Introduction to iOS SDK - course 43,000 rub. from Specialist, training 24 ac. hours, Date: April 30, 2023.
Miscellaneous / / November 27, 2023
Over three days of theoretical and practical training, you will learn the basic developer tools, the most frequently used interface elements and typical techniques needed to create programs for the iPhone or iPad.
Detailed explanation of iOS technologies supported by practical use of Apple development tools and a large set of programming exercises in Swift, covering the main iOS frameworks.
You will learn:
Create programs based on iOS SDK
Use Xcode and Simulator
Use general techniques and practices for navigating programs and user interface elements
Module 1. Introduction to Interface Builder Basics (1 ac. h.)
Module 2. Data display (1 ac. h.)
Module 3. Controls in action (1 ac. h.)
Module 4. Auto Layout and Stack Views (1 ac. h.)
Module 5. Segues and Navigation Controllers (1 ac. h.)
Module 6. Tab Bar Controllers (1 ac. h.)
Module 7. Life cycle of View Controller (1 ac. h.)
Module 8. Creating a simple working application (1 ac. h.)
Module 9. Anatomy of a program and its life cycle (1 ac. h.)
Module 10. Model-View-Controller (1 ac. h.)
Module 11. Table Views (1 ac. h.)
Module 12. Custom Table Views (1 ac. h.)
Module 13. Data storage (2 ac. h.)
Module 14. System View Controllers (2 ac. h.)
Module 15. Construction of complex data entry screens (2 ac. h.)
Module 16. Working with the Web: HTTP and URLSession (2 ac. h.)
Module 17. Working with the Web: JSON Decoding (2 ac. h.)
Module 18. Working with the Web: Parallelism (2 ac. h.)