Diagram.ly - service to create charts
Tips Web Services / / December 19, 2019
When I saw the service diagram.ly, The first thought was, "Why did not I know about it before?". Sometimes it is necessary quickly distribute the chart, and affordable desktop programs were for it too complex and cumbersome. Diagram.ly - a convenient and simple service to create charts, graphs, simple drawings.
Here is the main page:
Web service interface diagram.ly more like a desktop program. On top of the usual toolbar: text editing, color lines and shading, etc. In the left pane - sets of figures. The screen mesh is marked by the usual, which is convenient for aligning objects.
Apart from the basic shapes (squares, ovals, arrows), there are special kits, "Computers", "Finance", "People". Very useful seemed to me a set of «Electrical», it contains schematic representations of capacitors, diodes, switches, etc.
Set «P & ID» for rendering schemes industrial pipelines and equipment. In addition to these useful things, here there is a curious set of «Signs»: commonly used in the schematic drawings signs. Below are a few screenshots, which you can see a partial kit.
The finished chart can be saved in one of the most common formats: XML, PNG, JPG, SVG, or immediately printed.