continuing the topic of non-standard design workspace OS XYou can pay attention to Mission Control: if you are using two or more so-called space, they can be placed specially prepared panoramic image. If you have finished the picture at all about all will take a few minutes.
The procedure of preparation pan for OS X spaces can be broken down into three easy steps: search and download images, its cutting and installation.
1. Google to help us
To find a suitable pan through Google Images service, the easiest way to specify the exact size of the original image. You can use the elementary formula: (N ∙ W) × H, where N - number of desktops that are available on your Mac, W and H - Parameters screen resolution (width and height in pixels).
Suppose your screen resolution - 1920 × 1200, and desktops - three. Then you need to look for the wallpaper size of 5760 × 1200 pixels. Keyword choose at its discretion: wall, wallpaper, panorama, photo - Interesting panoramic images can "float" on any search query.
Selecting the list of results, the most favorite picture, download it to your Mac.
2. Cutting accurately to fit the screen
When the image is saved on your computer, open it in the application "Preview» (Preview). keys command+— zoom out the display image so that the round was at least a small empty space - it will be easier to throw on the left on the picture rectangular selection. Follow floating allocation size indicator to stop at the level of approximately 1920 × 1200 (screen size). It does not matter if you can not set the size of allocation exactly the size of the screen - you can magnify the image and move the marker to the correct side. However, it is important that the allocation size was clearly equal to the size of the screen.
Now press the key command+XTo cut the selected fragment of the picture ( "View" at the same time offer to convert the file to PNG-format - give their consent). pressing command+N, You create a new image file, which is inserted just once carved fragment panorama. Save this picture, for example, under the name hongkong_left (Format - at your discretion).
Returning to the original file, select the second fragment of 1920 × 1200 dots being careful to not left in the selection hit a void (if necessary increase the display scale in order to more precisely control the location and size of the rectangular selection). Repeat with a new selected item with the same operation of cutting and pasting, setting the second file name hongkong_middle.
The remaining third of the panorama is treated exactly in the same manner, by asking her name hongkong_right. As a result, you get three equal-sized part of the overall panoramic photography.
3. installation help
It remained the most simple. Through Mission Control, go to the first desktop and click the right mouse button: in the context menu, select Change your desktop background (Change Desktop Background). drag the file hongkong_left to view the current wallpaper - and the picture will immediately appear on the desktop.
Turning to the second desktop, do the same with the file hongkong_middleAnd the third - with the file hongkong_right. As a result, you should get a working space, fully covered once the whole panorama:
Now when you move from table to table, if you will move along a single panoramic image. Of course, provided that a Mission Control parameters will be disabled parameter Automatically use the last location of spaces (Automatically rearrange spaces based on most recent use).