10 simple tips that will help clean up the mess in your garage or workshop
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Bringing order to the garage or workshop may just be a giant problem. But, in fact, it does should not be a problem, because it is the same position as any other place that you use and where to store any belongings. Answers to these questions will help you get organized:
- What are the things you use most often?
- Are there things that you do not use and you do not need?
- Can you group some of the things in the kit?
- Can you group the multi-functional things in a separate container?
So, in general, the idea is clear. On the same particulars will help to understand the advice given below.
Dialing panel
If you like to keep your tools in a vertical position (both in-store tools), then all you need - it's dial pad. Besides the fact that this method is convenient, it is also very cheap to implement. Plus, there are a lot of extras, the use of which provides a virtually endless organizational capabilities.
Holder for rolls of wire
If you have a lot of coils with wires, they can be hopelessly complicated and, moreover, scattered. A decision on their organization - is very simple: the holder for the coils, which you can buy or make yourself quickly (hour, wooden planks and wooden dowels).
The wires to the terminals are not confused help clothesline. Two large buttons stuck in the wall and stretch the rope between them. Done!
component boxes
True Friends of Electrical Engineers, component boxes are ideal for storing tiny electronic parts.
Organization of rubbish
Sometimes enter into the garage completely strange or unnecessary things, which is a pity to throw.
A very convenient way to have a few boxes of junk, for example, separately for wood, separately for metal, plastics and electronics.
About once revise accumulated and discard it in a year, you do not exactly come in handy.
Disassemble and throw
Many of us do not like to throw different stuff. But you can not throw away, and apart, leaving just the right! Organize what you want to keep and discard unnecessary.
Plastic boxes for food
They are durable, modular and free. Usually lie near the shops and they can be taken free of charge.
Remove the tools at the end of all the work in one iteration
Advice from those who have worked on the construction site: do not remove tools after completion of individual work. Remove the tools at the end of all the work during the day. This is due to the fact that at times you may need the same tools. Plus clean tools together faster than individually.
Storage of different tapes
Council of filmmaking. C take the rope loops at the ends are attached to the ends of the carabiner, carabiner hang on the wall. On this rope is convenient to collect all of your rolls with ribbons. Now they are readily available and will not be lying around everywhere.
easy access
Now produce a very convenient tool boxes, which is a sin not to take advantage. Their advantage is that you will take them directly to the site with the work quickly and take the necessary tools to quickly return to their place.
If you have secrets to restore or maintain order in the garage, share them in the comments.