If you want, call it life hacking. Based on personal experience, it can be useful for users Magic Mouse mouse, which are characterized by a low "profile" and quite whimsical plastic "skid".
At first, when I got a "magic Myshak" I did not use the mat. But it was very presumptuous: a week of work "sled" my mouse badly clogged, and if I forget time wipe the device, then in some places there were more stubborn dirt that had to rub lightly with a cotton dipped in alcohol swab. In addition, the mouse rustled noticeably when driving on the rough surface of the table, which was especially uncomfortable late in the evening (after all, you do not want to wake the household at the time of slaughter fussy in any shooter :)). Therefore, the need to purchase an appropriate ripened mat itself.
After some searching and analyzing the collected information drew image suitable embodiment. Mat should be fabric, but with rubber basis - without any silicone pads wrist (with the Magic Mouse, referring to the small height of the manipulator, they absolutely do not fit). Rubber mat will not slide on the table, and the fabric "tip" will ensure a smooth and silent movement of the mouse. In this case, the constant "rubbing" mouse "slide" on the fabric mat will allow to keep the device in good condition: the rub damp cloth once a week - more action on the machine during the cleaning of the workplace, rather than really necessary procedure.
Cleaning is really necessary to spend for regular carpet. However, there is a little trick. Buy a small brush to care for fabrics and woolen goods - which has a very short pile and is directed in a certain direction. After spending a brush on the mat three to five times, you remove all of the dust which has had time to settle down on him in the last day. Wash with soap and water (or rather rubbing lightly soaped damp cloth) is recommended, perhaps once a month or two - to remove tissue fat and sweat, worn with leather wrist.
Personally, I turned up gaming mat SteelSeries - bought, judging that this will last me longer. For half a year no complaints. How it will go on - let's see, while I was happy with purchase: a thin, tough, easy to clean, and the mouse on it glides perfectly, and I have not seen it on any noticeable dirt.
If you have your own advice as an experienced "myshevoda" - share your experiences in the comments. :)