Web developer from scratch - course 72,900 rub. from Brunoiam, training 9 months, date of November 27, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 27, 2023
Maximum effective training
Current knowledge
Courses are developed after analyzing vacancies and are updated every six months. Nothing superfluous - we teach only what will be useful in work
The role of mentors
It’s much easier to learn new things with a personal mentor who will immerse you in your project, help you develop your strengths and won’t leave you alone with difficulties.
Real projects
Completing projects brings the student closer to real work conditions. Projects help not only to learn the material, but also to immerse yourself in the profession
Simple, fast and convenient
Clear structure. The course is divided into modules. Modules for lessons. Each lesson is a theory combined with the personal experience of the teacher. Without long greetings and water
Who is this course for?
For those who want to become a web developer
The main objective of the course is to prepare you for the profession. After training, you will be able to find a job and quickly develop your skills within the company
For those who want to try a new area
Web programming remains one of the most in-demand professions and is not going to lose ground. This is a promising area that there is still time to get into in order to successfully compete in the labor market
How the training works
- Study on a schedule that suits you
- Practice on your homework. They consist of three difficulty levels
- Work on projects at the same time. They will go to your portfolio
- Send practical assignments to your mentor. He will give detailed feedback within 24 hours
Technologies you will study:
- HTML is the markup language in which websites are built. Tells the browser how to display the loaded site
- CSS is a styling language. Interacts with the browser to style the document
- Github - a cloud service for working on code in a team
- Network technologies and protocols - TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP
- JavaScript is the most popular programming language on the Internet. Describes the behavior of elements of a web page or browser
- Node.js is an environment for running JavaScript code outside the browser. Used to automate routine tasks
- React Basics - a library for developing interfaces, allows you to make interface components faster
- Basics Typescript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that adds a type system to the flexibility and dynamic capabilities of JS.
- Basics of PHP - one of the leading languages of modern web development
- Figma/Adobe Photoshop - graphic editors for website layout based on web designer layouts
courseWork experience Switched to web development in 2014. Since 2017, he has worked as a front-end developer at the digital agency Kelnik, developing large websites for residential real estate developers and online stores. I worked for more than a year in an international...
Switched to web development in 2014. Since 2017, he has worked as a front-end developer at the digital agency Kelnik, developing large websites for residential real estate developers and online stores. I worked for the international company Wrike for more than a year. Now an independent developer.
About Me
I wasn’t always associated with the web - I started my career in 2007 as a process engineer in the field of ventilation, although my favorite subject at school was computer science. In 2014, he returned “to the roots”, starting with website layout - html, css, jQuery. The first project was a website for a curtain salon for relatives. I was proud - I typed it up and transferred it to WordPress myself :) Afterwards there was a thorny path to freelancing and excellent experience in agency and product development. Come to the course - we’ll learn how to write code, get a new skill in making websites, and figure out how and where to apply this skill!
wellFrontend developer experience. I started my career as a freelancer, and now I work as a full-stack developer for a company. About myself I don’t stand in one place, I always study new technologies. I know what it’s like to change professions. That's why...
Frontend developer. I started my career as a freelancer, and now I work as a full-stack developer for a company.
About Me
I don’t stand in one place, I always study new technologies. I know what it’s like to change professions. Therefore, I focus on explaining complex topics in simple language and helping students consolidate their knowledge with examples.
“I would especially note the interesting presentation of the material, the amount of knowledge and skills, and the accessible type of information. Clear presentations. Thank you for the organized material, everything is logical!"
