Course "Testing Engineer Plus" - course 72,000 rubles. from Yandex Workshop, training 4 or 9 months, Date: December 1, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 28, 2023
At any time convenient for you
The training will be divided into sprints, and you can study at any time, the main thing is to meet the deadline
Using examples from life and constant practice
You will study online on the Workshop platform: we will explain the theory in simple language, and you will practice it in practice in the simulator
With educational and real projects
You will be able to solve everyday problems of a testing engineer, write several automated tests in the Python programming language, and look for a job more confidently after the course.
Course program
You will learn only what is needed to solve specific practical problems of a tester
Download the program in PDF
Independent work in the simulator・4 topics・~3 hours Free
Testing Basics
1 module - free, so that you can try yourself as a tester and understand whether you want to develop in this direction
The role of a tester in an IT team
Bug reports
Test cases
The role of a tester in an IT team
Learn what testing is, how a team works and what the testing cycle is
Checklists and bug reports
Bug and bug report title, reproduction steps, priorities, environment, logs, screenshots and screencasts, cross-browser compatibility, oracle
Test cases
Test case statuses and test suites, testing report, regression and smoke testing, localization testing
Create test documentation, use it to smoke test the Yandex Metro web application, and file any errors found yourself
6 topics・2 projects・3 weeks
Regression testing and bug retesting in web applications
Regression testing
Sanitary testing
Smoke testing
Linear and agile development models
Yandex TMS
How applications are developed
Application development life cycle, linear development models: waterfall, vmodel, spiral. Flexible development models: agile, scrum, kanban. Team: roles and responsibilities, version and build of applications, release cycle and release testing stages.
Tester tasks
Typical tester tasks. How a tester works on a task.
Test benches
Learn where applications are tested and what test benches are like.
Types of testing
Types of release testing using ready-made test cases: smoke testing, sanitary testing, component testing, integration testing, regression testing.
Storage of test cases
Test management systems: Yandex TMS, work in YouTrack.
Retest bugs
Life cycle of a bug. You will understand who is responsible for a certain error or bug, what the bug statuses are.
You will conduct regression testing of the Mesto service using ready-made test cases, enter statuses in Yandex TMS and file bug reports. Then you will double-check the fixed bugs
5 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Requirements analysis
Test analysis
Block diagram
Types of requirements
Feature life cycle
Use case
Python Basics
Application code
Variables, basic data types, conditions, arrays and dictionaries, loops.
Stages of testing new features
The life cycle of a feature: preparing requirements, developing mockups, writing code, testing and deciding to release the feature.
Where do the requirements come from and who is responsible for them. Types of requirements: system, business, user, use case. Requirements storage systems using the example of wiki.
Test analysis
Analysis, decomposition and visualization of requirements: mind map and flowchart, gray areas, characteristics of good requirements and common mistakes. Learn what to do when there are many demands.
Analyze and visualize the requirements for the Yandex Routes service, make a request to clarify gray areas
6 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Designing Tests for Web Applications
Test design
Equivalence classes and boundary values
Decision table
Paired testing
Diagram and table of transitions and states
Test design rules
Types of equivalence classes: set and range, partitioning requirements into equivalence classes, boundary values and determining the step for checking them, optimization of checks
Decision table
Mutually exclusive conditions, practice with Yandex Routes
Paired testing
Mutually exclusive terms, Teremokgames and Pict tools
Diagram and table of states and transitions
State and transition diagram, practice on a pizzeria application, rules and common errors, state and transition table
Selection of equipment
Select it for test design for the test object, algorithm for selecting equipment
Test plan, checklists, test case
Drawing up a test plan, developing a checklist and test cases and creating them in TMS, typical mistakes in writing a test case
Design checks for testing the Yandex Routes service
6 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Features of web application testing
Client-server architecture
Testing adaptive layout
Local Storage
How the web application works
Client-server architecture, web application, URL, HTTP and HTTPS protocols, HTTP request and response structure, viewing front-end requests and back-end responses.
Web Application Interface Testing
Typical changes in web applications. Introducing Figma, a tool for working with layouts. Interface elements: general elements, data entry and selection elements, action elements, auxiliary elements, forms. Testing validation and text for errors, analyzing logs using Console DevTools.
Cross-platform and cross-browser testing
How to understand which operating systems to test an application on and how to choose browsers for testing.
Layout testing
Approaches to application layout, testing layout for adaptability: what to test mobile on version of web applications, how to select screen resolutions and select the environment configuration for testing. Cookie, Local Storage, cache in testing, DevTools User-Agent.
Web Application Testing Tools
Charles Traffic Analyzer: App installation and traffic monitoring. Frontend testing with Charles: Breakpoint, Rewrite, Map Local functions.
