A state of uncertainty: what causes it?
Tips Motivation / / December 19, 2019
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Uncertainty - it is the energy of life. Do not let it intimidate you, if it is not, life will flow very sad.
R.I. Fitzhenry
A state of uncertainty - the period of time when you're not sure how good is the result of planned enterprise you. Stay in this state strengthens the character, in fact, that uncertainty gives life meaning and taste. This is what makes our life interesting. Well, if you knew what to expect from life in its every moment, because it was very, very, very boring. Of course, there are areas of life where uncertainty is not welcome. For example, your coffee should have the taste to which you are accustomed to, the machine should be got in the morning and after a visit to the doctor it is desirable that your health was in good order, without all uncertainty.
You probably will feel the uncertainty, if you decide to start a business, start a family, buy a house or change their profession. But we need to move beyond this phase of uncertainty, in order to achieve something much more in my life.
Many people are so arranged that the changes they see something bad, when in fact in change there is nothing special. Classifying events, we do attach them negative or positive color. "Negative" events - those that take us out of the comfort zone.
But anyone who managed to make the dream a reality, will tell you that a miracle is happening just at the moment when you find yourself out of your comfort zone.
What also may result in the appearance of uncertainty in your life?
Uncertainty leads to great breakthroughs
Think about serious shifts and successes in your life. Surely in that moment, when you move to the goal, you are 100% confident in a good result?
Here is what Alice Finerman (alissa Finerman) - coach career, the author of the book "Living in Your Top 1%: Nine Essential Rituals to Achieve Your Ultimate Life Goals»:
"One of my clients quite successfully engaged catering in New York, but she wanted to achieve something else. She wanted something better for herself. She looked narrowly to other activities, and together we decided that she could make a career in the field of residential real estate. Everything told her that now is not the best time to break out of this market, however, she decided, and was adamant. She became a well-known broker in the company and became the Broker of the Year 2011 among the newcomers. This year it is already on the way to the chair head of the office, but most importantly - she loves her job! But to get all this, it was necessary to take a step into uncertainty. "
Uncertainty leads to increased levels of self-confidence
When you have successfully overcome the difficulties: you open a business, or losing weight, or changing profession, or start a new project - you prove yourself that you can do it!
Uncertainty pushes you out of your comfort zone, which is unpleasant, and you start working on the solution of problems, to return to the comfort. Overcoming challenges, you gain confidence in their abilities. Always remember about their victories, it will keep in you a sense of confidence.
Uncertainty leads to growth
After 25 years of success, Oprah Winfrey has closed his popular talk show. Few people would want to leave such an incredible success, to launch its own cable channel. Not everything is going so smoothly, but nevertheless small steps Channel OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) continues to grow and develop. Every employer, every successful person must go through a stage of uncertainty to continue to grow.
The truth is that the uncertainty - is the fuel that helps you to grow to its highest potential and achieve goals.
Change their attitude to uncertainty, adjust yourself to the fact that uncertainty leads to unique capabilities and increase your potential. This is one of the key moments of success - learn to relate to the state of uncertainty right. Such right (positive) attitude will help you to fully open to do the job brilliantly, and most importantly, do not be afraid regularly undergoing a transition in your life.