— Polina Sergeevna, WB296-2459
Block 1 - Basics of web technologies
- Setting personal goals for the course
- Types of sites, functionality
- Stages of website creation, main industry professions
- Network technologies and Internet protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP
- Hosting and domain, DNS system
- Client and Server Model
- The role of the browser and code editors
- Setting up your workspace
- Version control systems. Git
Block 2 - HTML
- Introduction to HTML: Tag and Attribute Concepts
- HTML text encoding
- Tags for forming text
- Hyperlinks and file addresses
- Anchor links
- Link to call and send email
- Tables in HTML
- img tag and its attributes. Rules for posting pictures. Image formats: which ones to choose
Block 3 - CSS
- Basic CSS Syntax
- Main types of selectors: identifiers, classes, pseudo-classes
- Specificity points and rule priorities
- Cascade and property inheritance
- Contextual and universal selector
- Text and Font Properties in CSS
- Connecting external fonts
- HEX and RGB colors. Adding a uniform background to elements. Background image for the page, background settings
Block 4 - Block model and web page layout
- Understanding block and inline elements
- Key properties of blocks
- How is block size and box-sizing calculated: border-box
- What is a block model
- Using blocks to build a layout
- Inline block elements
- display property
- Outdated methods of constructing a layout: know, cannot be used
Block 5 - Multi-column layouts with Flexbox
- Semantic tags for layout design
- Flexbox Basics: Containers and Elements
- Aligning elements along the main and cross axis
- Changing axes and vertical alignment of elements
- Problems with using flexbox
Block 6 - Basics of graphic editors for layout designers
- Working with pictures: cropping, trimming
- Saving: format, quality, weight
- How to find out the color code
- Font Tools
- Copying finished CSS
- Measuring distances: tools, settings
- Effects and their copying
- Embedding maps and videos
Block 7 - Positioning
- Positioning types: static, absolute, relative, fixed
- Features of different types of positioning
- z-index and overlay context
- When and how to use positioning
- Example of a multi-level drop-down menu
- Solving typical positioning problems
Block 8 - Feedback forms
- Basic form elements: input, select, textarea, button
- Field state and pseudo-classes
- Selection elements checkbox, radio, select
- Grouping elements: fieldset and legend
- Styles for the placeholder pseudo-element
- Rules for writing styles for forms
- Styling buttons
Block 9 - Responsive and adaptive web design
- Concept of adaptive and responsive web design
- Media queries
- Viewport Options and Meta viewport Tag
- Cross-browser problems
- Code validity, validators
- Features of multi-page sites
- Layout rules for SEO promotion
Block 10 - Animation using HTML5 and CSS3
- Smooth transitions for creating animation effects
- Animation using keyframes
- Transformation of elements
- Adding basic animation elements to the site
Block 11 - JavaScript Basics
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variables and data types
- Mathematical operators and type conversion
- Logical operators
- Branches and conditional statements
- Built-in user interaction features
Block 12 - Loops and arrays in JavaScript
- Arrays
- Methods for working with arrays
- for and while loops
- Nested Arrays
- Working with the console
Block 13 - Functions
- Definition of a function. The arrow function and its differences from the usual one. Function Expression and Function Declaration.
- Area of visibility. How it works. LexicalEnvironment.
- Timers and closure. Functions setInterval, setTimeout, clearInterval, clearTimeout. What is a closure and how can it be used.
- Callback functions
Block 14 - Objects. DOM. Events
- Objects and dictionaries. How to create objects. The keyword is this. Getting, changing and deleting object properties. Links to objects.
- Prototype inheritance. How inheritance of properties and methods works. Designers.
- Classes. Definition of classes and advantages of use. Expansion of classes. Private methods and public ones. Getters and setters. An example of creating a program using classes and MVP architecture.
- DOM. Page object model and why it is needed. Finding elements on a page and retrieving them. Enumeration of elements and basic properties.
- Events
Block 15 - Animation and effects in JavaScript
- JavaScript animations. Changing CSS properties of elements. Bezier curve. Examples of animations.
- Rendering in the browser. Optimized properties. requestAnimationFrame function.
- Libraries with animations
Block 16 - Interactive elements
- Slider
- Accordion
- Tooltip
Block 17 - Node.js
- Introduction to Node.js. Node.js features. Briefly about the modules and their purposes: fs, child_process, https.
- NPM. Basic commands of the npm package manager. Initializing the project and installing the first packages. package.json structure.
- Webpack Basics. Why do we need assemblers and what stages can be automated? First Webpack config and build automation: code minification, module concatenation and use of the SCSS preprocessor.
- SCSS preprocessor. Advantages of preprocessors. A quick overview of the differences between some: SCSS, SASS, Less, post-css. Basic constructs: variables, mixins, functions.
Block 18 - Working with the server
- Promise API
- Contacting the server and the XMLHttpRequest class
- fetch method
- Axios Library
Block 19 - React Basics
- Components and JSX
- Component Condition
- Hooks
- Styling Components
- React-Router
Unit 20 - TypeScript Basics
- Static typing
- Interfaces and types
- Enum types
Block 21 - Overview of the JS developer roadmap
- Briefly about how to develop further as a developer and what to study
Block 22 - Basics of PHP programming
- Purpose of server technologies
- Local web server and domain
- Creating dynamic web pages
- The concept of CMS systems
- Website hosting
- FTP protocol for downloading files
- Summing up and completing the project
Bonus rate
Free course "Learn to learn"
We give each student access to this course so that the training is not wasted. The problem is that people do not get results from training. There are three main reasons:
- There are no clear goals. And even those who understand the importance of goals still don’t do it. I want to change my job and become a cool social media manager - not a goal, but a desire. With this setting, the result will be appropriate.
- Abandoning learning halfway through. Many people find motivation in the first week. But it’s impossible to reach the end. Because the brain does not like to learn regularly.
- Lack of consistency. It’s a fairly common phenomenon when we grab onto any information on a chosen topic, move haphazardly, and, as a result, to no avail.
Why did we highlight these three reasons? Because we have been teaching for 11 years and see feedback from students. During the course we tell you how to apply all this valuable knowledge in life.