Traveling to Seoul. Part Three: South Korean cuisine, the weather, the mentality and the rest
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Seoul - a place where you can not only relax and get positive emotions from the trip, there is still a lot of amazing and for neprevychno Russian tourists of things, many of which are not clear, but certainly forced to think and make different conclusions, including on the currently.
We have already talked about how to get here in Seoul (Traveling to Seoul. Part One: Travel & Accommodation) And how you can spend time here in the capital of South Korea (Traveling to Seoul. Part Two: what to see and where to go in Seoul). Now let's touch on the other, no less important things to be aware of going to Seoul traveler.
South Korean kitchen. To this we must be prepared.
It is believed that Thai cuisine is one of the most delicious in the world. Chinese cuisine is also rich in certain delights, and can give a pleasant taste sensations. South Korea - is also an Asian country, but local food is unlikely to lead you into raptures. If you enjoy European cuisine, you will enjoy a variety of sauces you like salty food, then get ready, in Korea will be difficult.
Dishes of South Korean cuisine can be divided into three sections: the sharp, not sharp and sweet.
With the first all is simple - there are sharp South Korean savory meat Europeans simply can not. However, local residents devours burning gastronomy for both cheeks.
Not spicy food, which is different soups, rice in all possible variants, soy meat, seaweed and so it is not clear that you can easily eat. But navryatli you such dishes will be thrilled. Meals are quite salty and, as a rule, do not differ by some taste delights. If you are served rice, it will certainly stuck together and without any sauce. Most soups are bouillon with rags of unknown origin, while other soups in our country called brine, and are used not for lunch. Yes, Koreans eat a lot of meat, especially pork, steaks that are cooked in many places. Most Korean food cafe need to prepare their own meals. To this end, in the center of the table is set brazier on which to cook soup or roast meat. For any order lots of small bowls bring a wide selection of snacks that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. So it should be.
Of course, there is in Seoul, and a café with European cuisine, including Macdonald's, so somehow can live. Interestingly, the Koreans are happy to eat as their own national dishes, as well as any burgers, chips and other Western dishes.
The third category - the sweets. Sweets there are the most diverse and most of them are delicious. All baked goods, candy, and so common that almost all izgotovavlivaetsya anyway rice. It is worth mentioning about the local ice cream. Cold treat herein is a huge portion of the frozen milk mixed with various jams and note peas. The taste is interesting for everybody.
In Seoul, very little fruit. To buy them is not easy, but if somewhere there is, their price is high. For example, 1 kg of apples costs about $ 5. Around the same thing applies to our usual vegetables. All this is expensive. Products such as cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream just is not for sale. At least, we have not found, although the three-week stay in Seoul were in many supermarkets and grocery stores.
Koreans have a lot of work, may therefore consume a lot of alcohol. First and foremost is the rice wine and rice wine soju with the strength of 20%. The taste is both interesting drinks, but does not leave any indelible emotions. In any case, it is necessary to try, because the taste and color of comrades there.
For all that, the Koreans drink a lot of alcohol, eating fatty foods, virtually no use of fruits and vegetables, 95% are very slim, and the average life expectancy of the citizens reaches 90 years. What is not a reason to think?
By the way, the use of dogs in the Korean food - it is, for the most part, overblown stereotype. In Seoul, there are no dogs. The only people who use these animals for food, it is the elderly from remote villages. That's how we povedeli locals.
During our stay in Seoul was cloudless weather, but the sun is often to be seen because of the ever-present haze over the city. As a result, the weather was as if overcast.
In Seoul, a very hot and stuffy. Daytime temperatures in August (during our visit) held steady at 35 degrees, the temperature is dropped to 25-30 at night and it became a little easier. Occasionally we caught up with rain, but rather a full-fledged downpour. In any case, the clothes should be as easy and natural materials. At the expense of the umbrella can not survive because of the rare torrential rains it will not save. But even if you get wet, get sick here will not be possible due to the constant heat.
Mentality, etc.
Any Korean very polite and dobrozhaletelen towards others. Among Korean citizens European - it is something special. Lost tourist is sure to help any local resident, who also will be polite and smiling. In general, the Korean cult of all European: in the city, a plurality of banners with European officials models girls here paste special patches for eyes seemed wider and the amount of advertising Western brands maximum. By the way, plastic medicine in Korea is considered one of the best in the world. It is therefore normal, when at the end of the school, the parents give their daughters plastic surgery to increase the eyes, cheekbones or change in the form of breast augmentation. As a result, many young Koreans alike. At the same time, all people use sunscreen, not to sunbathe, as the Koreans do not want to be like their Chinese neighbors.
The entire city, including public transport as much as possible adapted for the disabled. In addition, people with disabilities are not seen as people with disabilities, as well as a full-fledged members of society.
Koretz very respectful to the older generation. This is evident even when the young people in the company do as it wants a senior fellow among them.
I have already mentioned that in the city there is complete cleanliness and order. The essence of this is the mentality of the locals. Koreans folded wrappers, wrappers and other debris in your pocket or bag, and throw them later in urns that can be found only at public transport stops. Therefore, to maintain order in the city - it is the duty of every citizen, and not the public services, as is the case with us.
In Seoul, as in any modern metropolis, a great variety of cars, 90% of which is a Kia or Hyundai. Indeed, if the cars produced on your country, high-quality and not expensive, then why maintain its manufacturer? It seems to me, so think most locals.
Koreans are very hardworking and constantly striving for knowledge. Higher education is expensive, and not every family can afford the education of children in the university. However, the university provides free parking, the number of which is limited. And to study free of charge, high school students are engaged 10 hours a day, and then go on elective courses, where they spend almost until midnight. Among students there is even a special saying: "If you sleep more than four hours a day, you then do not go to university." Received from the same only requires diligent study. Everything else provide universities that are located on campuses with absolutely everything that will be needed to the young man. In these universities have dormitories, several dining rooms and cafes, libraries and, of course, sports complexes, which include a stadium, swimming pools, gyms and more. Inside the hostel is more like a hotel with three stars.
In South Korea, it appreciates qualified, so the state is actively invited for an internship or working professionals from abroad. To this end, in many countries, including in Russia, are open free courses on Korean language, which are funded with the support of the South Korean government. But in South Korea it requires not only scientists or engineers. Most Koreans do not speak English, but would very much like to learn it. Therefore, all the conditions of the English is also designed for foreign teachers. For example, when a full day of employment a teacher can earn in Seoul to 6000 $ per month.
This makes South Korea the most open country for its guests. Here, any tourist will be comfortable because the order and friendly spirit imbued the entire Seoul. And in light of the fact that between Russia and South Korea the other day, signed an agreement on abolition of visas, the best time to visit Seoul to find. In addition, the all-time visit, we met with many people from different countries who were in Seoul as tourists, but as a business, build business bridges between the two countries as trainees at universities and so Further. And one day, we met a Czech, who came to South Korea to a year to gain experience of martial arts and open the appropriate school in his home country. Where all people have different goals, and Seoul does not prevent, but only contribute to their achievement.