Test Case Management Tools: Completion
Report and status of testing a feature or release.
Test some of the functionality in the Yandex Routes application
Team・1 project・3 weeks
Project for the entire sprint
You will test 3 applications in a team: Stellar Burgers, Grocery Assistant and Kittygram.
6 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Mobile application testing
Android Studio
Native and hybrid app
Mobile Application Performance
Distribution services
Features of mobile applications
Types of mobile applications. Operating systems and versions. Mobile device settings. Android application life cycle. Architecture and stages of mobile application development: testing, release, guidelines.
Mobile application testing
Requirements for mobile applications, selection of devices, distribution kit for Android testing and distribution services.
Real devices and emulators
Installing an application from a file, installing Android Studio and creating a Virtual Device, functionality of the Android Studio emulator.
Testing Features
Difference in testing mobile and web applications. ADB: installation and connection of the device, testing application updates, layout and usability, geolocation, memory. Performance testing: processor and battery. Testing interruptions, logic of push notifications. Sensor and communication testing. Webview, simulator in Xcode. Features of iOS testing.
Removing logs from a physical device and from an emulator in Android Studio, recording logs in ADB, analyzing errors in logs.
Test design
Repetition: development of checklist and test cases.
Test the Yandex Metro mobile application and prepare a report on the work performed
8 topics・1 project・・5 weeks
API testing
Features of API testing
Application architecture
What is an API? Frontend - API - backend - database. Communication between internal and external backend. Integration between internal API methods. Other architectural solutions, REST. HTTP: structure of requests and responses, how to read them. JSON Format, JSON and DevTools.
Bugs in the API
Stands and application versions: repetition. Bug life cycle: repetition, bug reports for API.
API Testing Tools
Options for accessing the API. API testing tools. Postman: basic functionality.
Backend requirements and API documentation
Backend requirements, API documentation: Swagger, Apidoc. Test analysis: repetition, positive and negative tests, equivalence classes, boundary values. Checklist for checking the API.
You will work with other students on a group project to reinforce lessons learned.
API request and response formats
JSON schemas, XML: element and document structure, XSD.
API testing
Properties of parameters in a request: mandatory, compliance with data type. String: mask restrictions, negative parameter checks. Features and sequence of actions when testing API. Postman: API testing, dynamic URL, automation. XML and JSON, SOAP, WSDL, SOAP and REST, SOAP and JSON. Logs and API validation. Generating a request from Postman to cURL. Introduction to databases.
Getting to know the console
OS. Command line: how to find out where you are, view the contents of a directory, move to another directory, how to manage files and directories. Working with text files, copying and moving, filtering file contents.
Draw a diagram of how the endpoint works, test the API in Yandex Counter, localize the error and prepare a report
4 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Databases and SQL
Working with tables
Relational Databases
ER diagrams
Introduction to Databases
Why do you need a database? Relational databases, DBMS. SQL query language and style.
Data slicing in SQL
How to limit the selection. Data types in PostgreSQL and their modification. The WHERE operator and data slicing using it, comparison operators. How to work with a diagram and description of a database, database requirements. Logical operators and data slicing using them. Special operators in conditions. Operators IN, LIKE, BETWEEN. Special value NULL. Conditional construction with the CASE operator, working with gaps.
Aggregation functions
What are they and how to use them, grouping data using the GROUP BY operator, sorting data using the HAVING operator.
Relationships between tables and types of their joins
How tables are related, graphical display of relationships: ER diagram, JOIN operator, types of table joins, INNER operator JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN operators, databases and console, changing data: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, deleting dumps.
You will work with the Yandex Counter database and create a list of SQL queries
1 topic・4 weeks
Project month
Application testing project from a real customer. You will work in a team together with classmates and other specialists: managers and developers.
5 topics・1 project・3 weeks
Introduction to Automation Testing
request library
What is automated testing
Automation at different stages of development. Who in the team is involved in automation, what is the difference between automated and manual testing.
Automator programming
How to choose a programming language for autotests. Python language. Variables, data types, lists, tuples. Dictionaries and operations with them. Operators: arithmetic, assignment, comparison and membership operators. Functions: parameters and arguments, return functions, testing functions and the assert keyword.
What is the PyCharm development environment: how to create a project in it. PyCharm interface. Launching and debugging the project.
Running Pytest tests in PyCharm. Requests library, GET and POST requests, API testing using a checklist.
What is Git and how to install it. Supporting project files: gitignore and README. Preparing the project folder, commit, repository in GitHub. Synchronizing a local repository with a remote one: how to push changes to GitHub.
Develop autotests for the Yandex Counter application to automate regression testing
On your own・3 weeks
Final project
Yandex Scooter: you will fully test the mobile and web versions of the application, as well as the API.
