Moving and cleaning a septic tank: they are discussing on the Web which services are easier to pay for than to do it yourself
Miscellaneous / / August 04, 2023
A new interesting thread has appeared on Reddit. It was launched by a user named @LCKilgore, who asked: what services are easier to pay professionals for than trying to do it yourself? There were 4.5 thousand comments under the post - the most popular answers were chosen.
1. “Moving. After a certain age, the power of beer and food is no longer enough to move everything from one house to another.” inkedwaifu.
2. "Cleaning a septic tank in a private house" - Hugh_Biquitous.
3. “Any job that requires crawling under the house,” 3Gilligans.
4. “Cleaning. I rent an apartment and once a week or two I pay the landlord $50 for cleaning. Some friends tell me it's a waste of money, but I live in a cleaner apartment than they do and I don't have to set aside a whole day to clean." illustrated16.
5. "Haircut. I tried it once during the pandemic and found out it's better when someone else does it." Rizwan Islam.
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6. Pest control like insects and rodents SuvenPan.
7. "Car service. The era of garage mechanics is gone, there are too many electronics in cars now, ”- EnigmaCA.
8. Any serious electrical work Logical Wasabi7402.
9. "Children holidays. You're crazy if you want to watch 15 five-year-olds tear your house apart. See you at the trampoline park" Montani.
10. “Anything you can hire a person to do for less money than you earn yourself—unless you like doing it yourself.” Wonderful-Draw5719.
What would you add to this list? Write in the comments!
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