Office Romance: rules of behavior in the office
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Quite often, between work colleagues having a personal relationship, despite the fact that usually discourages corporate policy, and sometimes even prohibits this kind of interaction. Particularly noticeable is office romance in a small team. And it was in a small team, he will cause the greatest impact. If avoid personal relationships can not, then we must at least comply with a few rules that will reduce undesirable effects of the novel on the job.
1. Do not forget about the professionalism in the workplace
If colleagues are in a relationship, it blurs the line between work and private life. It is important not to let personal issues have become part of the office space. Never let personal disputes hinder workflow and slow down performance, never find out the relationship at work.
2. Limit public displays of affection
Office - a place for work, not to demonstrate your feelings. Respect your colleagues too vividly demonstrating its relationship, you navlechote the irritation and anger.
3. Consider the feelings of other employees
colleagues often work in small groups on any project. And members of the group may feel uncomfortable if some of them will be a pair. Take into account this factor and try to make sure that performance is not affected.
4. Do not select a loved one from among the remaining employees
It is incredibly difficult to do, but it is necessary. Try not to be lenient to the person that you like (even if you do not connect more relationships). Should not go to the other extreme and the requirements of the unrealistically high demands. Such a relationship does not go unnoticed in the community and create a tense situation.
Even with careful observance of all rules, office romance still will have an impact on the work process, and on the relationship in a team and on your personal relationships. So try to respect the required distance with colleagues at work and do not bring the situation to a critical point.