Independent work in the simulator・12 topics・At any time
Optional Module: Fundamentals of Application User Interface Development
What is HTML and CSS
What Developers Do, HTML Tags, Headings, Paragraph, Link, Attributes, One Tag Within Another, Parents and Children, Images, HTML Document, CSS Rules, CSS and HTML Relationship, Blocks
Basic CSS Properties
Dimensions in pixels and percentages, colors in HTML, element background, position, size, transparency, inheritance, new section, classes, flow and block model, arrangement of elements, padding, borders, shadows, basement
Layout - continuation of design
Layout - continuation of designIntroduction to Figma and working with layout, cross-browser compatibility, Desktop First and Mobile First, choice of breakpoint
Form marking
Fields, minimum and maximum values, tooltips, autocomplete, input modes for the virtual keyboard, sending an action request
Styling forms
Input fields, buttons and labels, validation pseudo-classes, beautiful checkboxes, drop-down lists, range
Design, adaptability, units of measurement
Design on different devices, fluid and adaptive layout, mobile and desktop layout, adaptive layout, units of measurement: percentages, minimum and maximum
Interface for different devices
Interface development for different devices, adaptive without media queries, media query syntax, device characteristics, interaction
Cross-browser compatibility
Cross-browser layout, how to ensure cross-browser compatibility and what it affects
Approaches to writing layout
Desktop First and Mobile First, breakpoint selection
You will understand how websites are created and master the basics of layout
Independent work in the simulator・5 topics・At any time
Optional Module: Advanced SQL for Data Analytics and Database Operations
Working with Date and Time
Metric calculations
Database Administration
Joining, date and time, aliases
Database diagram and description, date and time, mathematical operations and functions, renaming, grouping, sorting, aliases, statement order, FULL OUTER JOIN, UNION and UNION ALL
Subqueries and common table expressions
Subqueries in WHERE and FROM, subqueries and joins, how to combine joins and subqueries, common table expressions, query variability, functions for working with strings
Calculation of business indicators
Data diagram and overview, business metrics, conversion, calculation of relative values in PostgreSQL, CR, Lifetime Value, ARPU and ARPPU, subqueries when calculating metrics
Installing and configuring the database client
Database client, DBeaver installation and interface, new connection and account, queries and settings, uploading query results, how to present the result
Administration Basics
Commands for data management, CREATE: creating a table and database, limiting fields and deleting objects, information schema, DROP, ALTER, RENAME, SET, ADD
Learn to find and sort data using SQL, process and manage data in a DBMS
Independent work in the simulator・13 topics・At any time
Additional module: soft skills
Ideas, goals, tasks
Flexible approaches
IT sphere
What are soft skills and why develop them, what soft skills will you learn and how to find a balance between soft and hard
Why is reflection needed and what is it like, what is reflective learning, how does educational reflection work?
Ideas, goals and objectives
Where do ideas come from and how to choose the best one, how to turn an idea into a goal and what to do with it, how to move from goals to tasks, a backlog and how to design it
Planning and implementation
Agile approaches, sprints, resources, sprint backlog, planning and implementation tools, how to increase productivity, summing up and adjusting the plan
Stress and adaptation
How we perceive changes, how we evaluate events and resources, “bad” and “good” stress, stress and the body, emotional intelligence and self-awareness, emotional management and self-regulation, cognitive reappraisal, how to choose coping strategy
Communication and culture in the team
Traffic lights and culture, social stress, external elements of culture, belonging, power and rules, success, agreement and synthesis, social adaptation, the difficulties of hiring and the importance of communication, impression management, digital etiquette, self-presentation, Feedback
IT sphere, IT companies
Production difficulties, main rules of the IT club, trends, communities, networking, work in IT and IT companies, who works in IT companies, IT triad, onboarding, from junior to lead, inter-team interaction
Teamwork organization
Where does product work begin, the agile manifesto, agile thinking and frameworks, planning tools, workspaces and applications
Team communication
Team communication, about remote work, intercultural team, how to resolve conflicts
You will learn about important soft skills, adaptation, teamwork, planning and structure of the IT sphere
Career Center・8 weeks
This part of the course is for those who have decided to find a job in the testing industry. You will study job search strategies and learn about the intricacies of choosing an employer, prepare a portfolio, write a resume and cover letter.
Career Center・8–24 weeks
Support program: you are looking for a job, we advise and help. Those who have completed the employment program and are actively looking for work can participate in the program. The main format of participation is individual consultations and public interviews.
With a mentor・2–3 per sprint
Webinars and workshops to tackle complex topics
At webinars, mentors explain additional theory and show examples of solutions to various cases, and also answer your questions related to studying or working in IT.
In workshops, you will practice skills in groups with other students under the supervision of a mentor.