How to cope with fear of spiders, cockroaches and other muck
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Entomophobia, or fear of insects - the most common phobia in the world. Far from being meaningless, but it is very disturbing to live the fear. This article - a few simple and effective ways, if not completely get rid of the fear, or at least significantly reduce its manifestations.
Fear of insects, in fact, quite a useful tool. For thousands of years our ancestors, he watched over from the deadly bites and infestation. Now that the parasites in the cities are not the same, people fleeing in panic from the spiders, usually cause a smile. Although not prevent live most of the time such a fear, in the warmer months it can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes. Most often Entomophobia develops in childhood, for objective reasons, or far-fetched:
- the sad experience of meeting with the biting insects (painful bites or severe allergic reaction);
- ignorance about the real danger of insects;
- unpleasant associations with insects, if a child you become an unwitting witness to some nasty scenes with their participation;
- improper behavior of parents (if the child as a child frightened by tales about Cockroach or the parents were afraid of insects).
If the fear of insects greatly affects your life, it would be wise to turn to a psychologist: trying to cope with the phobia can drag on for years and lead to the opposite result. The signs of a phobia include the following points:
- meeting with the insect makes you strong agitation, dizziness, sweating, inadequate reactions;
- at a meeting with the insect you are experiencing a panic, try to leave the room or hide;
- you wear closed clothes and treat your home repellents, "just in case", avoid open windows or go out, give up outdoor recreation.
If you are sure that everything is not so bad and we are determined to get rid of your fear, let's do it together. Winter - the best time, will have time to prepare for the first flies. It is first necessary theoretical training.
- If in the past you or your family members have been cases of very severe allergic reaction to the bites, do not be lazy visit an allergist to find out which drugs should be in your home medicine cabinet, and the villa, and how they should be use. This information shall possess all the family members. In this case, your fear is justified, but do not be afraid to fly, if you are allergic to bees. Decide on the range of potentially dangerous contacts and learn how to protect yourself from them.
- Try to remember a time when you started to fear insects. Well digging in my childhood, I remembered that I could spend hours watching insects, catching butterflies in a jar, colored beetles and grasshoppers, to release the flies from the web, and screamed and ran away at the sight of a cockroach, which generally feared everything. But once in a children's camp, seizing a particularly large and beautiful grasshopper, I discovered that he rode away from me, leaving in the hand only jerk foot. Then me numb with horror, said that the locusts (and this was it!) And throw grasshoppers legs like a lizard - the tail, but nothing could calm me: how can you escape without legs?! And without a tail is not necessary that abomination! So suddenly sunny summer day, I was filled again hostility to all insects. I remember it was very helpful, even at this stage, if the attitude is not to insects, at least to his fear was different: I realized how much it is unfounded.
- Explore the insects, which you fear most: Find out what they eat as breed, Whether a person is attacked and in which cases, how dangerous these attacks, how can they to avoid. It is likely that you will be surprised to know how harmless insects that you may come across in everyday life.
- Try to find something nice and beautiful insects. Now, reading these lines, you think that this is impossible. I thought so too, until Google threw me a tiny spider dancing peacock. Try to find at least an insect pleasant color you need is to start somewhere! Regularly examine pictures, it is desirable, of course, start with the prettiest specimens. When they no longer cause fear, ask other species. If not immediately, but you will definitely get rid of disgust. If every day to look at the rainbow Fly's eyes, someday you will become to them at least indifferent.
- Imagine the most terrible consequences of your meeting with the insect. What exactly are you afraid of? What will happen to you if your fears are justified? Should we be afraid of? Calculate all the consequences of unwanted options and model their actions. For example, I am afraid of spiders. Most of all I am afraid that when I drive out the spider from their homes, he jumps on my hand. That in this terrible? He will run his paws on my hand, it will be difficult to shake off, I accidentally crush it and get dirty. Stop. And what's wrong? Well, nothing. In total some 15-20 times, swearing, lather your hands under hot water - and then I was fine. :)
The following paragraphs refer to a direct meeting with the insect. Of course, it is better to have these meetings always took place in the presence of a person with whom you feel confident, but we will act according to circumstances.
Do not run away from your fear
At a meeting with harmless insects (assuming you still bother to find out who is really dangerous for you) try to relax, breathe deeply, smile possible. You may feel that your fear will increase indefinitely, but it is not. Anxiety, growing rapidly in the absence of actual damage to the body very quickly goes on the wane. you will begin to calm down just a couple of minutes. What happens next depends on how you are calm and confident.
Pre-set itself the goal
Plan your actions when dealing with insects in the order from the simple to the most complex. For example, would you like to be able to self-deport unwanted insects outside the apartment. What are your goals for the next couple of months may look like this:
- in the same room with an insect 2-3 minutes;
- approach it at a distance of 2-3 meters;
- observe the insects from a distance of 1 meter a minute;
- cover with insect jar (here you can start with a bucket stuck on two-meter stick - the main thing that you were relatively comfortable);
- move the insect, covered with a jar on a dense sheet of paper and throw it out the window.
Get together and make
Proceed despite your fear. Just take a slipper and show who's boss. Or take to the bank, a newspaper and evict your enemy. Or stretch out and take the spider. Many thoughts do not make you more confident, sometimes you just need to act. You are stronger than you think, just believe in yourself.
Think how much better you will feel, no longer flinch from any buzz behind. Does not justify your own, get rid of it!