Git (03:01)
3. Creating a new repository (01:09)
4. Adding files to the Git index (watch area) (06:49)
5. Creating a commit (07:17)
6. Commit navigation. Cancel changes (12:10)
7. Typical Git cycle (03:34)
8. Branching in Git (11:27)
9. Conflicts when merging branches (06:06)
10. Temporary (without commit) saving data (05:25)
11. Working with remote repositories (20:04)
12. Using GitHub Pages to Host Projects (04:31)
Language Basics
1. Introduction. Data types (21:28)
2. Language operators (34:35)
3. Type Conversions (15:47)
4. Constants. Arrays. Language constructs and logical operations (36:05)
5. Global variables $_SESSION (14:35)
6. SQL language. Creating tables, adding, selecting and deleting records (41:12)
Working with functions
1. The concept of function. Examples (04:16)
2. Function input arguments, strict type (07:54)
3. Return value (08:28)
4. Function scope (10:17)
5. Passing arguments by reference and by value (11:31)
6. Anonymous functions, examples (14:26)
7. Recursion and variadic functions (22:29)
Built-in language capabilities
1. Functions for working with variables (11:51)
2. Functions for working with strings (16:36)
3. Date and time functions (07:50)
4. Functions for working with arrays (21:39)
5. Functions for working with files and uploading files to the server (18:29)
Analysis of tasks #1
1. Homework #0 (04:17)
2. Homework #1 (16:31)
3. Homework #2 (21:02)
Week 2 – Working with data, OOP
– We are learning how to work with a database.
– We study the basics of OOP.
– We consider the main design patterns.
Working with data from PHP
1. XML, CSV, JSON (26:05)
2. Introduction to MySQL (24:42)
3. Connecting to MySQL, Creating tables (25:42)
4. Let's practice making requests (28:58)
5. mysqli library (14:10)
6. PDO Library (11:05)
7. Writing a wrapper class for working with the database (17:56)
8. Ajax. Making json-api (09:36)
OOP and techniques for working in OOP style
1. Introduction. Classes and Objects (16:07)
2. Encapsulation and Inheritance (18:47)
3. Inheritance and abstract classes (09:10)
4. Namespaces and final classes (12:39)
5. Singleton pattern (08:59)
6. Interfaces and traits (12:36)
Analysis of tasks #2
1. Homework #3-1 (05:36)
2. Homework No. 3-2 (20:24)
3. Homework #4 (17:26)
Week 3 – Security, MVC
– We study the principles of safe work with the database.
– We put XSS protection into practice.
– Consider the conceptual design and architecture of MVC.
1. Creating a website with registration and authorization from scratch (01:06:05)
2. Adding a blog, sql and xss injections (19:12)
3. Uploading files (13:37)
1. MVC Definition (06:00)
2. Creating a single entry point (03:48)
3. Class autoloader (16:04)
4. Creating a simple routing (04:14)
5. Creating a controller (04:52)
6. Upgrade routing (20:12)
7. Redirects and 404 processing (11:46)
8. Adding the View component (29:36)
9. Adding the Model component (32:34)
10. We do authorization and registration (26:55)
Analysis of tasks #3
1. Implementing MVC (11:20)
2. Registration and authorization (18:38)
3. Adding a redirect (02:52)
4. Adding a blog (22:14)
5. Creating an API method (04:15)
6. Create the administrator role (07:35)
Week 4 – Working with Core Libraries
– We study the main libraries for working with letters, time, images.
– Learning testing using PHPUnit.
– Practical application of Eloquent ORM, Faker.
Implementation of third party libraries
1. Composer (10:35)
2. Swiftmailer (06:50)
3. Twig (15:03)
4. Crawler (07:21)
5. FS Carbon (08:35)
Implementation of third party libraries - 2
1. Data validation with GUMP (17:08)
2. Working with Images (19:48)
3. Testing with PHPUnit (14:33)
4. Eloquent ORM. Faker (44:47)
Analysis of tasks #4
1. Homework 5-1 (Sending mail) (02:25)
2. Homework 5-2 (Twig Support) (01:57)
3. Homework 5-3 (Working with images) (04:49)
Week 5 – Laravel
- We consider installing and configuring Laravel.
- We create controllers, models and migrations.
- Testing code with PHPUnit + Laravel Dusk.
Getting started with Laravel
1. MVC start (29:38)
2. Forms. Routes. Middleware. Validation (34:18)
Let's continue with Laravel
1. Laravel libs (28:39)
2. Unit tests (26:49)
3. Dusk (18:38)
4. Mail and mix js (05:15)
Analysis of tasks #5
1. MVC Overview (06:12)
2. Connecting and setting up Eloquent ORM (02:45)
3. Switching to Eloquent models (22:43)
4. Making a user admin panel (33:17)
Week 6 – Course Closing
- Work on graduation projects.
- Summarizing. Issuance of certificates.
Analysis of tasks #6
1. Preparation, templates (15:57)
2. Product creation (18:14)
3. Creating a category (21:19)
4. Making pagination (12:26)
5. Designing a basket (11:11)
6. Making a basket (42:45)
7. Completion. Creating an admin panel (04:33)
How to get a job in IT: tips and tricks
1. How to get a job in IT? Search, interview and probationary period (42:21)
2. How to find remote work and freelance orders? (20:12)
3. First job in IT - how to behave? Internships, official employment and work “for food” (14:11)
4. How to pass the probationary period? (27:10)
5. How to prepare for an interview at a FAANG company (08:52)
6. The process of loading a web page (25:19)
7. Programmer interview - everything you need to know (01:24:07)
8. Solving a problem from a programmer interview (19:36)
9. Frontend developer interview (01:37:17)