Easy Timer - simple timer
Tips / / December 19, 2019
When you need to put a simple reminder about an event which must occur after a certain time (I always bring in As an example of cooking dumplings), then you will not run any complicated software, because the task is too trivial. However, due to its simplicity and it later turns out to cause burnt to the pan pelmeni. To avoid this, you can use a small portable programs Easy Timer.
This is a simple timer that will notify you of the event. The time that is left before the event, is set in minutes. After time will, Easy Timer will alert you with a sound (a set of two dozen sounds) or a text message. You can configure the program so that it will report on the event every five (adjustable) minutes if you missed it. You can even put it bother you as long as you do not turn off the timer. The program is minimized to tray, can hang on top of all windows. Installation does not require any system requirements.
Download Easy Timer: http://www.inspire-soft.net/?nav=soft_easytimer.
There was another similar program that I tested - Cook Timer.