How to become an expert: 5 Tips
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
Another interesting post on Zenhabits a very vital topic - how to quickly become an expert in several topics. That is, if in a simple way, how to sit a few chairs in the ass at the same time. The article was interesting and easy, so I just could not pass up.
The truth, as always, that the answers to the most difficult questions are clear and are right under our noses.
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Corbett Barr (Corbett Barr) - founder Expert EnoughWhose purpose is to help people to become experts in many directions at different levels.
For last month Corbett studied people who have become professionals in the field of launching new blogs. He interviewed experts in the field, just spending time with them, talking, trying to learn the secrets of rapid transformation from novice to pro, and got very interesting answers.
Somewhere in the depths of our subconscious, we understand that to become a good specialist in anything, you need to work hard. Shortcuts do not exist. But we still hope that in the world there are secrets to help you find the shortest way. But straight is not always the shortest way.
The good news is that there are no special secrets do not exist.
What you need to do in order to become a specialist? Stop seeking nonexistent secrets and start doing business!
Understand that the "Specialist" - a relative term
professional title - the concept is quite relative. You can look professional in the eyes of those who do not understand anything in the subject, if you are even slightly versed in it. And for professionals from around the world you are - beginner.
Likewise, you do not necessarily have a mountain of diplomas and certificates confirming your highest level for In order to solve the problems put before, regardless of their scale (from the smallest to the important).
Think of the expert on a scale of one to ten, and not as an absolute concept. If you are on this scale - three or four, then it can help the units or two. And your help could be much more effective than the tens of specialist. You do not have risen so high, and still remember what it is - to be a unit.
Combine theory and practice
There is a time for reading books and have time to practice. Sense of well-read, but never use this knowledge in practice, a "specialist" virtually none. To consolidate the reading always need real action not just on paper.
If you want to become a bodybuilder, one read only the books you muscles will not develop. If you are familiar with the special literature at least at the initial stage, you risk serious injury.
And books and actual practice - a balance. Very many people have a big advantage to either one side or the other.
In the same way as changing eating habits, concentration of attention can be a very useful ally in this difficult matter (especially in the beginning).
When you start to learn something new for yourself, you can simply wind up the amount of new information that will absorb. Because of this concern, rather than to focus all their attention on the current stage, you are nervous and all the time trying to look a step further. As a result, your attention is eroded, and opened the prospect could simply overload your brain.
Do not underestimate the importance of the ability to focus. Firstly, concentration helps you focus on the task that you are doing at the moment, and not be distracted by the rest of the stream of consciousness, which is almost never dries out (unless you are a master of meditation and are able to catch the moment of complete Silence). Secondly, the ability to focus helps you cut off all unnecessary and distracting from the main case. You know that according to the law of meanness at the crucial moment there is a lot to do, absolutely not related to your core purpose, but require your urgent personal intervention.
And here it is worth remembering about the four boards Leo Babauta:
1. Start small.
2. Make only one change at a time.
3. Enjoy the process itself works, and not just the result.
4. Be grateful for every step that you are able to do.
Ask for help to others
If you look at the experts, you will see that they are surrounded by trainers, mentors and friends who are also versed in this area.
Of course, to a certain point, you will be quite enough books and possibly the person who sends you. But the time will come and you will reach a point where the expert to assess your your inner environment is no longer enough, and you need the help of a large external world.
To assess your growth you need feedback, a sort of peculiar pingback from the outside world. And the correct interpretation of this response, in turn, will guide you and help you to become even better.
Do not be afraid to make mistakes
Fear can be mistaken to be the biggest obstacle in your way. Some people are easier to do do not begin to fall did not hurt. Many people know that the more you have to climb, the harder they will fall. And this fear stops us, makes no headway, and be blind to the tips and the chance that the world throws at every step.
Moreover, mistakes help us learn to give the necessary experience. The more mistakes you make, the more quickly learn to do the right thing. This is certainly not a direct call to turn off his head and do everything perfectly without thinking. But the fear to make a mistake should not stop you.
In the end, if this does not work, think about what in the world there are things much worse, and in comparison with them all your troubles do not pull even at zero on a scale.
It would seem that everything is simple and obvious again, but we, for some reason, forget about it. I have a suspicion that all this is because it is so simple. Because many in the head densely populated thought that such things must necessarily be complicated! After such great knowledge, and things can not be right under your nose just a default... It's a SECRET! And we begin to look for ways to bypass complex rather than just open the door.
Just imagine how much money is in our unbelief make the people writing books about the secrets of a successful business and an easy life;)