Can you drink: what water is considered safe?
Miscellaneous / / September 12, 2023
What should drinking water be like?
Both running and bottled water can be suitable for drinking. The main thing is that it meets the requirements of epidemiological, radiation and chemical safety. Their parameters are listed in special regulations: Federal Law No. 52, SanPiN 2.1.3684‑21 And GOST 34786‑2021. According to them, the water should not contain bacteria and viruses harmful to health, such as E. coli, trace elements and radioactive substances. The latter can get into it during or after emergency situations.
Another characteristic of good water is favorable organoleptic and photometric properties. This means that it should be pleasant to the senses: free of color, obvious aroma, taste and foreign particles. The reasons for deviations vary. For example, sediment may end up in it due to a rusty water supply or violations in the cleaning technology. The aroma can be affected by an excess of trace elements or, again, poor condition of the pipes.
What elements in water should you not be afraid of?
Drinking water is obtained from reservoirs, rivers, lakes or wells, and then purified and enriched with additional compounds. Its composition is never limited to just hydrogen and oxygen. But impurities are not always dangerous. When handled correctly, some trace elements only make water healthier. The maximum permissible quantity (MAC) of such is prescribed in SanPiN 1.2.3685‑21, and the recommended daily allowances for humans are in MP‑21.
1. Sodium
MPC in water - 200 mg/l.
Norm per day for an adult - from 1,300 to 1,600 mg.
Sodium helps the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys. It is also needed to control the water-salt balance in the body. Its deficiency can lead to increased gas formation, gastrointestinal spasms, seizures and memory problems. Excess is fraught with strong excitability of the nervous system, excessive thirst, sweating and frequent urge to urinate.
It is now easier to control the amount of impurities and make running water suitable for personal and household needs thanks to modern water treatment technologies. Implementing them throughout Russia is one of the tasks of the federal project “Pure water"national project"Housing and urban environment». In 2023, 42 such facilities appeared in 21 regions, including new and modernized facilities.
But this is not the biggest achievement of the project "Pure water». It was launched in 2019. During this time, it was possible to modernize and build 836 drinking water supply facilities and provide high-quality tap water to 87.8% of Russian residents. In cities the figure is even higher - 94.3%.
Read about “Clean Water”2. Magnesium
MPC in water - 50 mg/l.
Norm per day for an adult - 420 mg.
Magnesium does the nervous system is more stable and allows you to effectively deal with stress. Its deficiency, accordingly, increases irritability, but the opposite scenario may also occur - apathy. In addition, anxiety, insomnia, and absent-mindedness appear. Excess magnesium is a rare phenomenon. It causes deterioration in the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, as well as disruption of the nervous system.
3. Zinc
MPC in water - 5 mg/l.
Norm per day for an adult - 12 mg.
Zinc necessary person for proper metabolism. Its lack can cause dysbiosis or problems with skin, hair and nails. And the excess capable of worsening absorption of microelements, such as copper, and lead to weight gain.
4. Iron
MPC in water - 0.30 mg/l.
Norm per day for an adult - 10 mg for men, 18 mg for women.
Task This microelement helps support the functioning of the immune system and energy metabolism, as well as supply organs with oxygen. Its deficiency can lead to anemia, lethargy, dizziness and frequent colds. But an excess has a bad effect on the liver and nervous system, and can cause yellowing of the skin, itching and joint diseases.
5. Fluorine
MPC in water - from 0.7 to 1.5 mg/l depending on climatic conditions in the region.
Norm per day for an adult - 4 mg.
Fluorine necessary to maintain jaw health and iron absorption. A deficiency of this microelement can make bones and tooth enamel more fragile, and hair and nails more brittle. Oversaturation affects the functioning of the immune system, can cause allergic reactions such as hives or eczema, and also increase the symptoms of diabetes and kidney disease.
Signs of water you should not drink
1. Specific taste and smell
The reasons may vary. A metallic taste and aroma appear due to an excess of iron and zinc, a sweetish-rotten taste due to hydrogen sulfide, an earthy taste due to microorganisms, and a grassy taste due to algae. Another possible deviation is mustiness: if running water smells like that, then there is probably a problem with the plumbing, and if bottled, there is a problem with storage conditions or expiration date.
In any case, if your nose or tongue detects any unusual notes in the water, it is better not to drink it. For greater accuracy, you can heat the liquid to 60 degrees: some aromas will appear more strongly in this case.
2. Clear shade
The water should be colorless. Any violation of the norm is a warning sign. For example, a yellowish or orange tint indicates an excess of iron, or, more simply, a rusty water supply. Pinkish indicates oversaturation with copper. Green color can appear for several reasons: due to algae growth, a coolant accident, or during routine leak checks - then a special dye is added to the water.
You can make sure that the liquid is clear using a simple test with white paper. Go to the window and look at the blank sheet through the filled glass. If its color has not changed, then everything is fine.
3. Turbidity
The cause of cloudy water can be sediment or sand from water pipes, poor functioning of the drainage system, the same iron, and also chlorine. This is not always dangerous, but it is better not to risk it. It is difficult to understand what exactly led to the violation of transparency without chemical analysis, and dealing with health problems later is a dubious pleasure.
A piece of paper can also help check the water for turbidity. But no longer pure, but with text. You need to put it on the table, place a glass on the area with the words and try to read the contents by looking through the bottom. If it works, good; if not, it’s better to throw it all away.
4. Rigidity
This indicator is affected by calcium and magnesium salts. If there are a lot of them, the water becomes hard. Constant use of this can negatively influence on digestion and the cardiovascular system, worsen the condition of the joints, cause dysbiosis and the accumulation of salts in the body. And if you regularly wash with hard water, your skin and hair will suffer: rashes, dandruff and excessive dryness will appear.
The amount of calcium and magnesium salts can be determined through a test with detergents. Just try foaming powder, shampoo or dishwashing detergent - there will be few bubbles in hard water.
The quality of running water is important not only for drinking, but also for domestic needs. If it is unsatisfactory, stains may remain on the dishes, the laundry will not be washed, and the kettle will have to be constantly descaled. To prevent this from happening, it is important for cities to monitor the condition of their water supply and wastewater treatment systems. The federal project is helping to update or create new facilities in 83 regions of the country.Pure water». And he does this every year. For example, in 2021, 269 facilities were improved and built as part of it, and in 2022 - 363.
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