Quick Look, aka "Quick View" caused by pressing the space bar in OS X - probably one of the most brilliant features of the system. Thanks to him, you can instantly view any file without the need to run special software that is designed for them. You want to see that there is the PDF-document? Just select it and press the "space" - a quick preview show its contents. Similarly, you can do with photos, music, video and other formats of files and folders. And for those that do not know the system, they will be shown the properties of objects with the date of last change. But what if the Quick Look, you can upgrade and add a new feature?
It would seem, and so just enough, what else is needed? But people always want something more. Fortunately, with the help of a couple of simple commands in the Terminal can be improved even such a simple (and most importantly - useful) function as a Quick View. How in your opinion, what is missing in the Quick Look for complete happiness? I, for example, often opens the document for viewing, and sometimes I need to copy a piece of text from there. Here the problem arises: Quick look at it and "View" to watch, but not edit. Until you enter the following in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.finder QLEnableTextSelection -bool true
And to apply the settings below will need to enter:
killall Finder
Finder will restart and you can try: open using Quick Look, for example, some PDF-File and try to select the text. Happened? Then you can even copy it! A simple solution has become even more convenient thanks to only one team. I bet you do not even think about the fact that this could be done, is not it? And now, without this you will feel uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure :)