You probably have already seen that in new application "Notes" on iOS 9 can now draw. It extends the capabilities of the program and you can use it not only for text entries, but also for the sketches. In this article, we will analyze in detail the new feature.
Click the appropriate button in the "+" drop-down menu to switch to the drawing mode. Done! We can now go directly to the drawing.
Located at the bottom of the drawing tools and the palette. Let us examine each of them in order.
The first tool is similar to the capillary Handles with a relatively thin clear outline. He is best suited for drawing shapes with sharp edges.
The second tool - the usual marker. He has a wide loop and fuzzy contours, making it excellent for drawing objects that do not require detail, as well as for painting areas.
The third tool - pencil. On properties it is very similar to the most common pencil - clear and very thin lines. He is perfect for painting small objects for hatching and additional drawings.
ruler It helps you to draw perfect straight line with any tool. To change the position of the line, simply click on it and drag across the screen. Angle adjustable gesture "pinch".
about eraser talk is nothing special - it just removes fragments of sketches.
Palette It represented 22 colors, 8 of them - it's shades of gray from white to black. Another 6 - these are the basic colors like blue, red and green. Another 8 - shades of the primary colors. Unfortunately, the "Notes" can not create a palette in the same Paper (where she works as a real), but these colors will be enough for most users.
Top panel
On the left, next to the button "Finish", it is possible to move on to the different stages of creating a drawing using "forward" buttons and "back".
Right next to the menu "Share", there is a tool turning pattern that allows you to make sketches in both portrait and in landscape format.
Of course, called the drawing tool in the "Notes" can not be full-weight tool for serious problems. However, its capacity will be more than enough to create simple drawings, and that is exactly what, and ordinary people will enjoy.
We hope that our guide will help you understand the new features of the application. Successful pictures!