Honey cake “Pancho”: recipe
Miscellaneous / / November 15, 2023
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a deep baking tray measuring approximately 35 x 25 cm with parchment.
Melt honey and butter in a saucepan. Add baking soda and mix thoroughly. Cool.
Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until light foam forms. Add honey and butter.
Combine the flour with salt and gently fold into the egg mixture with a spatula.
Pour onto a baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes. Cool.
Check readiness with a toothpick: it should remain clean.
Using a pastry ring or knife, cut out a round base from the cake. Cut the rest of the biscuit into cubes.
Cut off the top of the round base and grind into crumbs using a food processor or blender.
Pour boiling water over prunes for 20 minutes. Drain and chop.
For the cream, beat the cold cream with a mixer until thick.
Separately, beat sour cream with powdered sugar until the latter dissolves. Using a spatula, carefully fold in the cream.
Cover a deep bowl with cling film.
Set aside and refrigerate 6 tablespoons of cream. Mix the rest with pieces of cake.
Place some of the mixture into a bowl. Sprinkle with prunes. Continue alternating layers. Finally cover with a round base.
Cover the cake with cling film. Lightly compact and refrigerate for 4 hours.
Turn the frozen cake over onto a plate, remove the bowl and remove the film.
Cover with remaining cream. Garnish with biscuit crumbs and whole prunes.
Sprinkle with walnuts and candy beads if desired.
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