What is a patchwork, and his master
Educational Program Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
What is a patchwork, and why they should do
Patchwork - is a technique of sewing things from scraps of fabric. Pieces of first combined in small blocks as different geometric shapes. Then of them sew blankets, pot holders, curtains, cushion chair, needle beds, rugs and more. Our grandmothers used this kind of needlework of the economy: so give a second life to old, worn clothes.
Anna Dieva
Textile designer, author blog about quilting.
Sew patchwork I started at 10 years old. Then I still poorly understood, what is it and what can be useful. But over time, needlework liked me more and more.
I love patchwork of diversity: a huge number of schemes, styles, techniques and fabrics - a wide scope for creativity. Even identical units always look different depending on the color combinations. Patchwork can make anything from a simple tack to the wall paintings. A patchwork helps me more to get rid of the routine and create coziness.
There are several reasons to do patchwork sewing:
- You save. Instead of buying decorative pillowcases on the pillows, doorway mats, towels or mugs coasters, you can make them yourself out of old things.
- Do you care about the environment. Spoiled clothes are transformed into decorative objects, rather than discarded.
- You create exclusive little things, which do not nobody else.
- You rest, relax and recharge in a good mood while sewing.
What are the tools and materials needed for patchwork
They can be bought in stores for needlework and creativity, as well as the order on the Internet. You will need:
- colored cloth;
- thread;
- sewing needle;
- mat to be cut;
- roller blade for cutting out;
- scissors;
- Sewing pins;
- pencil or chalk;
- measuring tape;
- line;
- iron;
- cardboard;
- thimble.
If you want to speed up the work, you need a sewing machine. But you can do without it.
How to master the sewing patchwork
1. Try to make a thing of a preset
In shops for needlework and creativity sell sets of chopped scraps of different shapes and sizes. For the first time to buy such preform. You will only need to sew the details. Cut and cut nothing. You will immediately see the result of their labors, so the interest in patchwork will not disappear after the first difficulties.
2. Start with squares
This is the simplest thing you can do from scraps of fabric. And they are sewn very easily. Complex geometric figures until later: they need a skill, because they connect with each other more difficult. Edge they often shift: one mistake - and will have to unpick the seam to fix.
3. Sew patterns
If you are going to sew a large product, first make a block pattern to check the accuracy of cutting, spot mistakes and errors. According to Anna Diev, it will save you time and energy, because the clear mistake in the large product difficult.
4. Use large flaps
The smaller pieces of fabric, the more seams have to do, because of which will increase and the number of errors. In addition, so you'll quickly get tired of sewing and probably throw the case in the middle. And if you will take large patches, the first thing will not take long.
5. Repeat the work of others
Anna Dieva advises newcomers at first not to pursue originality. It is much better to get hand, creating things for other people's lessons step by step. And with time at each master developed his own style. If you do not want to completely copy someone else's product, change the most simple - colored fabrics.
6. Learn how to combine colors
To do this you useful services such as ColorScheme.ru and DesignSeeds.com. On Web sites, you can choose a palette of shades that will be well combined with each other.
Anna Dieva, textile designerUnsuccessful color combination can ruin all the work.
How to make a simple patchwork unit without a sewing machine
This step will help to master the sewing patchwork. Pre-engineered, you easily make a pillowcase, pot holders, Stands for hot or something else.
Unit - a part of the future things. The easiest - square piece of fabric which is then ligated to the same parts and forms a web. More sophisticated options may be triangular, semi-circular, diamond-shaped or rectangular.
What you will need for one block
- The flap cloth 16 x 16 cm;
- roller blade;
- mat to be cut;
- line;
- pencil or chalk;
- spool of thread;
- sewing needle;
- filler - sintepon old blanket or a blanket;
- Sewing pins.
How to sew a block
1. The flap for the unit can be taken from a specific set of patchwork, which will be ready squares, or do it yourself with the help of a roller knife. Before cutting, be sure to put on the table mat to be cut: so you do not mess up the table and will be able to see how long receive the items. On rugs usually have markings.
2. Arm yourself with a ruler and a simple pencil or chalk. On the reverse side of a square mark seam allowances on each side a width of 1 cm. Fold in half the square, facing inward.
3. Thread the thread in the needle and tie a strong knot at the end. On the reverse side sew stitching two sides of the resulting rectangle as shown. Make small stitches, tightly pulling a thread. The last side is not yet touch. Will envelope.
4. Remove the envelope face outward. Thumbs, pull the sides of the envelopes as shown in the photo.
5. Priplyusnite arms upper and lower sides of the envelope so as to form diamond.
6. Take filler - unnecessary padding polyester or old blanket. Cut a square out of him roller blade on the size of the resulting envelope that is 14 x 14 cm - 1 centimeter because we left on the allowances. Insert the filler into the envelope. Hands gently straighten all the bumps.
7. Open edge diamond slightly bend inwards, so that they did not stick. Pin them with sewing pins from the ends and in the middle, then they do not bloom.
8. Take a needle, thread the string in it with the same or similar color as the flap. Insert the needle into the corner and tie a square knot. Begin staple wrapped edge stitching, not affecting the filler and removing the pins along the way, so as not to interfere. Try to do the stitches small and neat. The fabric can be put on the mat and hold your fingers - so the seam will even. At the end of the tie knot and tuck it into a corner of the product with a needle to thread do not hang around.
9. Square ready. Sew a few more of exactly the same, but from a different fabric colors. Then, just stay put them together to get a simple rug or mat on the chair. Watch the video to see the process of creating a billet and a few more ideas for simple blocks.
Several more workshops
Watch a short video to see how to properly cut the fabric to shreds.
Lesson easy stozhki on the sewing machine.
Examples of simple seamed blocks that fit even for beginners.
Lesson of patchwork, which will help you to make a simple pillow to cushion using a sewing machine.
See how to sew needle bed without a sewing machine.
Useful resources for patchwork
- Natrukodel.ru. Site about needlework, in "Patchwork" you will find step by step instructions and ideas for craft projects.
- Livemaster.ru. Paradise for handy people. A huge number of master classes, simple instructions, ideas and techniques of patchwork of different masters.
- Nacrestike.ru. Internet Journal of needlework. In the rubric of "Patchwork" is a step by step workshops on Quilt in different techniques.
- Homeli.ru. Lessons and useful articles about patchwork.
- I love patchwork. Here you will find workshops, ideas and secrets of patchwork, interviews with masters of patchwork.
- Patchwork ringtone. Light videolessons, detailed analysis blocks.
- My flap. Channel master classes and a description of tailoring different schemes patchwork.
- Academy patchwork. A lot of interesting copyright for Quilt lessons for beginners and advanced artists.
- mein Haus. Basics of patchwork and tricks for beginners, the idea blocks, workshops in sewing decor items.
- aurora Sew. Channel Videos for sewing on the sewing machine, a review of tools for patchwork and helpful tips.
- MyQuilt patchwork, quilting, sewing patchwork. A group of "VKontakte", where the public scheme patchwork, video tutorials, little tricks, tools, reviews, and sewing machines.
- LoskutBox - patchwork, Patchwork and Quilting. Another community "VKontakte". Here you can see the work of other participants, get new ideas, find interesting patterns and blocks for handicrafts.
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